Under The Signs Of Islam


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Funny, when he spoke at Georgetown University he insisted that the cross be covered.


Obama Visits Mosque: ‘Islam Has Always Been Part of America’ - Breitbart
Anyone who supports that praised-by-Hitler, Jew-exterminating, sadistic, barbaric, rape epidemic hate ideology of Pisslam filth is no better than a Nazi. The best part of muslim inbreds squirted into the cracks of their inbred whore mother's assholes and dripped into a dog food dish to be lapped up by hounds (which explains why muslim invertebrates hate dogs so much).

The only good thing I can say about this death cult is that I've never seen two groups of pathologically American-hating cocksuckers who deserve each other more than Europeans and muslims. I hope these reprobates kill as many of each other as possible.....but give me a moment to make some popcorn and enjoy the show!
Anyone who supports that praised-by-Hitler, Jew-exterminating, sadistic, barbaric, rape epidemic hate ideology of Pisslam filth is no better than a Nazi. The best part of muslim inbreds squirted into the cracks of their inbred whore mother's assholes and dripped into a dog food dish to be lapped up by hounds (which explains why muslim invertebrates hate dogs so much).

The only good thing I can say about this death cult is that I've never seen two groups of pathologically American-hating cocksuckers who deserve each other more than Europeans and muslims. I hope these reprobates kill as many of each other as possible.....but give me a moment to make some popcorn and enjoy the show!
Dont hold back, get it off your chest.:biggrin:
Anyone who supports that praised-by-Hitler, Jew-exterminating, sadistic, barbaric, rape epidemic hate ideology of Pisslam filth is no better than a Nazi. The best part of muslim inbreds squirted into the cracks of their inbred whore mother's assholes and dripped into a dog food dish to be lapped up by hounds (which explains why muslim invertebrates hate dogs so much).

The only good thing I can say about this death cult is that I've never seen two groups of pathologically American-hating cocksuckers who deserve each other more than Europeans and muslims. I hope these reprobates kill as many of each other as possible.....but give me a moment to make some popcorn and enjoy the show!
Funny, when he spoke at Georgetown University he insisted that the cross be covered.


Obama Visits Mosque: ‘Islam Has Always Been Part of America’ - Breitbart

Spying has always been a part if America.

About the summer of the year 2001; I was locking doors of an evening after the offices closed at the facility I work at.

I locked these office doors at the office complex - far north sector, next to Gate three.

Within about four minutes I returned to the foremans office, where the third shift foreman already was. The third shift foreman commenced to chew my butt, that I forgot to lock an office door.

If the 3rd shift foreman was in the office when I got there, and I just finished locking doors about 4 minutes prior; how did he know I forgot to lock a door at the office complex next to gate three..

Surveillance ? Is that why him and others are / were sitting at the computer when I done security rounds , tested fire hose, done my inspections ..... And other tasks ?

Covert cameras & surveillance in my work place since the year 2001? I believe so,

Shadow 355
According to Barry Hussaine "racism," Whites only hiring competent people who are not criminals, has always been a part of America too!
Someone commented just today that Obama wanted to become head of the UN when he leaves office. That someone then said as head of the UN, Obama could more readily control and manipulate world events. He would then reveal to all that he is the anti-Christ.
Isn't it funny how the squirrel-faced, caucasian-hater goblin in the WH always raves about "muslim contributions to America" yet he never, ever, ever lists one single example?
Someone should inform the jackass Islam hasn't always been a part of America. What a freaking dope

Actually Islam has been apart of American history from just about the beginning. America's first foreign war was against Islamist savages that were raiding trade ships off the coast of Africa and enslaving the crew members. Thanks to Jefferson sending a few naval ships, they put an end to their shenanigans, at least for a while. It proved that Islamists cannot be reasoned with, only by force can the Muslims be properly dealt with.

