Two scenarios on Trump-Russia investigators — and neither is comforting


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
Two scenarios on Trump-Russia investigators — and neither is comforting

already i can hear the pro-obama crowd coming in to say what a dumbass attkisson is - but show me another reporter out there who goes by facts and trails vs cheering one section on over another.

we'll see what comes out of this and i hope anyone who broke the law is brought to justice. don't really care about their reasons or feelz - the laws were not written to take those into account so nothing else should take that into consideration either.

great. you hate. now stop breaking the law to show off your hate.

there better damn well be some verifiable link to what started the russia narrative. if it was just politics in play, jail those who were involved.
to sum up attkisson's article, she says they either knew what they were doing and didn't work hard to cover it up because they never thought trump would win. when he did the cover up began.

maybe an "insurance" plan???


they made mistakes a novice wouldn't make time and time again.
to sum up attkisson's article, she says they either knew what they were doing and didn't work hard to cover it up because they never thought trump would win. when he did the cover up began.

maybe an "insurance" plan???


they made mistakes a novice wouldn't make time and time again.
Power lust and hubris do strange things to people.
you get to the point where you "feel" you're right and the laws that would stop you are meant for others, not you. you just KNOW you're right.

if they knowingly broke laws - jail 'em. jail every single one.
if they're too stupid to do their jobs, fire them all and figure out how we hired so many dumbasses in our government.

ok - that would be a tall order. :)
At the end of the day, when the Russian sabotage in favor of Trump was discovered, America should have let the attacks continue without investigation. We should have never looked into the guy who the sabotage campaign directly benefitted, who also happens to have deep financial ties to Russia and who’s top officials were outed as criminals.

We should have dismissed his overtures to Russia and secret meetings with Russians as innocent fun.
At the end of the day, when the Russian sabotage in favor of Trump was discovered, America should have let the attacks continue without investigation. We should have never looked into the guy who the sabotage campaign directly benefitted, who also happens to have deep financial ties to Russia and who’s top officials were outed as criminals.
except we can't find a valid reason to investigate trump except you don't like him.

all the rest of what you say is bullshit and unverifiable without emotions pushing them.

russia trolled the shit out of us. not illegal now is it? if so you'd be banned from this forum in seconds, dude.

we'll see what barr finds. my guess is you're about to start crying like a little girl who's hair got put into the inkwell.
to sum up attkisson's article, she says they either knew what they were doing and didn't work hard to cover it up because they never thought trump would win. when he did the cover up began.

maybe an "insurance" plan???


they made mistakes a novice wouldn't make time and time again.
Power lust and hubris do strange things to people.
you get to the point where you "feel" you're right and the laws that would stop you are meant for others, not you. you just KNOW you're right.

if they knowingly broke laws - jail 'em. jail every single one.
if they're too stupid to do their jobs, fire them all and figure out how we hired so many dumbasses in our government.

ok - that would be a tall order. :)
I don't even believe that this is about "knowing" you're right....This is the kind of blind despotic power lust that institutions like FISA and the Patriot Act draw to it, like moths to a flame....Those who know me know I warned of this shit back in 2001, when the mad scramble to shove all this crap up the nation's collective ass in the wake of 9/11™ ensued.

F.A. Hayek warned us all back in the 1940s....

Why the Worst Get on Top | F. A. Hayek
to sum up attkisson's article, she says they either knew what they were doing and didn't work hard to cover it up because they never thought trump would win. when he did the cover up began.

maybe an "insurance" plan???


they made mistakes a novice wouldn't make time and time again.
Power lust and hubris do strange things to people.
you get to the point where you "feel" you're right and the laws that would stop you are meant for others, not you. you just KNOW you're right.

if they knowingly broke laws - jail 'em. jail every single one.
if they're too stupid to do their jobs, fire them all and figure out how we hired so many dumbasses in our government.

ok - that would be a tall order. :)
I don't even believe that this is about "knowing" you're right....This is the kind of blind despotic power lust that institutions like FISA and the Patriot Act draw to it, like moths to a flame....Those who know me know I warned of this shit back in 2001, when the mad scramble to shove all this crap up the nation's collective ass in the wake of 9/11™ ensued.

F.A. Hayek warned us all back in the 1940s....

