Two-Thirds of Only 7,500 Viewers of Biden’s Latest Press Conference Give It a ‘Thumbs Down’ – But Biden Won 81 Million Votes in the 2020 Election


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Two-Thirds of Only 7,500 Viewers of Biden’s Latest Press Conference Give It a ‘Thumbs Down’​


But Biden Won 81 Million Votes in the 2020 Election​

25 Aug 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft

And this guy totally received 81 million votes…right

We continue to sit in shock as the mainstream media never addresses the impossibility that Joe Biden won 81 million votes in the 2020 Election. Every day there is evidence this is a lie. Every day.
Now in the midst of one of the worst events in US history, Joe Biden held a press conference from the White House and no one watches it.
The amazing statistic about today’s event is that only 7,500 individuals watched the dumpster fire but 4,900 individuals gave it a ‘thumbs down’.

There is no way Biden received more than 80 million votes in the 2020 Election. No way. He likely didn’t reach 60 million.

Hat tip Kevin Moncla

Hmm....., has anyone noticed that Bai Dung has united the whole world? …. Yup all our allies believe he's incompetent and hates Joey Xi Bai Dung, what a feckless idiot.
Trump was making a routine phone call to another world leader and he nearly gets impeached for it. Joey Xi makes one of the biggest political and military blunders in history and he, Pelosi and Schumer think it's no biggie.
We're told that 80 million Americans voted for Bai Dung, greater than those that voted even for the Democrat Messiah Obama. When we try to prove that statement, Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats refuse any investigation while all the evidence points to illegal and fraudulent votes in staggering amounts.
How can we seriously believe that a dementia patient garnered over 80 million votes...more than any other presidential candidate? Ever.
It's totally implausible. No serious person can believe it.
We can only hope that the country holds together until January 2022 when the Republican house and senate take over.
PM/DSA Democrats and RINOS pulled off the big steal in a highly pre-planned manner, with real-time coordination between the swing states in stopping the vote-counting and the late night ballot dumps. The people responsible need to be executed for treason.
Desperate Democrats attempting to repeat their fraudulent election voting in California....

Two-Thirds of Only 7,500 Viewers of Biden’s Latest Press Conference Give It a ‘Thumbs Down’​


But Biden Won 81 Million Votes in the 2020 Election​

25 Aug 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft

And this guy totally received 81 million votes…right

We continue to sit in shock as the mainstream media never addresses the impossibility that Joe Biden won 81 million votes in the 2020 Election. Every day there is evidence this is a lie. Every day.
Now in the midst of one of the worst events in US history, Joe Biden held a press conference from the White House and no one watches it.
The amazing statistic about today’s event is that only 7,500 individuals watched the dumpster fire but 4,900 individuals gave it a ‘thumbs down’.

There is no way Biden received more than 80 million votes in the 2020 Election. No way. He likely didn’t reach 60 million.

Hat tip Kevin Moncla

Hmm....., has anyone noticed that Bai Dung has united the whole world? …. Yup all our allies believe he's incompetent and hates Joey Xi Bai Dung, what a feckless idiot.
Trump was making a routine phone call to another world leader and he nearly gets impeached for it. Joey Xi makes one of the biggest political and military blunders in history and he, Pelosi and Schumer think it's no biggie.
We're told that 80 million Americans voted for Bai Dung, greater than those that voted even for the Democrat Messiah Obama. When we try to prove that statement, Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats refuse any investigation while all the evidence points to illegal and fraudulent votes in staggering amounts.
How can we seriously believe that a dementia patient garnered over 80 million votes...more than any other presidential candidate? Ever.
It's totally implausible. No serious person can believe it.
We can only hope that the country holds together until January 2022 when the Republican house and senate take over.
PM/DSA Democrats and RINOS pulled off the big steal in a highly pre-planned manner, with real-time coordination between the swing states in stopping the vote-counting and the late night ballot dumps. The people responsible need to be executed for treason.
Desperate Democrats attempting to repeat their fraudulent election voting in California....

as always the Democrat loving America hating trolls can only sling shit in defeat like the money trolls they are after you took them to school.

whats comedy about all these america hating demorat lovers is our last great president before trump John kennedy,even his RFK jr has said the democrat party has gone to hell and is no longer the party he was a part of and that they are destroying America. must suck for these trolls to have a credible person like RFK jr spilling the beans on the corrupt party they troll for.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
The Establishment from both sides wanted Trump gone. They wanted him gone from day one of his presidency.

These same clowns are now whining about Biden, the guy they all wanted to desperately win. Ditto for MSM.

It's difficult to hear from some of these same corners. Most of them have wisely been silent as they know how stupid they appear, some brazenly pretend they have a legitimate beef.

We will hear from these same corners once again when China runs the globe, "how did this happen!?" Or they will blame whatever president is in power by that time.

Two-Thirds of Only 7,500 Viewers of Biden’s Latest Press Conference Give It a ‘Thumbs Down’​


But Biden Won 81 Million Votes in the 2020 Election​

25 Aug 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft

And this guy totally received 81 million votes…right

We continue to sit in shock as the mainstream media never addresses the impossibility that Joe Biden won 81 million votes in the 2020 Election. Every day there is evidence this is a lie. Every day.
Now in the midst of one of the worst events in US history, Joe Biden held a press conference from the White House and no one watches it.
The amazing statistic about today’s event is that only 7,500 individuals watched the dumpster fire but 4,900 individuals gave it a ‘thumbs down’.

There is no way Biden received more than 80 million votes in the 2020 Election. No way. He likely didn’t reach 60 million.

Hat tip Kevin Moncla

Hmm....., has anyone noticed that Bai Dung has united the whole world? …. Yup all our allies believe he's incompetent and hates Joey Xi Bai Dung, what a feckless idiot.
Trump was making a routine phone call to another world leader and he nearly gets impeached for it. Joey Xi makes one of the biggest political and military blunders in history and he, Pelosi and Schumer think it's no biggie.
We're told that 80 million Americans voted for Bai Dung, greater than those that voted even for the Democrat Messiah Obama. When we try to prove that statement, Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats refuse any investigation while all the evidence points to illegal and fraudulent votes in staggering amounts.
How can we seriously believe that a dementia patient garnered over 80 million votes...more than any other presidential candidate? Ever.
It's totally implausible. No serious person can believe it.
We can only hope that the country holds together until January 2022 when the Republican house and senate take over.
PM/DSA Democrats and RINOS pulled off the big steal in a highly pre-planned manner, with real-time coordination between the swing states in stopping the vote-counting and the late night ballot dumps. The people responsible need to be executed for treason.
Desperate Democrats attempting to repeat their fraudulent election voting in California....
Yup, I gave his presser and handling of the Afghan situation two thumbs down and I voted for him. Would vote for him again if the choice was between he and Trump. I'm not alone
Its not a cheat show either...Pinochijoe getting 81 million votes is as impossible as you having any common sense.

People need to learn lessons from history. Nothing is guaranteed, and elections go opposite the predicted outcome because of pent up frustrations.

May 1945 turned British Prime Minister Winston Churchill into the world’s most eminent statesman.... and had an approval rating of 83%.
Yet he suffered a humiliating election defeat in 1945. The magnitude of the loss was historic. ... the Conservatives’ 36.2%

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