Unpatriotic Dems In Virginia Erases Confederate Holiday


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Virginia eliminates holiday celebrating two Confederate generals

Dems in Virginia show their hatred for the constitution and the patriotic spirit of America by once again attacking the Confederacy...This time they do it not be taking down a statue, or changing a state flag, they do it by eliminating perhaps the greatest American holiday aside from Independence Day and American Jesus' birthday....and that is....Confederate Day...

"The Virginia House passed a bill that would eliminate a holiday celebrating two Confederate leaders and instead make Election Day a state holiday. Lee-Jackson Day honored Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson...Now, Virginia will no longer observe Lee-Jackson Day as a state holiday, but they won't be one holiday short. Election day, which takes place nationwide on the first Tuesday in November, will become a state holiday, WTVR reports."

WTF?? A holiday for elections?? Once again, the party of slavery shows its ugly face..First you dems lost the Civil War and you lost your slaves...and even today, you Dems are losing more slaves (As in blacks) -- since they are leaving the Democrat plantation and voting for Trump.....and when blacks find out about Confederate Day being eliminated for Election Day -- I anticipate even more of them will be outraged and join the republican party in protest...

So now out of desperation, you want to dishonor the legacy of the 2 greatest abolitionist Democrats ever by doing something like this? Just to make it easier for more people (and by more people, I mean illegals and muslims) to vote in future elections by making election day a freaking holiday??

Remember this face....this is the America hating black racist that crafted this bill...State Senator Louise Lucas......This is the proof that the Democrat party, the party of slavery, the party against American values continues to attack and erase the very thing that made America great -- the Confederacy...
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Virginia eliminates holiday celebrating two Confederate generals

Dems in Virginia show their hatred for the constitution and the patriotic spirit of America by once again attacking the Confederacy...This time they do it not be taking down a statue, or changing a state flag, they do it by eliminating perhaps the greatest American holiday aside from Independence Day and American Jesus' birthday....and that is....Confederate Day...

"The Virginia House passed a bill that would eliminate a holiday celebrating two Confederate leaders and instead make Election Day a state holiday. Lee-Jackson Day honored Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson...Now, Virginia will no longer observe Lee-Jackson Day as a state holiday, but they won't be one holiday short. Election day, which takes place nationwide on the first Tuesday in November, will become a state holiday, WTVR reports."

WTF?? A holiday for elections?? Once again, the party of slavery shows its ugly face..First you dems lost the Civil War and you lost your slaves...and even today, even are losing more slaves (As in blacks) -- since they are leaving the Democrat plantation and voting for Trump.....and when blacks find out about Confederate Day being eliminated for Election Day -- I anticipate even more of them will be outraged and join the republican party in protest...

So now out of desperation, you want to dishonor the legacy of the 2 greatest abolitionist Democrats ever by doing something like this? Just to make it easier for more people (and by more people, I mean illegals and muslims) to vote in future elections by making election day a freaking holiday??

Remember this face....this is the America hating black racist that crafted this bill...State Senator Louise Lucas......This is the proof that the Democrat party, the party of slavery, the party against American values continues to attack and erase the very thing that made America great -- the Confederacy...
View attachment 305328

Some of the Virginia counties are considering joining West Virginia. I hope they'll pursue that option soon.
And yet --- I just had a wag ( 2aguy ) try to tell me "the Democrats started the Civil War and fought the Republicans".

You'd like to say it was war between north and south, but in reality, it was war between Republicans and Democrats.

That's correct
All slaveholders were Democratics
Even in the south, no Republicans owned slaves
Virginia eliminates holiday celebrating two Confederate generals

Dems in Virginia show their hatred for the constitution and the patriotic spirit of America by once again attacking the Confederacy...This time they do it not be taking down a statue, or changing a state flag, they do it by eliminating perhaps the greatest American holiday aside from Independence Day and American Jesus' birthday....and that is....Confederate Day...

"The Virginia House passed a bill that would eliminate a holiday celebrating two Confederate leaders and instead make Election Day a state holiday. Lee-Jackson Day honored Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson...Now, Virginia will no longer observe Lee-Jackson Day as a state holiday, but they won't be one holiday short. Election day, which takes place nationwide on the first Tuesday in November, will become a state holiday, WTVR reports."

WTF?? A holiday for elections?? Once again, the party of slavery shows its ugly face..First you dems lost the Civil War and you lost your slaves...and even today, even are losing more slaves (As in blacks) -- since they are leaving the Democrat plantation and voting for Trump.....and when blacks find out about Confederate Day being eliminated for Election Day -- I anticipate even more of them will be outraged and join the republican party in protest...

So now out of desperation, you want to dishonor the legacy of the 2 greatest abolitionist Democrats ever by doing something like this? Just to make it easier for more people (and by more people, I mean illegals and muslims) to vote in future elections by making election day a freaking holiday??

Remember this face....this is the America hating black racist that crafted this bill...State Senator Louise Lucas......This is the proof that the Democrat party, the party of slavery, the party against American values continues to attack and erase the very thing that made America great -- the Confederacy...
View attachment 305328

Still not good at this ole buffy boy.
And yet --- I just had a wag ( 2aguy ) try to tell me "the Democrats started the Civil War and fought the Republicans".

