UAE invest in Israeli gas field


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2020
UAE buys into the Tamar gas field. 22% stake for 1 billion plus. What does this mean now that a Gulf state is a partner in the eastern Med?
UAE buys into the Tamar gas field. 22% stake for 1 billion plus. What does this mean now that a Gulf state is a partner in the eastern Med?

Off the coast of Gaza no doubt.. The Israelis stole that too.
UAE buys into the Tamar gas field. 22% stake for 1 billion plus. What does this mean now that a Gulf state is a partner in the eastern Med?

It means that the whole area can be developed to the enrichment of all ... Too many people cannot see past their noses the whole area is rich with oil and gas all can share in the abundance ... The Tamar fields are only a small area .. The UAE is investing in not just Tamar but Israel itself just think if Lebanon and other areas could get their acts together things would improve rapidly....
Off the coast of Gaza no doubt.. The Israelis stole that too.
If Gaza wasn’t such a screwup then they would already being doing extremely well in so many ways maybe UAE wouldinvesttheretoo as would others...try not to pass the blame onto the convienant scape goats the jews( politically correct to say Israel and get away with it)
If Gaza wasn’t such a screwup then they would already being doing extremely well in so many ways maybe UAE wouldinvesttheretoo as would others...try not to pass the blame onto the convienant scape goats the jews( politically correct to say Israel and get away with it)

Israel immediately took control of the water off Gaza including banning Palestinian fishermen by armed threat. Didn't you read about it a few years back when the gas field was discovered?
Israel immediately took control of the water off Gaza including banning Palestinian fishermen by armed threat. Didn't you read about it a few years back when the gas field was discovered?
The gas field was discovered in 2000 the Israelis had control of Gaza at varying times as did Egypt both have a say regarding the use of this gas field... As I said before if Gaza wasn’t such a screw up these issues could have been solved long ago no one has stolen anything.. The Palestinian ” fisherman” are fantastic and not just catching ” fish” but bringing in armaments that can be used against Israel try telling a whole story for once.. Personally I think Egypt should just absorb Gaza and throw out the radicals like Hamas and Islamic Jihad that would solbe just about all the issues and they are welcome to the gas too and the “ fish”....wink...
The gas field was discovered in 2000 the Israelis had control of Gaza at varying times as did Egypt both have a say regarding the use of this gas field... As I said before if Gaza wasn’t such a screw up these issues could have been solved long ago no one has stolen anything.. The Palestinian ” fisherman” are fantastic and not just catching ” fish” but bringing in armaments that can be used against Israel try telling a whole story for once.. Personally I think Egypt should just absorb Gaza and throw out the radicals like Hamas and Islamic Jihad that would solbe just about all the issues and they are welcome to the gas too and the “ fish”....wink...

The gas field was discovered AFTER Israel pulled out of Gaza.. Look at a map.The Tamar field is in Gazan waters.

Israel left Gaza in 2005.. The Tamar field was discovered in 2009.

The Tamar gas field, discovered in 2009 by Noble Energy, Delek, and partners, paved the way for a series of presalt discoveries that expanded our understanding of the petroleum systems in the east Mediterranean and the region’s hydrocarbon prospectivity.
The gas field was discovered AFTER Israel pulled out of Gaza.. Look at a map.The Tamar field is in Gazan waters.

Israel left Gaza in 2005.. The Tamar field was discovered in 2009.

The Tamar gas field, discovered in 2009 by Noble Energy, Delek, and partners, paved the way for a series of presalt discoveries that expanded our understanding of the petroleum systems in the east Mediterranean and the region’s hydrocarbon prospectivity.
You are incorrect the Tamar field is exclusively in Israel’s jurisdiction it is off the coast of Haifa .. There is another gas field discovered in 2000 off the coast of Gaza which remains in limbo for the last 21 years because the ones who rule Gaza are screwups...Now that being said everyone could share in these abundance’s if it wasn’t for the stupidity and craziness that one seems to find in the region
You are incorrect the Tamar field is exclusively in Israel’s jurisdiction it is off the coast of Haifa .. There is another gas field discovered in 2000 off the coast of Gaza which remains in limbo for the last 21 years because the ones who rule Gaza are screwups...Now that being said everyone could share in these abundance’s if it wasn’t for the stupidity and craziness that one seems to find in the region
you have not interacted with a whole lot of muslims-------EVERYTHING belongs to
ISLAM -------the law of allah is-------anything a muslim touches is ISLAMIC FOREVER.
My very first intro to this idea came to me from a SHIITE FROM NEW DEHLI-------for him
there is no India--------just THE MUGHAL EMPIRE
you have not interacted with a whole lot of muslims-------EVERYTHING belongs to
ISLAM -------the law of allah is-------anything a muslim touches is ISLAMIC FOREVER.
My very first intro to this idea came to me from a SHIITE FROM NEW DEHLI-------for him
there is no India--------just THE MUGHAL EMPIRE
That is very interesting but the world is a very big place and one cannot play the game of risk with it and spread oneself to thin otherwise one will get over run... Methinks the UAE with the blessings of Saudia Arabia have bigger fish to fry and that the plan is to build a pipeline from the gulf states through Israel and onward to its destination of Europe to compete withRussian gas and oil and to also give the gulf states another way to move their product in case the Persian gulf become impassable because of Iran .. The payment by the UAE is like a carrot dangling In front of a horse …lol… Of course the whole region would benefit as war would be very very bad for business…

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