Update: Clinton’s e-mail is on a hosted Exchange 2010 server, not in Chappaqua


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
It has been stated publicly many times that Mrs. Bill Clinton used a private email server based in her Chappaqua house instead of a secure government server. Information about what is on it now shows it running Outlook from a Microsoft Exchange 2010 server.
This article provides more technical details concerning the account and what some of its vulnerabilities appear to be...

Update Clinton s e-mail is on a hosted Exchange 2010 server not in Chappaqua Ars Technica

Death by a thousand leaks. Obama and Valerie Jarrett are slowly sinking Hillary and will be replacing her with Pocahontas.
Wow, she lied again.... But at least her "security" on the server wasn't a bunch of Secret Service agents whose idea of security would be to "post the property " (undoubtedly with "Will Work for Beer" signs).:badgrin:

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