Tweets of Biden's accuser praising him 3 years ago surface online


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
A new twist in the story of Tara Mccabe, the woman accusing Joe Biden of raping her decades ago.
She was tweeting nice things about Joe three years and four years ago, raising doubts about the veracity of her claims.

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A new twist in the story of Tara Mccabe, the woman accusing Joe Biden of raping her decades ago.
She was tweeting nice things about Joe three years and four years ago, raising doubts about the veracity of her claims.

This method is employed by too many of late. Some claim out of left field from long ago, that is impossible to prove and is well timed for maximum payout settlement.

I'm not saying it didn't happen, it may very well have, I'm saying it's impossible to prove so it should have been claimed long ago.

One could argue that maybe out of fear she didn't say anything? However, why the tweets in support of him after Obama was gone and Trump became president? He has no political power after Trump won office.
A new twist in the story of Tara Mccabe, the woman accusing Joe Biden of raping her decades ago.
She was tweeting nice things about Joe three years and four years ago, raising doubts about the veracity of her claims.

Women aren't allowed to change their minds in your world, pretor?

I'm not going to say that Sleepy Joe is a rapist, yet.

But I think that Biden needs to testify under oath about this. Get to the bottom of this issue.

If Bite Me was holding Rape Train Parties in his parents home as a kid, don't the people have an absolute right to know BEFORE they go to the polls?
It could be argued that the sexual assault victim's tweet was dripping in sarcasm. She and the people in her circles were in on the joke. The joke being Sleepy Joe and his predilection for rape.

Let's see what the investigation reveals.

You had to know we'd rub your face in your own shit.... LOL
I tend to believe charges of rape against someone like Biden. The Vice President has indicated his support for the Financial Assrapery of the American Taxpayer, so why would he be opposed to other rapes?
We must believe all women! Why are you shaming her...she is clearly suffering from post tramatic Stockholm syndrome.

The OP is a monster.


. what delusional dems would say if this person was accusing a republican...
A new twist in the story of Tara Mccabe, the woman accusing Joe Biden of raping her decades ago.
She was tweeting nice things about Joe three years and four years ago, raising doubts about the veracity of her claims.

This method is employed by too many of late. Some claim out of left field from long ago, that is impossible to prove and is well timed for maximum payout settlement.

I'm not saying it didn't happen, it may very well have, I'm saying it's impossible to prove so it should have been claimed long ago.

One could argue that maybe out of fear she didn't say anything? However, why the tweets in support of him after Obama was gone and Trump became president? He has no political power after Trump won office.

If you praise your alleged rapist and then cousin he raped you 20 years ago, you're lying. Period.
A new twist in the story of Tara Mccabe, the woman accusing Joe Biden of raping her decades ago.
She was tweeting nice things about Joe three years and four years ago, raising doubts about the veracity of her claims.

If it was good enough to vote against Kavanaugh, it's good enough to vote against Biden.

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