Ukraine Reveals End Date for War With Russia


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
In a recent interview, the head of Ukraine's military intelligence hinted at a possible end date for his country's war with Russia.

Kyrylo Budanov, Chief of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, told ABC News in an interview shared by the outlet on Wednesday that he expects the "hottest" fighting between Ukraine and Russian President Vladimir Putin's forces to occur in March.

Budanov added that he expects Ukraine's military to make a large push against the invading Russians in the spring. According to him, those efforts could lead to what Ukraine feels would be an end to the war.

"This is [when we will see more] liberation of territories and dealing the final defeats to the Russian Federation," Budanov said. "This will happen throughout Ukraine, from Crimea to the Donbas."

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has long maintained that his country would not accept peace negotiations with Russia until Putin concedes the four territories it illegitimately annexed from Ukraine in September. Russian officials, on the other hand, have said Ukraine must recognize those regions as Russian territories before peace talks can proceed.

ABC News' Britt Clennett asked Budanov about attacks on Crimea, the peninsula annexed by Putin in 2014.

"Crimea is Ukrainian territory, we can use any weapon on our territory," he answered.

Budanov added, "Our goal, and we will achieve it, is returning to the borders of 1991, like Ukraine is recognized by all subjects of international law."

So there you have it from someone in a position to know: Russia will suffer its final defeat in Ukraine by late summer and be forced to withdraw its troops.


In a recent interview, the head of Ukraine's military intelligence hinted at a possible end date for his country's war with Russia.

Kyrylo Budanov, Chief of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, told ABC News in an interview shared by the outlet on Wednesday that he expects the "hottest" fighting between Ukraine and Russian President Vladimir Putin's forces to occur in March.

Budanov added that he expects Ukraine's military to make a large push against the invading Russians in the spring. According to him, those efforts could lead to what Ukraine feels would be an end to the war.

"This is [when we will see more] liberation of territories and dealing the final defeats to the Russian Federation," Budanov said. "This will happen throughout Ukraine, from Crimea to the Donbas."

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has long maintained that his country would not accept peace negotiations with Russia until Putin concedes the four territories it illegitimately annexed from Ukraine in September. Russian officials, on the other hand, have said Ukraine must recognize those regions as Russian territories before peace talks can proceed.

ABC News' Britt Clennett asked Budanov about attacks on Crimea, the peninsula annexed by Putin in 2014.

"Crimea is Ukrainian territory, we can use any weapon on our territory," he answered.

Budanov added, "Our goal, and we will achieve it, is returning to the borders of 1991, like Ukraine is recognized by all subjects of international law."

So there you have it from someone in a position to know: Russia will suffer its final defeat in Ukraine by late summer and be forced to withdraw its troops.

Zelensky's going to need at least another $100 billion. Get your checkbook ready! And remember, NO audits allowed! Just trust the government.

Ukraine - The Big Push To End The War​


What’s Ahead in the War in Ukraine​

The Mandate to End War in Ukraine​

Propagandists Have Created a False Picture of the Conflict in Ukraine, Leaving the West Unprepared for the Outcome​

The war was won by Russia months ago .

They have followed much used previous tactics as they have latterly picked off Ukey military at will while waiting for the ground freeze and getting their 500 000 force ready to obliterate the US led Ukey remnants .

US and NATO are about to be shafted very badly
As top analysts say , they have a zero chance of a win ..
You so funny, Indy . . . ha, ha.
Think about it. We are in the eleventh month of Putin's three-day war and Russia is on the defense and Ukraine is on the offense and Ukraine's allies are increasing their support for Ukraine despite all of Putin's threats. No one is asking if Ukraine will win, only when Ukraine will win.
How would you know? If you were helping someone out and doing your best and they began DEMANDING more, and more, and more, and when you asked for an audit he said why? Or just no... you'd be okay with that?
We know the money is being well spent because Ukraine is achieving successes far beyond anyone's expectations because of it. Don't be fooled by the rantings of fringe politicians trying to get fact time on TV.
I wonder how Ukraine will accomplish this when Russia can call up hundreds of thousands of troops at any time. In Ukraine, troops needs to be trained, but in Russia, they can just pick you up in the street and you'll be in Ukraine the next day.
What Putinsuckers are really right about is that the Putin regime has much more manpower in their military reserves than Ukraine does. And that is a factor that should be taken into consideration.

I am far from being a military expert, but I think that Ukraine should be concerned more about a defence tactic, especially for the spring period.

Ukrainian officials talk about 1991 borders in one week, and about possible Russian great offensive 2.0 in another. That sounds ridiculous.

Ukraine - The Big Push To End The War​

View attachment 745101

What’s Ahead in the War in Ukraine​

The Mandate to End War in Ukraine​

Propagandists Have Created a False Picture of the Conflict in Ukraine, Leaving the West Unprepared for the Outcome​

What a sad state of affairs for the USA
What Putinsuckers are really right about is that the Putin regime has much more manpower in their military reserves than Ukraine does. And that is a factor that should be taken into consideration.

I am far from being a military expert, but I think that Ukraine should be concerned more about a defence tactic, especially for the spring period.

Ukrainian officials talk about 1991 borders in one week, and about possible Russian great offensive 2.0 in another. That sounds ridiculous.
Flee the country. It's the only way for you to escape the gloomy future. That's what you should be concerned about now, not about the military tactics of your imaginary armed forces. Not only shitty Patriots will not save you, your brains are not wired enough to operate them right. Remember the monkey and a grenade story? Besides, those $ billions you already got and hope to get more of will have to be repaid someday. What will a bare-assed latifundist like you be repaying them with when the time comes?
Flee the country. It's the only way for you to escape the gloomy future. That's what you should be concerned about now, not about the military tactics of your imaginary armed forces. Not only shitty Patriots will not save you, your brains are not wired enough to operate them right. Remember the monkey and a grenade story? Besides, those $ billions you already got and hope to get more of will have to be repaid someday. What will a bare-assed latifundist like you be repaying them with when the time comes?
Yeah, I heard this before about shitty HIMARSes and brains and stuff. Now the same with Patriots. Better shut up.

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