You'd like to say it was war between north and south, but in reality, it was war between Republicans and Democrats.

Might want to essplain the War Democrats then.

Might want to essplain Lincoln's running mate too.
And yet --- I just had a wag ( 2aguy ) try to tell me "the Democrats started the Civil War and fought the Republicans".

You'd like to say it was war between north and south, but in reality, it was war between Republicans and Democrats.

That's correct
All slaveholders were Democratics
Even in the south, no Republicans owned slaves

Probably true, since the Repulicans didn't organize, or even run a POTUS candidate, in the South until 1868. And that year's candidate, Grant, had been a slaveholder but was not in the South, so I'll give you that.

But as to the first part, nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. Nobody holding (or trading/selling) slaves ever needed a political party. And that (both) was going on for three hundred years before "Democratics" existed, or any other political party. Which in turn means that the overwheliming majority of slave owners/traders had no political party at all. Nor did they need one.
Virginia eliminates holiday celebrating two Confederate generals

Dems in Virginia show their hatred for the constitution and the patriotic spirit of America by once again attacking the Confederacy...This time they do it not be taking down a statue, or changing a state flag, they do it by eliminating perhaps the greatest American holiday aside from Independence Day and American Jesus' birthday....and that is....Confederate Day...

"The Virginia House passed a bill that would eliminate a holiday celebrating two Confederate leaders and instead make Election Day a state holiday. Lee-Jackson Day honored Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson...Now, Virginia will no longer observe Lee-Jackson Day as a state holiday, but they won't be one holiday short. Election day, which takes place nationwide on the first Tuesday in November, will become a state holiday, WTVR reports."

WTF?? A holiday for elections?? Once again, the party of slavery shows its ugly face..First you dems lost the Civil War and you lost your slaves...and even today, even are losing more slaves (As in blacks) -- since they are leaving the Democrat plantation and voting for Trump.....and when blacks find out about Confederate Day being eliminated for Election Day -- I anticipate even more of them will be outraged and join the republican party in protest...

So now out of desperation, you want to dishonor the legacy of the 2 greatest abolitionist Democrats ever by doing something like this? Just to make it easier for more people (and by more people, I mean illegals and muslims) to vote in future elections by making election day a freaking holiday??

Remember this face....this is the America hating black racist that crafted this bill...State Senator Louise Lucas......This is the proof that the Democrat party, the party of slavery, the party against American values continues to attack and erase the very thing that made America great -- the Confederacy...
View attachment 305328

Well history is wacist an non inclusive..it has to be erased


Mayor pete can heal the nations wounds inflicted upon it by the white man and heal our reputation on the world stage ..drumphf ruined it
And yet --- I just had a wag ( 2aguy ) try to tell me "the Democrats started the Civil War and fought the Republicans".

Lincoln was the first Republican President and the South left the Union because of him and at the time the South was diehard Democrats until LBJ purged the Dixiecrat from the Democratic Party...

Of course you believe the North and South War was a Civil War and about Slavery when it was never Lincoln intention to free the Slaves in those Southern States but because the Confederate insurrection he dealt them the harshest punishment he could give them.

As for doing away with those Holidays, who cares?

It is their State and if the voter agree then so be it...

My bet is if the voter vote to reinstate those Holidays you will cry about it and demand a Federal Law to stop it...
And yet --- I just had a wag ( 2aguy ) try to tell me "the Democrats started the Civil War and fought the Republicans".

Lincoln was the first Republican President and the South left the Union because of him and at the time the South was diehard Democrats until LBJ purged the Dixiecrat from the Democratic Party...

Uhh nnnnno. The South wasn't "diehard Democrat" until after the Civil War. Goddam linear time.

I do like the image of "purged the Dixiecrat from the party" though. That's an accurate way to put it.

Of course you believe the North and South War was a Civil War and about Slavery when it was never Lincoln intention to free the Slaves in those Southern States but because the Confederate insurrection he dealt them the harshest punishment he could give them.

As for doing away with those Holidays, who cares?

It is their State and if the voter agree then so be it...

My bet is if the voter vote to reinstate those Holidays you will cry about it and demand a Federal Law to stop it...

That's entertaining and stuff but I brought up none of it.
And yet --- I just had a wag ( 2aguy ) try to tell me "the Democrats started the Civil War and fought the Republicans".

You'd like to say it was war between north and south, but in reality, it was war between Republicans and Democrats.

Might want to essplain the War Democrats then.

Might want to essplain Lincoln's running mate too.

You should read your history books then and realize Lincoln wanted a Democrat to bring the nation back together but let be clear Johnson was Lincoln second VP and not the VP during the North and South war...
And yet --- I just had a wag ( 2aguy ) try to tell me "the Democrats started the Civil War and fought the Republicans".

Lincoln was the first Republican President and the South left the Union because of him and at the time the South was diehard Democrats until LBJ purged the Dixiecrat from the Democratic Party...

Uhh nnnnno. The South wasn't "diehard Democrat" until after the Civil War. Goddam linear time.

