U.S. Dollar saves the day again for Europe and entire world.!


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I read today that the United States Federal Reserve bank has deceided to reopen its
currency swap line of credit to central banks in Europe and a few other foreign countries.

Want I fail to understand is, before the this Greek crisis, every one in Europe was trashing
the U.S. dollar, and here we see today it is this same U.S. Dollar that saves these Europeans economy from collasping.!?

We see the European, and American stock markets making huge rebounds after this U.S.
Dollar swap line reopening announcement.

The American Federal reserve bank must charge a high rate of interest for the use of these American dollars. Europeans must get their economic house in order.
The Global Economic Time bomb is still ticking.!!
The United States of America, and the good old American Greenback, may not be able to continually be available to save the day.
The Greeks must pay their taxes, along with many other European nations.
The Euro has been proven now to be an overvalued worthless currency.
The real power currency is still the American Dollar.!!
Can someone explain to me how the Euro can rise against the U.S. Dollar, after dollars have been infused into the Euro currency system?.

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