Understanding The Politics of The Nazis…

Fascism is right-wing For starters. Stating that Theodore Roosevelt did not feel “wedded to the Constitution”” has to be the among the most inane comments I have read.

The definition of tripe is making comparisons to Democrats and Nazis, especially when Nazis are on the right-wing of the spectrum.

Then the rest of the OP is just a morass of confused ramblings. For the founders human nature was “set and immutable” and for progressives “plastic” and malleable”writes the OP.

That is is just psychobabble from someone with way too much time on their hands.
I'll try again, please answer the question.

What spectrum?

Nazism is to the right of what?

To use a scale, the scale has to be measuring something, so what is being measured to put the National Socialists to the right of something?
Fascism is right-wing For starters. Stating that Theodore Roosevelt did not feel “wedded to the Constitution”” has to be the among the most inane comments I have read.

The definition of tripe is making comparisons to Democrats and Nazis, especially when Nazis are on the right-wing of the spectrum.

1. "Fascism is right-wing"
Of course it isn't; that the cover story they feed you in government school.

The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

2. "American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin,..."
Goldberg, Liberal Fascism

3. "Stating that Theodore Roosevelt did not feel “wedded to the Constitution”” has to be the among the most inane comments I have read.

Now, watch me ram the truth down your ignorant throat:

Teddy Roosevelt gave a speech, “Who is a Progressive,” in 1912. This, from the speech: “…stand for the forward movement, the men who stand for the uplift and betterment of mankind,… We of to-day who stand for the Progressive movement here in the United States are not wedded to any particular kind of machinery, save solely as means to the end desired.” http://teachingamericanhistory.org/library/index.asp?document=1199

a. Does this sound like one who values the Constitution, which enumerates the way things are to be done, rather than what is to be done? And Teddy explains that Progressives care not about the means, as long as his ‘ends’ are accomplished.

And his view of the Constitution? ‘Well known is TR's outburst, when told the Constitution did not permit the confiscation of private property: "To hell with the Constitution when the people want coal!" Less well known is that at one point TR summoned General John M. Schofield, instructing him: "I bid you pay no heed to any other authority, no heed to a writ from a judge, or anything else except my commands."’ 33 Questions About American History You're Not Supposed to Ask. By Thomas E. Woods, Jr. (p. 139) see 33 Questions About American History You're Not Supposed to Ask, by Thomas E. Woods, Jr. | David Gordon

Bet that put a cork in your ignorant pie hole.
Just more tripe and garbage from someone who just takes snippets of quotes puts them together without understanding what the hell she is talking about.

First of all Nazism did not believe in the collective. Nazism was a nationalist ideology. If they were left wing they would not have sent all their socialist and Communists and other left-wing opponents of theirs to the gas chambers.

Second, your second statement just shows even greater stupidity. American progressives did not disavow fascism until after the Holocaust was found out. That statement is just utterly ignorant. Who waged the war against the Nazis? It was FDR. Those who opposed going to war with the Nazis were right-wingers like Henry Ford.

Third, TR was a progressive but your analysis of progressiveness is so skewed it amonts to nothing more than babble. As I said you use snippets of other people’s work and link them together in an incoherent mess.

Everything I post is linked, sourced and documented.

You are simply a government school ignoramus who is fearful of not agreeing with everything your masters demand you believe.

Grow a spine and face facts: you've been convinced to agree to the same views as Nazis and Bolsheviks.

And, you're hopeless.
No, you have engaged in babble and illogic. Even you last statement linking Nazis and Bolsheviks just shows that your knowledge of political theory is spurious and weak. Take a class In political science 101 then come back to me.
World War 2 was merely an extension of World War 1, thanks to the League of Nations and President Wilson who sowed the seeds for WW2 due to the negotiations after the war.

We all know the racial filth that occurred during WW2, and you probably believe that the source of this was the Nazi party, but did you know that WW1 was also a racial war? Alliances formed based on racial identification, as the French demonized the German race as inferior and vice versa. Then you had the Armenian genocide that you probably did not even know existed where Turks rounded up Christians to die like the Nazis rounded up Jews to die in WW 1.

In short, none of this is new and was rampant on both sides.

Race ONLY matters when it comes to 2 things, the medical field and politics. With the medical field it is important to have genetic histories in order to be aware of possible genetic disorders. But in politics, it is just one more way to conquer and divide because politics is all about the art of dividing and conquering various groups for your own advantage.

But the Left continues this today as they demonize white people. I hear nothing of conservatives demonizing various races, yet it is OK for the DNC to demonize whites? Why is Youtube censoring conservative views even though they are not saying anything racist or offensive, yet they will show Louis Farrakhan railing that Jews are vermin and whites are white devils? It is the same kind of Nazi race filth, only, they switched races.

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