I do like the image of "purged the Dixiecrat from the party" though. That's an accurate way to put it.

Of course you believe the North and South War was a Civil War and about Slavery when it was never Lincoln intention to free the Slaves in those Southern States but because the Confederate insurrection he dealt them the harshest punishment he could give them.

As for doing away with those Holidays, who cares?

It is their State and if the voter agree then so be it...

My bet is if the voter vote to reinstate those Holidays you will cry about it and demand a Federal Law to stop it...

That's entertaining and stuff but I brought up none of it.

Well your ignorant ass mentioned Lincoln VP in another response while not mentioning during the first term Johnson was not Lincoln VP and only became Lincoln VP for the second term and try to say I am lying you worthless hack!
And yet --- I just had a wag ( 2aguy ) try to tell me "the Democrats started the Civil War and fought the Republicans".

You'd like to say it was war between north and south, but in reality, it was war between Republicans and Democrats.

Might want to essplain the War Democrats then.

Might want to essplain Lincoln's running mate too.

You should read your history books then and realize Lincoln wanted a Democrat to bring the nation back together but let be clear Johnson was Lincoln second VP and not the VP during the North and South war...

Correct. I don't need to re-read all that, I already know.

It all serves to undermine the previous poster's fantasy that, quote, "it was war between Republicans and Democrats". Had that been the case the Republican could not have taken one of the "enemy" for his running mate. Nor does it explain the War Democrats who lived in, and fought for, the North. What kind of army recruits from the "enemy"?
And yet --- I just had a wag ( 2aguy ) try to tell me "the Democrats started the Civil War and fought the Republicans".

Lincoln was the first Republican President and the South left the Union because of him and at the time the South was diehard Democrats until LBJ purged the Dixiecrat from the Democratic Party...

Uhh nnnnno. The South wasn't "diehard Democrat" until after the Civil War. Goddam linear time.

I do like the image of "purged the Dixiecrat from the party" though. That's an accurate way to put it.

Of course you believe the North and South War was a Civil War and about Slavery when it was never Lincoln intention to free the Slaves in those Southern States but because the Confederate insurrection he dealt them the harshest punishment he could give them.

As for doing away with those Holidays, who cares?

It is their State and if the voter agree then so be it...

My bet is if the voter vote to reinstate those Holidays you will cry about it and demand a Federal Law to stop it...

That's entertaining and stuff but I brought up none of it.

Also the damn south was Democrat and your political party was diehard genocidal racists!

Want proof?

Andrew Jackson!
The confederate army was by far the most diverse art in the world at that time.. it’s because southern democrat kkk members would bring the flag to to events it got a bad name..
And yet --- I just had a wag ( 2aguy ) try to tell me "the Democrats started the Civil War and fought the Republicans".

You'd like to say it was war between north and south, but in reality, it was war between Republicans and Democrats.

Might want to essplain the War Democrats then.

Might want to essplain Lincoln's running mate too.

You should read your history books then and realize Lincoln wanted a Democrat to bring the nation back together but let be clear Johnson was Lincoln second VP and not the VP during the North and South war...

Correct. I don't need to re-read all that, I already know.

It all serves to undermine the previous poster's fantasy that, quote, "it was war between Republicans and Democrats". Had that been the case the Republican could not have taken one of the "enemy" for his running mate. Nor does it explain the War Democrats who lived in, and fought for, the North. What kind of army recruits from the "enemy"?

Bullshit liar!

The South was Diehard Democrat and you know this!

Also you had to look it up to see if I was correct and Lincoln did not actually run as a Republican during his second term!
And yet --- I just had a wag ( 2aguy ) try to tell me "the Democrats started the Civil War and fought the Republicans".

Lincoln was the first Republican President and the South left the Union because of him and at the time the South was diehard Democrats until LBJ purged the Dixiecrat from the Democratic Party...

Uhh nnnnno. The South wasn't "diehard Democrat" until after the Civil War. Goddam linear time.

I do like the image of "purged the Dixiecrat from the party" though. That's an accurate way to put it.

Of course you believe the North and South War was a Civil War and about Slavery when it was never Lincoln intention to free the Slaves in those Southern States but because the Confederate insurrection he dealt them the harshest punishment he could give them.

As for doing away with those Holidays, who cares?

It is their State and if the voter agree then so be it...

My bet is if the voter vote to reinstate those Holidays you will cry about it and demand a Federal Law to stop it...

That's entertaining and stuff but I brought up none of it.

Well your ignorant ass mentioned Lincoln VP in another response while not mentioning during the first term Johnson was not Lincoln VP and only became Lincoln VP for the second term and try to say I am lying you worthless hack!

Correct again, Johnson was not Lincoln's VP in his first term. I believe he was the military governor in Tennessee, where he had spoken passionately against the idea of secession, and his constituency btw agreed with him, to the tune of 95%.

Again, yet another example of "it was war between Republicans and Democrats" being blind pig-ignorance.

I didn't say you were "lying" --- I corrected you about the timeline of the "Solid South". That had not yet occurred.
Prove me wrong.

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