Why the Worst Get on Top | F. A. Hayek
yea, i don't think they really care about right or wrong at this point, just getting their way.
At the end of the day, when the Russian sabotage in favor of Trump was discovered, America should have let the attacks continue without investigation. We should have never looked into the guy who the sabotage campaign directly benefitted, who also happens to have deep financial ties to Russia and who’s top officials were outed as criminals.
except we can't find a valid reason to investigate trump except you don't like him.

all the rest of what you say is bullshit and unverifiable without emotions pushing them.

russia trolled the shit out of us. not illegal now is it? if so you'd be banned from this forum in seconds, dude.

we'll see what barr finds. my guess is you're about to start crying like a little girl who's hair got put into the inkwell.
Our intelligence agencies unanimously agreed that Russia attacked our election, the attacks were in favor of Trump, Trump has deep financial ties to Russia, Trump’s people had secret meetings with Russians, Trump had criminals at the highest levels of his campaign. All of that is undeniable. Had Trump not tried so hard to obstruct justice, maybe this could have ended sooner for him.

And sadly we’ll never hear from the 12 Russians Mueller wanted to take to court, because the Russian government wants Trump in power.
I believe it was a combination of both lack of intelligence and a deliberate attempt to spy on Trump.

Some saw only what they wanted to see. They believed that 44 was quiltless no matter what and that Hillary would be president especially with the help they were willing to provide. In their eyes that help was justified no matter how far outside the realm of normal behavior they went.
Our intelligence agencies unanimously agreed that Russia attacked our election, the attacks were in favor of Trump, Trump has deep financial ties to Russia, Trump’s people had secret meetings with Russians, Trump had criminals at the highest levels of his campaign. All of that is undeniable. Had Trump not tried so hard to obstruct justice, maybe this could have ended sooner for him.

And sadly we’ll never hear from the 12 Russians Mueller wanted to take to court, because the Russian government wants Trump in power.
"Our intelligence communities" are the ones now under investigation, Corky......BTW, These are the same "intelligence communities" that lied us into Iraq....But now they're just dripping with credibility because they're telling you something that you want to believe.

Our intelligence agencies unanimously agreed that Russia attacked our election, the attacks were in favor of Trump, Trump has deep financial ties to Russia, Trump’s people had secret meetings with Russians, Trump had criminals at the highest levels of his campaign. All of that is undeniable. Had Trump not tried so hard to obstruct justice, maybe this could have ended sooner for him.

And sadly we’ll never hear from the 12 Russians Mueller wanted to take to court, because the Russian government wants Trump in power.
"Our intelligence communities" are the ones now under investigation, Corky......BTW, These are the same "intelligence communities" that lied us into Iraq....But now they're just dripping with credibility because they're telling you something that you want to believe.

They didn’t lie us into Iraq. They gave some opinions, and the admin you voted twice for used it to achieve their goals.
At the end of the day, when the Russian sabotage in favor of Trump was discovered, America should have let the attacks continue without investigation. We should have never looked into the guy who the sabotage campaign directly benefitted, who also happens to have deep financial ties to Russia and who’s top officials were outed as criminals.
except we can't find a valid reason to investigate trump except you don't like him.

all the rest of what you say is bullshit and unverifiable without emotions pushing them.

russia trolled the shit out of us. not illegal now is it? if so you'd be banned from this forum in seconds, dude.

we'll see what barr finds. my guess is you're about to start crying like a little girl who's hair got put into the inkwell.
Our intelligence agencies unanimously agreed that Russia attacked our election, the attacks were in favor of Trump, Trump has deep financial ties to Russia, Trump’s people had secret meetings with Russians, Trump had criminals at the highest levels of his campaign. All of that is undeniable. Had Trump not tried so hard to obstruct justice, maybe this could have ended sooner for him.

And sadly we’ll never hear from the 12 Russians Mueller wanted to take to court, because the Russian government wants Trump in power.
and did so by making assumptions and mistakes that rookies wouldn't make - did you not even bother to read the article, just come in under FULL DENY mode?

just stop being stupid, dude. either intelligently participate in the conversation or shut the fuck up.
Our intelligence agencies unanimously agreed that Russia attacked our election, the attacks were in favor of Trump, Trump has deep financial ties to Russia, Trump’s people had secret meetings with Russians, Trump had criminals at the highest levels of his campaign. All of that is undeniable. Had Trump not tried so hard to obstruct justice, maybe this could have ended sooner for him.

