Uncle Sam Prepares To Unleash Up To 30,000 Drones Over America For "Public Safety"


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Uncle Sam Prepares To Unleash Up To 30,000 Drones Over America For "Public Safety"
ZeroHedge ^
Uncle Sam Prepares To Unleash Up To 30,000 Drones Over America For "Public Safety" | ZeroHedge

The Federal Aviation Administration is working towards putting the finishing touches on rules and regulations for widespread domestic drone use, and the agency expects as many as 30,000 UAVs will be in America’s airspace by the decade’s end. As Russia Today notes, given that the department has already addressed the issue of acquiring drones to give the DHS a better eye of domestic doings, though, those law enforcement operations in question could very well transcend away from legitimate uses and quickly cause civil liberty concerns from coast-to-coast. All drones will be equipped with Electro-Optical/Infra-Red sensors, as well as the technology to sniff out certain chemicals from thousands of feet above our heads. Have no fear though, since the "Robotic Aircraft for Public Safety" program is for your own protection, we are sure Janet Napolitano would suggest.

This is downright creepy. It's worse than a police state. They can know everything about everybody all the time. I'm sure some will come forth and say they don't mind because they've nothing to hide. My concern is simply that I don't trust government enough to feel secure about this. This could be too easily misused and we will no longer have a sense of privacy. I cannot stand the thought of some slimy bureaucrat being able to watch people.

This is wrong and violates our right to privacy. The police or government should only be allowed to spy on suspected criminals when they have due cause and obtain a search warrant.
Seeing as how millions already live with police choppers over their homes everyday it's hard to get totally alarmed over this trend many have seen coming for years. The only real comment I have on this to point out that the MIC has longed for a domestic market for years, all they had to do is make sure that the rich fear the rabble enough to see them as the enemy within.

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