CDZ U.S. and Canadian Officials Now Confirm an Iranian Missile Shot Down Ukraine Air Flight 752…


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
The Last Refuge

U.S. and Canadian Officials Now Confirm an Iranian Missile Shot Down Ukraine Air Flight 752…

Posted on January 9, 2020 by sundance


"It was only a matter of time before western intelligence agencies confirmed Ukraine flight 752 was shot down just north of Tehran by Iranian anti-aircraft missiles. The evidence was growing, and it was/is overwhelming.

Most of the passengers on the flight were Canadian or Iranian heading to Canada. Today a somber Prime Minister Trudeau informed Canadians the aircraft was shot down."


Now that it appears the Plane was shot down by the stupid Iranian military, what can Canada and America do about it without inflaming the region further?
How does this involve America? No Americans were involved. Not sure what Canada can do other than demand reparations for the families of the victims.

When airliners are accidentally shot down by a country's military what should be the repercussions?
I think it is safe to assume Canada won’t do much about it. I mean they don’t have a lot of capabilities. Why should they when they are under the protection of the most powerful military right next door. One would expect the Iranian people would be a bit perturbed that their military is killing their citizens.
.....the chances of a mechanical problem near the same time period of the missile launches are very low.....that would be a huge coincidence
How does this involve America? No Americans were involved. Not sure what Canada can do other than demand reparations for the families of the victims.

When airliners are accidentally shot down by a country's military what should be the repercussions?

So you are assuming it was an accident. Why? If this crowd is accidentally shooting down passenger flights we should make damn sure they never get a nuke. Accidents with nukes have much more dire outcomes.
Russia should pay for this mess...they are the ones that sold Iran the air defense don't give a 2 year old an M-80 to play with...
How does this involve America? No Americans were involved. Not sure what Canada can do other than demand reparations for the families of the victims.

When airliners are accidentally shot down by a country's military what should be the repercussions?

So you are assuming it was an accident. Why? If this crowd is accidentally shooting down passenger flights we should make damn sure they never get a nuke. Accidents with nukes have much more dire outcomes.

Yes I am presuming that it is an accident as I can't think of any reason why Iran would have purposely shot down a passenger jet on their own soil.

I am all for preventing Iran from getting nukes- shame we pulled out of the deal and Iran is now enriching nuclear material again.

This is not the first passenger jet to be accidentally shot down
Iran Air Flight 655 - Wikipedia
I think it is safe to assume Canada won’t do much about it. I mean they don’t have a lot of capabilities. Why should they when they are under the protection of the most powerful military right next door. One would expect the Iranian people would be a bit perturbed that their military is killing their citizens.
Not the first time Iranian military has killed Iranians- this time however it was likely unintentional.
I think it is safe to assume Canada won’t do much about it. I mean they don’t have a lot of capabilities. Why should they when they are under the protection of the most powerful military right next door. One would expect the Iranian people would be a bit perturbed that their military is killing their citizens.
True. The Kanuks are lucky to be so close to Russia :abgg2q.jpg:
How does this involve America? No Americans were involved. Not sure what Canada can do other than demand reparations for the families of the victims.

When airliners are accidentally shot down by a country's military what should be the repercussions?

So you are assuming it was an accident. Why? If this crowd is accidentally shooting down passenger flights we should make damn sure they never get a nuke. Accidents with nukes have much more dire outcomes.

Yes I am presuming that it is an accident as I can't think of any reason why Iran would have purposely shot down a passenger jet on their own soil.

I am all for preventing Iran from getting nukes- shame we pulled out of the deal and Iran is now enriching nuclear material again.

This is not the first passenger jet to be accidentally shot down
Iran Air Flight 655 - Wikipedia

Reason: They are so bat shit crazy with hate and Islam, that they killed Canadians as substitute Americans.
How does this involve America? No Americans were involved. Not sure what Canada can do other than demand reparations for the families of the victims.

When airliners are accidentally shot down by a country's military what should be the repercussions?

Trudeau might write them a harshly-worded letter.
How does this involve America? No Americans were involved. Not sure what Canada can do other than demand reparations for the families of the victims.

