Two Train Derailments in 24 Hours - Does Biden know what's going on?


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020
Minnesota last night and Iowa today

A few months back a couple of women were charged with attempting to derail trains in the great northwest

Do democrats know what's going on? Judging by the left wing based posts on the forum you would think Trump won the election and Biden was in a nursing home.
Do democrats know what's going on? Judging by the left wing based posts on the forum you would think Trump won the election and Biden was in a nursing home.
to be fair they started a thread about tim tebow you
Minnesota last night and Iowa today

A few months back a couple of women were charged with attempting to derail trains in the great northwest

We need more Amtrak!
If the FBI can tear themselves away from covering for Hunter Biden for a bit investigators may well
discover sabotage from Fifth Column leftists.
Two wrecks so close in time and region seem a bit too much for just a coincidence.
But but but, rail transport is safer than pipeline for oil transport. Right? Lefties told us pipelines are dangerous.

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