What is going on? Enough of this political correctness and rules of engagement towards radical Islam. In Baghdad or the Anbar province the plan should be to leaflet the area with a 24 hour to vacate or die. If you are supporting the terrorist in any way, you die. Keep U.S. ground forces back until the area has been bomb to powder and sand. In the area of the U.S. Navy's reach, there should be a blockade on all shipments coming and leaving to the region. In Afghanistan the same can be said for political correctness. If the U.S. has acquired a target with it drones carrying hellfire missiles and the target at the time is a bunch of "ARMED" terrorist at a funeral, I say launch, destroy and repeat. Some may cry foul and invoke the Geneva Convention rules of engagement or the treatment of prisoners in a time of war. Besides the United States of America, who is really following the rules of the Geneva Convention? Or for that matter the U.N. and its continue failure to bring peace to the planet. Enough is enough! The U.S. needs to pull out of all these ridicules charters and treaties and secure its own sovereignty and security with unlimited force of actions. The political climate in the States is another internal war of its own. Many politicians are concerned with their own power and wealth and can care less about the men and women in the Armed Forces of the United States and the war on Radical Islam. Then you have some Americans who are so distracted by their love of sports, work and money, the pop culture, the entertainment outlets, and any other eye and ear candy that can blind them to the truth of a dying nation at hand. Where is the leadership of a true Patriot? That puts his or her needs aside for the goods of others. The men and women who fought in WW2 understood sacrifice and putting others needs before their own. This current generation which I will call the "ME" generation thinks only of itself and is not concern with others needs even after 911 WTC attacks. So what is are Armed Forces to do? Currently they have been ask to fight an enemy with both hands tied behind their back. Is that really fair to them? How about the C.I.A. and the F.B.I. and the ice cream and cake approach to interrogating terrorist. How in the hell are they gonna gather intel with that approach? People you are seeing the slow death of the West and all its cultures. It will not be a standing army that defeats the West. It will come from its own people and their lack of judgment and decisiveness on an enemy bent on controlling the world with its ideology,religion and culture.