Understanding the US Constitution


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
Where in the US Constitution does it state that the Federal Government can tell States how to conduct their Voting Procedures? No where. This attempt by the Democrats violates States Rights contained in the US Constitution. A Federal Court will declare it Unconstitutional. There is a massive attempt to change our government from a Constitutional Republic Governed by the Rule of Law to a Socialist/Communist one. Many brave men and fought in battle to protect our precious freedoms.
I truly believe ending the Draft was a huge mistake. A majority members of Congress never had the courage to serve in our Armed Forces to protect our Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic. I salute those members that have served in our Armed Forces.
USMC Infantry Fire Team Leader Vietnam 6/67 to 2/68.
The constitution gives the federal government the power to protect constitutional rights everywhere. States are given the power to run their elections but that does not mean they can run them dirty and get away with it.
The constitution gives the federal government the power to protect constitutional rights everywhere. States are given the power to run their elections but that does not mean they can run them dirty and get away with it.
Considering all the bullshit that went down in that last national election? With all the law changes, and the way the various states ran their elections? This is probably the most ironic and least self-aware post I will read all month.

Thanks for the chuckle.
The constitution gives the federal government the power to protect constitutional rights everywhere. States are given the power to run their elections but that does not mean they can run them dirty and get away with it.

A bunch of shit you just made up, all of it
Where in the US Constitution does it state that the Federal Government can tell States how to conduct their Voting Procedures? No where. This attempt by the Democrats violates States Rights contained in the US Constitution. A Federal Court will declare it Unconstitutional. There is a massive attempt to change our government from a Constitutional Republic Governed by the Rule of Law to a Socialist/Communist one. Many brave men and fought in battle to protect our precious freedoms.
I truly believe ending the Draft was a huge mistake. A majority members of Congress never had the courage to serve in our Armed Forces to protect our Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic. I salute those members that have served in our Armed Forces.
USMC Infantry Fire Team Leader Vietnam 6/67 to 2/68.
which specific procedures are you talking about?
The constitution gives the federal government the power to protect constitutional rights everywhere. States are given the power to run their elections but that does not mean they can run them dirty and get away with it.

A bunch of shit you just made up, all of it
You kinda missed that Constitution stuff didn’t you?
The constitution gives the federal government the power to protect constitutional rights everywhere. States are given the power to run their elections but that does not mean they can run them dirty and get away with it.
Considering all the bullshit that went down in that last national election? With all the law changes, and the way the various states ran their elections? This is probably the most ironic and least self-aware post I will read all month.

Thanks for the chuckle.
You're welcome. Typical the Trumpbots would have a problem with a simple statement of fact.
The constitution gives the federal government the power to protect constitutional rights everywhere. States are given the power to run their elections but that does not mean they can run them dirty and get away with it.
Considering all the bullshit that went down in that last national election? With all the law changes, and the way the various states ran their elections? This is probably the most ironic and least self-aware post I will read all month.

Thanks for the chuckle.
You're welcome. Typical the Trumpbots would have a problem with a simple statement of fact.
Evidently you are clueless when it comes to our Constitution as well separations of powers.
Where in the US Constitution does it state that the Federal Government can tell States how to conduct their Voting Procedures? No where. This attempt by the Democrats violates States Rights contained in the US Constitution. A Federal Court will declare it Unconstitutional. There is a massive attempt to change our government from a Constitutional Republic Governed by the Rule of Law to a Socialist/Communist one. Many brave men and fought in battle to protect our precious freedoms.
I truly believe ending the Draft was a huge mistake. A majority members of Congress never had the courage to serve in our Armed Forces to protect our Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic. I salute those members that have served in our Armed Forces.
USMC Infantry Fire Team Leader Vietnam 6/67 to 2/68.
Was this your opinion when texas sued michigan?

