Universal background checks... really?


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2015
Progressives want Background checks on all private sales. Why? Who pays for that? Paying for an right?
That is definitely unconstitutional and absolutely ridiculous.

Any type of waiting period on an right? I don’t think so, definitely unconstitutional and absolutely ridiculous.
No one should have to wait more than seconds to purchase their firearms.

Obviously universal background checks I have nothing to do with firearms… Like always... it’s always been about control.
The fucking spineless gun grabbers can pound sand... lol
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Fortunately after a week or so sometimes less, progressives quit lighting their hair on fire about these shootings.
But the drum beat goes on for frivolous gun control laws...

But the last two shooters in Texas were absolutely no different than these shit stains...

Mass shooting is color blind... Both with the shooter and the ones being shot apparently. Lol
Progressives want Background checks on all private sales. Why? Who pays for that? Paying for an right?
That is definitely unconstitutional and absolutely ridiculous.

Any type of waiting period on an right? I don’t think so, definitely unconstitutional and absolutely ridiculous.
No one should have to wait more than seconds to purchase their firearms.

Obviously universal background checks I have nothing to do with firearms… Like always... it’s always been about control.
The fucking spineless gun grabbers can pound sand... lol
No, you're right. Background checks won't do the trick. Ban and confiscate assault rifles and mags over 10 rounds. Insist on safety courses and licensing, including a clean mental health evaluation, every five years, for any gun. Clean up the NICS data base so it actually contains the information needed to make an informed decision on a potential buyer's appropriateness for a gun.
Americans are stupid mental cases.
Progressives want Background checks on all private sales. Why? Who pays for that? Paying for an right?
That is definitely unconstitutional and absolutely ridiculous.

Any type of waiting period on an right? I don’t think so, definitely unconstitutional and absolutely ridiculous.
No one should have to wait more than seconds to purchase their firearms.

Obviously universal background checks I have nothing to do with firearms… Like always... it’s always been about control.
The fucking spineless gun grabbers can pound sand... lol
No, you're right. Background checks won't do the trick. Ban and confiscate assault rifles and mags over 10 rounds. Insist on safety courses and licensing, including a clean mental health evaluation, every five years, for any gun. Clean up the NICS data base so it actually contains the information needed to make an informed decision on a potential buyer's appropriateness for a gun.
Americans are stupid mental cases.
Whats the matter? Those 90 pound tough women you see on TV and the movies not stopping these crimes? It is only going to get worse
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Progressives want Background checks on all private sales. Why? Who pays for that? Paying for an right?
That is definitely unconstitutional and absolutely ridiculous.

Any type of waiting period on an right? I don’t think so, definitely unconstitutional and absolutely ridiculous.
No one should have to wait more than seconds to purchase their firearms.

Obviously universal background checks I have nothing to do with firearms… Like always... it’s always been about control.
The fucking spineless gun grabbers can pound sand... lol
No, you're right. Background checks won't do the trick. Ban and confiscate assault rifles and mags over 10 rounds. Insist on safety courses and licensing, including a clean mental health evaluation, every five years, for any gun. Clean up the NICS data base so it actually contains the information needed to make an informed decision on a potential buyer's appropriateness for a gun.
Americans are stupid mental cases.
Are fucking sick in the head?
You do realize most all firearms are so called semi-auto, pull the trigger once it fires once... that is the definition.
There are most likely over 40 million ARs and the like owned legally in this country, Confiscation? You can fucking pound sand.
Licensing firearms is unconstitutional, licensing an right? I don’t think so you fucking retard. Lol
The vast majority of Americans that hunt and shoot skeet, trap and sporting clays. Already have had safety courses as very young kids you fucking moron.

The best way to cut down on violent crimes is to execute all violent criminals, because they make up the majority of all violent crime repeat offenders. Are you that stupid?

And I do agree with your updating all data bases on criminal activity, so that when background checks are run they are instantaneous no one has to wait for anything.

Political correctness has made you fucking retarded you need to go check into a assisted living home. Dolt
Joe B the liar, who claims to be ex military, thinks semi automatic is the same as a machine gun. Machine guns are illegal.

Joe B the liar.
Progressives want Background checks on all private sales. Why? Who pays for that? Paying for an right?
That is definitely unconstitutional and absolutely ridiculous.

Any type of waiting period on an right? I don’t think so, definitely unconstitutional and absolutely ridiculous.
No one should have to wait more than seconds to purchase their firearms.

Obviously universal background checks I have nothing to do with firearms… Like always... it’s always been about control.
The fucking spineless gun grabbers can pound sand... lol
No, you're right. Background checks won't do the trick. Ban and confiscate assault rifles and mags over 10 rounds. Insist on safety courses and licensing, including a clean mental health evaluation, every five years, for any gun. Clean up the NICS data base so it actually contains the information needed to make an informed decision on a potential buyer's appropriateness for a gun.
Americans are stupid mental cases.

While your intentions likely are positive, you are mistaken.
First of all, there is no such thing as an assault rifle, and what people think of as assault rifles are almost never used in crimes. The history of assault weapons is mostly a pair of pistols or pump shotguns. Nor is banning weapons because they seem to resemble military weapons reasonable or legal. The reality is that it is only average citizens who are supposed to have weapons of war, and there is not supposed to be a standing military at all. That is because all standing military forces work only for pay, and therefore are inherently corrupt. We saw that with the Spanish American War, the Philippine Rebellion, Vietnam, the invasion of Iraq, Syria, the murder of Qaddafi, etc.
And what about those who would fail a background check?
Do you really want them to be allowed unsupervised, so they can build explosive, plan arsons, commit mass murder by poisoning water systems, etc.?
No, the solution is more health care access, more counseling, more jobs, and in fact, mandatory jobs, etc.
You don't just make ONE type of weapon illegal, because that won't work or help anything..
You look after the whole population, and help people who need it, before it gets to the point of violence.