When airliners are accidentally shot down by a country's military what should be the repercussions?

True there were no Americans on the plane, however the Missile attacks were being sent to AMERICAN targets, thus by proxy America is still involved.

Have no idea what Canada is going to do, they are in an unfamiliar situation where they have to deal with something bad thousands of miles away,
How does this involve America? No Americans were involved. Not sure what Canada can do other than demand reparations for the families of the victims.

When airliners are accidentally shot down by a country's military what should be the repercussions?

True there were no Americans on the plane, however the Missile attacks were being sent to AMERICAN targets, thus by proxy America is still involved.

Have no idea what Canada is going to do, they are in an unfamiliar situation where they have to deal with something bad thousands of miles away,

Wouldn't have been the same kind of missile.. Anti-air missiles are the Russian SAM type.. Launched from different platforms and never used for ground attacks.. would have no connection to the assault on American targets in Iraq...

Most likely, some not so well trained "domestic defense" rookies got an itchy trigger finger expecting immediate attacks on Iran homeland.... This is the kind of thing that happens when you put badly trained people on "HIGH ALERT"....

Not good. This could easily escalate into a real mess.


How does this involve America? No Americans were involved. Not sure what Canada can do other than demand reparations for the families of the victims.

When airliners are accidentally shot down by a country's military what should be the repercussions?

So you are assuming it was an accident. Why? If this crowd is accidentally shooting down passenger flights we should make damn sure they never get a nuke. Accidents with nukes have much more dire outcomes.

Yes I am presuming that it is an accident as I can't think of any reason why Iran would have purposely shot down a passenger jet on their own soil.

I am all for preventing Iran from getting nukes- shame we pulled out of the deal and Iran is now enriching nuclear material again.

This is not the first passenger jet to be accidentally shot down
Iran Air Flight 655 - Wikipedia

Reason: They are so bat shit crazy with hate and Islam, that they killed Canadians as substitute Americans.

Speaking of bat shit crazy. If they wanted to kill those Canadians so badly they could have just lined them up and shot them on the tarmac.
And then blamed it on ISIS.

Or they could just shoot any of the thousands of Americans currently in Iran.

Look- I agree that Iran would have no hesitation to kill Americans if they thought it would benefit the Iranian regime. But shooting down this airliner on their own territory- when they knew it had no Americans on it- would not accomplish anything.
The Last Refuge

U.S. and Canadian Officials Now Confirm an Iranian Missile Shot Down Ukraine Air Flight 752…

Posted on January 9, 2020 by sundance


"It was only a matter of time before western intelligence agencies confirmed Ukraine flight 752 was shot down just north of Tehran by Iranian anti-aircraft missiles. The evidence was growing, and it was/is overwhelming.

Most of the passengers on the flight were Canadian or Iranian heading to Canada. Today a somber Prime Minister Trudeau informed Canadians the aircraft was shot down."


Now that it appears the Plane was shot down by the stupid Iranian military, what can Canada and America do about it without inflaming the region further?

What is this "Canada," you keep speaking about? Is that a country or something? Considering that Canada is, as Canadian Mike Meyers put it.....a spectator nation......does anyone really care what Canada thinks? Especially with trudeau as their P.M.?
How does this involve America? No Americans were involved. Not sure what Canada can do other than demand reparations for the families of the victims.

When airliners are accidentally shot down by a country's military what should be the repercussions?

So you are assuming it was an accident. Why? If this crowd is accidentally shooting down passenger flights we should make damn sure they never get a nuke. Accidents with nukes have much more dire outcomes.

Yes I am presuming that it is an accident as I can't think of any reason why Iran would have purposely shot down a passenger jet on their own soil.

I am all for preventing Iran from getting nukes- shame we pulled out of the deal and Iran is now enriching nuclear material again.

This is not the first passenger jet to be accidentally shot down
Iran Air Flight 655 - Wikipedia

Iran was always enriching nuclear material......with the help of 1.7 billion dollars in unmarked cash that obama gave them.....

Not good. This could easily escalate into a real mess.



Canadian poet John McCrae wrote this about death in WWI

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

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