But, progressive shitbags like our President ignore that truth, and choose to believe in a fiction that Islam helped build America. Islam has only tried to destroy American culture, just as it has tried destroying every other culture that it comes across. But, what should we expect from the son of a Muslim?
Someone should inform the jackass Islam hasn't always been a part of America. What a freaking dope

Actually Islam has been apart of American history from just about the beginning. America's first foreign war was against Islamist savages that were raiding trade ships off the coast of Africa and enslaving the crew members. Thanks to Jefferson sending a few naval ships, they put an end to their shenanigans, at least for a while. It proved that Islamists cannot be reasoned with, only by force can the Muslims be properly dealt with.

But, progressive shitbags like our President ignore that truth, and choose to believe in a fiction that Islam helped build America. Islam has only tried to destroy American culture, just as it has tried destroying every other culture that it comes across. But, what should we expect from the son of a Muslim?
The French and English were taking our sailors by force.......They only wanted to destroy the USA.....But what should we expect from a bunch of WASP's...With forced tithed national religions...
I should also note, has anyone seen what a special-needs-trainwreck Obama turns into without his damned teleprompter? Its speech degenerates into, "Um, um, um, uh, uh, uh, Republicans, um, um, uh, uh, 'Not Who We Are, um, um, uh, uh." I want to yell at the TV, "Finish your fucking sentence, we're dying of old age!" He literally can't speak off the cuff without being rehearsed. I've seen Jerry Springer trailer park "intellectuals" who spoke more interestingly than Obama. He also constantly re-uses the same rhetorical devices ad nauseum; he gives every country on earth the exact same compliment: "Nation A punches well above its weight, Nation B punches well above its weight, Nation C punches well above its weight....etc., etc." Why doesn't he just simplify and say the entire WORLD punches well above it weight. And I don't want to know how many times he's scoldingly told the public, "That's not who we are." Utter fraud of a public speaker.
I should also note, has anyone seen what a special-needs-trainwreck Obama turns into without his damned teleprompter? Its speech degenerates into, "Um, um, um, uh, uh, uh, Republicans, um, um, uh, uh, 'Not Who We Are, um, um, uh, uh." I want to yell at the TV, "Finish your fucking sentence, we're dying of old age!" He literally can't speak off the cuff without being rehearsed. I've seen Jerry Springer trailer park "intellectuals" who spoke more interestingly than Obama. He also constantly re-uses the same rhetorical devices ad nauseum; he gives every country on earth the exact same compliment: "Nation A punches well above its weight, Nation B punches well above its weight, Nation C punches well above its weight....etc., etc." Why doesn't he just simplify and say the entire WORLD punches well above it weight. And I don't want to know how many times he's scoldingly told the public, "That's not who we are." Utter fraud of a public speaker.
And Reagan said well,,a lot...
I should also note, has anyone seen what a special-needs-trainwreck Obama turns into without his damned teleprompter? Its speech degenerates into, "Um, um, um, uh, uh, uh, Republicans, um, um, uh, uh, 'Not Who We Are, um, um, uh, uh." I want to yell at the TV, "Finish your fucking sentence, we're dying of old age!" He literally can't speak off the cuff without being rehearsed. I've seen Jerry Springer trailer park "intellectuals" who spoke more interestingly than Obama. He also constantly re-uses the same rhetorical devices ad nauseum; he gives every country on earth the exact same compliment: "Nation A punches well above its weight, Nation B punches well above its weight, Nation C punches well above its weight....etc., etc." Why doesn't he just simplify and say the entire WORLD punches well above it weight. And I don't want to know how many times he's scoldingly told the public, "That's not who we are." Utter fraud of a public speaker.

I didn't care for Reagan either, Moonglow (although he now looks rather good compared to our most Islam-fellatrix pres.). There's very few politicans I've actually liked because I know how crooked the whole institution is.
Someone should inform the jackass Islam hasn't always been a part of America. What a freaking dope

Thomas Jefferson had a copy of the Koran that he read regularly, matter of fact, Congressman Keith Ellison swore his oath of office on it.

Oh yeah Sailor Boy that cements the Muzzies have always been a part of America. Do you just comment to look foolish?
Jefferson was no fan of Islam; he studied the Quran because he was curious as to why the Barbary Coast pirates were randomly attacking us in the 1780s. Same reason I studied the Quran: I was curious to see what makes these walking obscenities tick!

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