No, you're right. Background checks won't do the trick. Ban and confiscate assault rifles and mags over 10 rounds. Insist on safety courses and licensing, including a clean mental health evaluation, every five years, for any gun. Clean up the NICS data base so it actually contains the information needed to make an informed decision on a potential buyer's appropriateness for a gun.
Americans are stupid mental cases.

You Moon Bats are crazy. You Moon Bats are the stupid mental cases demanding to infringe upon the right to keep and bear arms.

By the way, Moon Bat here are some stats about those "assault weapons" that you ding bats are so scared of. Out of almost 11K shooting in 2017 only 400 people were killed with rifles. "Assault weapons" are a smaller subset of rifles. Statistically insignificant.

Assault weapons are not the problem. You stupid Moon Bats are the problem

Every developed nation has people withmental health problems, violent video games and movies, depressed kids.

Only the US has the 2nd Amendment and a PAC dedicated to eliminating any restrictions on buying firearms.

So we have weekly mass shootings
Background checks are the wrong thing to do for three reasons:

1. They don't work. Past behavior is no guarantee of future behavior. Many of the shootings that take place in the US are from people that passed a background check. Totally worthless.

2. It is getting permission from the government to enjoy a right that is guaranteed under the Constitution. If you have to get permission for a right then it really isn't a right, is it? If you have to get permission from the government then the Bill of Rights isn't worth the parchment it is written on, is it?

3. It is an assumption of guilty until proven innocent. Against everything Americans stand for.

Fuck background checks. Nothing more that something to make the stupid Moon Bats feel more warm and fuzzy. Piss on the Moon Bats.
No, you're right. Background checks won't do the trick. Ban and confiscate assault rifles and mags over 10 rounds. Insist on safety courses and licensing, including a clean mental health evaluation, every five years, for any gun. Clean up the NICS data base so it actually contains the information needed to make an informed decision on a potential buyer's appropriateness for a gun.
Americans are stupid mental cases.

Most of that is not reality. About half of that would be unconstitutional and the rest wouldn't actually fix anything anyway.
Every developed nation has people withmental health problems, violent video games and movies, depressed kids.

Only the US has the 2nd Amendment and a PAC dedicated to eliminating any restrictions on buying firearms.

So we have weekly mass shootings
So, Blame these guys not the firearms...

Every developed nation has people withmental health problems, violent video games and movies, depressed kids.

Only the US has the 2nd Amendment and a PAC dedicated to eliminating any restrictions on buying firearms.

So we have weekly mass shootings
So, Blame these guys not the firearms...


If they couldn’t easily access firearms, most of their victims would still be alive.
Every developed nation has people withmental health problems, violent video games and movies, depressed kids.

Only the US has the 2nd Amendment and a PAC dedicated to eliminating any restrictions on buying firearms.

So we have weekly mass shootings
So, Blame these guys not the firearms...


If they couldn’t easily access firearms, most of their victims would still be alive.
Na, not really
Firearms have no control over people shit for brains
Every developed nation has people withmental health problems, violent video games and movies, depressed kids.

Only the US has the 2nd Amendment and a PAC dedicated to eliminating any restrictions on buying firearms.

So we have weekly mass shootings
So, Blame these guys not the firearms...


If they couldn’t easily access firearms, most of their victims would still be alive.
Na, not really
Firearms have no control over people shit for brains

Can’t shoot someone if you don’t have a gun fuck face.
Progressives want Background checks on all private sales. Why? Who pays for that? Paying for an right?
That is definitely unconstitutional and absolutely ridiculous.

Any type of waiting period on an right? I don’t think so, definitely unconstitutional and absolutely ridiculous.
No one should have to wait more than seconds to purchase their firearms.

Obviously universal background checks I have nothing to do with firearms… Like always... it’s always been about control.
The fucking spineless gun grabbers can pound sand... lol
No, you're right. Background checks won't do the trick. Ban and confiscate assault rifles and mags over 10 rounds. Insist on safety courses and licensing, including a clean mental health evaluation, every five years, for any gun. Clean up the NICS data base so it actually contains the information needed to make an informed decision on a potential buyer's appropriateness for a gun.
Americans are stupid mental cases.

We can do just that! Every single thing you just posted is workable, just as soon as you repeal the Second Amendment. Why don't you get right on that project?
Every developed nation has people withmental health problems, violent video games and movies, depressed kids.

Only the US has the 2nd Amendment and a PAC dedicated to eliminating any restrictions on buying firearms.

So we have weekly mass shootings
So, Blame these guys not the firearms...


If they couldn’t easily access firearms, most of their victims would still be alive.
Na, not really
Firearms have no control over people shit for brains

Can’t shoot someone if you don’t have a gun fuck face.
Guns can shoot people by themselves?
Every developed nation has people withmental health problems, violent video games and movies, depressed kids.

Only the US has the 2nd Amendment and a PAC dedicated to eliminating any restrictions on buying firearms.

So we have weekly mass shootings
So, Blame these guys not the firearms...


If they couldn’t easily access firearms, most of their victims would still be alive.
How many of those victims were killed with legally obtained weapons?

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