Ukraine ultranationalist leader rejects Minsk peace deal, reserves right 'to continue war'


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Ukraine’s Right Sector leader Dmitry Yarosh said his radical movement rejects the Minsk peace deal and that their paramilitary units in eastern Ukraine will continue “active fighting" according to their "own plans."

The notorious ultranationalist leader published a statement on his Facebook page Friday, saying that his radical Right Sector movement doesn’t recognize the peace deal, signed by the so-called 'contact group' on Thursday and agreed upon by Ukraine, France, Germany and Russia after epic 16-hour talks.

Ukraine ultranationalist leader rejects Minsk peace deal vows to continue war RT News

Right Sector:
BBC News - Profile Ukraine s ultra-nationalist Right Sector
Ukraine’s Right Sector leader Dmitry Yarosh said his radical movement rejects the Minsk peace deal and that their paramilitary units in eastern Ukraine will continue “active fighting" according to their "own plans."

The notorious ultranationalist leader published a statement on his Facebook page Friday, saying that his radical Right Sector movement doesn’t recognize the peace deal, signed by the so-called 'contact group' on Thursday and agreed upon by Ukraine, France, Germany and Russia after epic 16-hour talks.

Ukraine ultranationalist leader rejects Minsk peace deal vows to continue war RT News

Right Sector:
BBC News - Profile Ukraine s ultra-nationalist Right Sector
I have seen this group mentioned in a few articles lately. These guys are a huge problem. What if after the ceasefire deadline these guys start shooting at the Russians and the Russians return fire. Is the ceasefire broken?
This might actually might make a lot of sense. And be the only way to enforce the ceasefire on all sides. Putin will abide by the ceasefire if he thinks it is not going to bite him in the end if he does.
Martial law to be imposed across Ukraine unless peace is established Poroshenko
15:23 14.02.2015
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has warned that, if peace is not brought about in Ukraine, nationwide martial law will be introduced.​
If Poroshenko locks down the Ukraine with martial law it we be much easier for him, Putin, and the OSCE to judge who broke the ceasefire. Putin would need to get the separatists to abide by the martial law order also.

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