And sadly we’ll never hear from the 12 Russians Mueller wanted to take to court, because the Russian government wants Trump in power.
"Our intelligence communities" are the ones now under investigation, Corky......BTW, These are the same "intelligence communities" that lied us into Iraq....But now they're just dripping with credibility because they're telling you something that you want to believe.

They didn’t lie us into Iraq. They gave some opinions, and the admin you voted twice for used it to achieve their goals.
You're a blind fucking imbecile....And I didn't vote for Chimpy Bush either time...I had stopped voting altogether by then....I think that all you party man hacks are out of your minds.
I believe it was a combination of both lack of intelligence and a deliberate attempt to spy on Trump.

Some saw only what they wanted to see. They believed that 44 was quiltless no matter what and that Hillary would be president especially with the help they were willing to provide. In their eyes that help was justified no matter how far outside the realm of normal behavior they went.
i think the desire to spy on trump led to doing things they knew better but figured no one would ever be around to check.
I believe it was a combination of both lack of intelligence and a deliberate attempt to spy on Trump.

Some saw only what they wanted to see. They believed that 44 was quiltless no matter what and that Hillary would be president especially with the help they were willing to provide. In their eyes that help was justified no matter how far outside the realm of normal behavior they went.
i think the desire to spy on trump led to doing things they knew better but figured no one would ever be around to check.
I truly tremble to think how things would be now, had they got away with it.

The treatment of James Rosen, Sharyl Attkisson, and the AP would pale in comparison to what would be going on today.
I believe it was a combination of both lack of intelligence and a deliberate attempt to spy on Trump.

Some saw only what they wanted to see. They believed that 44 was quiltless no matter what and that Hillary would be president especially with the help they were willing to provide. In their eyes that help was justified no matter how far outside the realm of normal behavior they went.
i think the desire to spy on trump led to doing things they knew better but figured no one would ever be around to check.
I truly tremble to think how things would be now, had they got away with it.

The treatment of James Rosen, Sharyl Attkisson, and the AP would pale in comparison to what would be going on today.
i'd like to think that mattered.

we hear how trump abuses the media. he does. but he does it out in the open for all to see. i've not heard of him spying on anyone at this point.

we hear about obamas camp doing that all the time to attkisson, congress, anyone they felt was a threat to them.

i don't give a shit about trump and the like. i give a shit we've lost our way collectively to where these actions somehow went from a crime to excused cause we don't like you, ergo deserved.

if people don't like you, bad things being done to you doesn't get their attention unless you have the capability to see the picture as a whole in that letting that go for 1 segment only means sooner or later it WILL hit you.

and i imagine they won't like it then but too late.
I believe it was a combination of both lack of intelligence and a deliberate attempt to spy on Trump.

Some saw only what they wanted to see. They believed that 44 was quiltless no matter what and that Hillary would be president especially with the help they were willing to provide. In their eyes that help was justified no matter how far outside the realm of normal behavior they went.
i think the desire to spy on trump led to doing things they knew better but figured no one would ever be around to check.
I truly tremble to think how things would be now, had they got away with it.

The treatment of James Rosen, Sharyl Attkisson, and the AP would pale in comparison to what would be going on today.
i'd like to think that mattered.

we hear how trump abuses the media. he does. but he does it out in the open for all to see. i've not heard of him spying on anyone at this point.

we hear about obamas camp doing that all the time to attkisson, congress, anyone they felt was a threat to them.

i don't give a shit about trump and the like. i give a shit we've lost our way collectively to where these actions somehow went from a crime to excused cause we don't like you, ergo deserved.

if people don't like you, bad things being done to you doesn't get their attention unless you have the capability to see the picture as a whole in that letting that go for 1 segment only means sooner or later it WILL hit you.

and i imagine they won't like it then but too late.
It's even worse than I had imagined back in 2001.

I'm now actually a bit relieved that to have been following the advice of preppers and other "conspiracy theorists' since then.

This shit doesn't get ironed out and there's not a deep political purge of the bureaucracy, the vengeance seeking after Trump is gone could get ugly.

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