I doubt it.
Where in the US Constitution does it state that the Federal Government can tell States how to conduct their Voting Procedures? No where. This attempt by the Democrats violates States Rights contained in the US Constitution. A Federal Court will declare it Unconstitutional. There is a massive attempt to change our government from a Constitutional Republic Governed by the Rule of Law to a Socialist/Communist one. Many brave men and fought in battle to protect our precious freedoms.
I truly believe ending the Draft was a huge mistake. A majority members of Congress never had the courage to serve in our Armed Forces to protect our Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic. I salute those members that have served in our Armed Forces.
USMC Infantry Fire Team Leader Vietnam 6/67 to 2/68.
So long as the democrat party wants it, it is Constitutional. And things they don't like are not Constitutional.

Where have you been?
The constitution gives the federal government the power to protect constitutional rights everywhere. States are given the power to run their elections but that does not mean they can run them dirty and get away with it.
Considering all the bullshit that went down in that last national election? With all the law changes, and the way the various states ran their elections? This is probably the most ironic and least self-aware post I will read all month.

Thanks for the chuckle.
You're welcome. Typical the Trumpbots would have a problem with a simple statement of fact.
Evidently you are clueless when it comes to our Constitution as well separations of powers.
Evidently you have a new and improved interpretation. Why don't you tell us why the constitution says Trump should have been emperor.
The constitution gives the federal government the power to protect constitutional rights everywhere. States are given the power to run their elections but that does not mean they can run them dirty and get away with it.

A bunch of shit you just made up, all of it
You kinda missed that Constitution stuff didn’t you?

The Federal government rigging elections so that fascist Democrats win isn't in the Constitution, Poindexter
14th Amendment Section I. "No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States."

Anything else?
Where in the US Constitution does it state that the Federal Government can tell States how to conduct their Voting Procedures? No where. This attempt by the Democrats violates States Rights contained in the US Constitution. A Federal Court will declare it Unconstitutional. There is a massive attempt to change our government from a Constitutional Republic Governed by the Rule of Law to a Socialist/Communist one. Many brave men and fought in battle to protect our precious freedoms.
I truly believe ending the Draft was a huge mistake. A majority members of Congress never had the courage to serve in our Armed Forces to protect our Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic. I salute those members that have served in our Armed Forces.
USMC Infantry Fire Team Leader Vietnam 6/67 to 2/68.

The Constitution gives Congress the power to regulate federal elections. Try reading it sometime.

Article I, Section 4, Clause 1:
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.
Where in the US Constitution does it state that the Federal Government can tell States how to conduct their Voting Procedures? No where. This attempt by the Democrats violates States Rights contained in the US Constitution. A Federal Court will declare it Unconstitutional. There is a massive attempt to change our government from a Constitutional Republic Governed by the Rule of Law to a Socialist/Communist one. Many brave men and fought in battle to protect our precious freedoms.
I truly believe ending the Draft was a huge mistake. A majority members of Congress never had the courage to serve in our Armed Forces to protect our Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic. I salute those members that have served in our Armed Forces.
USMC Infantry Fire Team Leader Vietnam 6/67 to 2/68.

The Constitution gives Congress the power to regulate federal elections. Try reading it sometime.

Article I, Section 4, Clause 1:
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.
Progressives have expanded the Constitution to mean that the Federal government can do whatever the hell it wants, so long as the 9 Black robes agree.

And with only one real conservative on the court,, whom they all want to tar and feather because he is a black man, we all know the end result of about every vote.
The constitution gives the federal government the power to protect constitutional rights everywhere. States are given the power to run their elections but that does not mean they can run them dirty and get away with it.

OH !!!! The Hypocrisy !!!!!

You totally left out your meaning that "dirty" to you means anything you disagree with, legal / Constitutional or not.
14th Amendment Section I. "No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States."

Anything else?

That doesn't remotely support that therefore the Federal government can mandate fascist polities that ensure Democrats can rig national elections
Progressives have expanded the Constitution to mean that the Federal government can do whatever the hell it wants, so long as the 9 Black robes agree.
And with only one real conservative on the court,, whom they all want to tar and feather because he is a black man, we all know the end result of about every vote.

And We The People (collectively) have grabbed ankles and submitted to their tyranny without so much as a whimper

The Tyrants have done EXACTLY as expected....it's the defenders of Liberty that have failed miserably.

Next they will disarm the lazy disconnected population and then the real fun starts.

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