Unlocking Our Inner Neanderthal


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
For the late Senator Teddy Kennedy (D-MA), the Liberal Lion of the Senate, for whom cost was no object, it wasn't necessay to engage in any costly and tedious DNA sequencing to determine who was Neanderthal and who was not, the Neanderthals were all located on the other side of the aisle from him.
It now seems quite plausible that with the proper cloning techniques man will soon be able to reproduce a living breathing almost genetically complete Neanderthal for study, quite like Dolly the cloned sheep.
As an aside, Man and the chimpanzee are inter breedable, so if your gardener should one day show up and a new member of the crew presents with knuckles dragging on the ground.........

Ain't science wonderful?

Daily Exchange
If a Neandertal fell out of a tree in the forest, would he make a sound?

And where did all the female Neandertals go anyway?
Modern science acknowleges that so-called "neanderthal" people existed along side humans. I recall an episode on one of the science cable shows concerning an archeological site of the remains of a neanderthal/human child. It's pretty certain that neanderthals bred with humans although judging by their looks the interaction was probably in the form of rape. Neanderthals were named for the Neandertal area in modern Germany in central Europe so us European descendents might carry the genes today. Imagine those neanderthals sneaking over to France and seeing those pretty French girls. It answers a lot of questions about the French. Just kidding.
Modern science acknowleges that so-called "neanderthal" people existed along side humans. I recall an episode on one of the science cable shows concerning an archeological site of the remains of a neanderthal/human child. It's pretty certain that neanderthals bred with humans although judging by their looks the interaction was probably in the form of rape. Neanderthals were named for the Neandertal area in modern Germany in central Europe so us European descendents might carry the genes today. Imagine those neanderthals sneaking over to France and seeing those pretty French girls. It answers a lot of questions about the French. Just kidding.

As far as their means of dissappearance from the list of living hominid species, there are two possible ways; they can be inundated numerically with newer arrivals ie, the Islamic immigrations into todays European nations, London often being referred to today as Londonistan, or the totally German way, a few rocks, a heavy club or two, an Aechulian hand axe hafted onto a solid piece of hardwood. Honey, what's for dinner?
Its comforting to know that a few survived, not all being exterminated, 'toute de suite' upon the modern humans contact with them. But then again, viruses like measles, mumps or chicken pox don't leave much in the way of a fossil record either.

We can't re create them with only 55 per cent of their DNA available and I don't think filling in the missing pieces with some frog DNA, or some other more acceptable species, will work either.
"Archaeologists in Spain have unearthed the remains of a possible family of 12 Neanderthals who were killed 49,000 years ago.

Markings on the bones show the unmistakeable signs of cannibal activity, say the researchers, with the group having probably been killed by their peers.

The remains were found in a cave in the Asturias region of Northern Spain. Details of the find appear in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Although the highly fragmented bones of six adults and six children were found in a cave, it is thought they probably lived and died on the surface before the ground collapsed beneath them naturally after their death.

Their end was a bloody one, with distinct markings on the bones showing they fell victim to cannibalism.

"They all show signs of cannibalism. They have cut marks on many bones including skulls and mandibles," said Professor Carles Lalueza-Fox of Barcelona's Institute of Evolutionary Biology, who lead the research."

BBC News - Neanderthal family found cannibalised in cave in Spain

(Nothing wasted but the squeal)
According to Zecharia Sitchin the Annunaki genetically engineered modern humans from Neanderthals.
For the late Senator Teddy Kennedy (D-MA), the Liberal Lion of the Senate, for whom cost was no object, it wasn't necessay to engage in any costly and tedious DNA sequencing to determine who was Neanderthal and who was not, the Neanderthals were all located on the other side of the aisle from him.
It now seems quite plausible that with the proper cloning techniques man will soon be able to reproduce a living breathing almost genetically complete Neanderthal for study, quite like Dolly the cloned sheep.
As an aside, Man and the chimpanzee are inter breedable, so if your gardener should one day show up and a new member of the crew presents with knuckles dragging on the ground.........

Ain't science wonderful?

Daily Exchange

Bitterliclingin, I believe the Neanderthals and Denisovans are the result of scientific experiments. And FYI: Mass cloning dates back to the 1940s - my emphais, and we indeed have various human hybrids. Check-out "Cousins" by Dunbar and Barrett to see some human-animal and animall-animal hybrids.

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