Turkey In Iraq


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Canavar warned of such, the first makes reference to the possibility, the second, the reality:


Possible Turkish Intervention in Iraq?
By Daveed Gartenstein-Ross

Turkey is currently making a lot of noise about launching a cross-border incursion into Iraq to engage the Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK) in combat operations. On July 18, Professor Sedat Laciner published an article in the Turkish Weekly comparing the situation that Turkey faces from the PKK to the threat Israel faces from Hamas and Hizballah. After stating that Western countries have defended Israel's right to self-defense, Prof. Laciner asks, "But, does the right of self defence just belong to Israel in the Middle East? For example, doesn’t Turkey have such a right?"

Prof. Laciner outlines the damage that the PKK has inflicted upon Turkey: "Turkey has given terrorism more than 36.000 victims. The PKK is the bloodiest terrorist organization in the world. It is among the first places in the lists of terrorist organizations of both the US and the EU. Besides, it does not have democratically elected-members unlike the Hamas and Hezbollah. It sustains its name with its massacres." (For more on the PKK, see CFR's profile.) Prof. Laciner then turns to the situation Turkey faces on its border, with the PKK gaining strength in Iraq:

The PKK has more than 10 armed camps in Iraq. These camps are located in the northeast part of the country. In addition to this, the PKK have direct or indirect offices in many cities of Iraq. Lastly, they opened an office in Baghdad called "Ocalan Culture Center". Turkey transferred the information of all these developments with the documents to the Baghdad Government, to the US authorities and to the Kurdish authority in the north Iraq. Yet, they have nothing to do except wasting Turkey’s time. The USA says: "Go and talk to the Baghdad, they are governing the Iraq". On the other hand the Baghdad says "I have no power in that region, I cannot destroy the PKK bases, go and talk with the Kurdish Authority in the North Iraq." However, the Kurds in the North Iraq say that "My power is not enough to fight against this organization"
As a result, Prof. Laciner argues that Turkey has the right to engage in a defensive intervention into Iraq to smash the PKK and its network.

Nor is Prof. Laciner alone. The Turkish Weekly reports that the Turkish government recently summoned both the U.S. and Iraqi ambassadors to warn that Turkish patience with continued PKK presence in Iraq was wearing thin. Turkey said that if the U.S. and Iraq do not take "necessary steps," Turkey could launch a "cross-border operation." Turkey has suggested that if it's unsatisfied with the steps that the U.S. and Iraq take, it could launch this operation unilaterally: "Our patience is not endless. Root out Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) guerillas immediately, otherwise, we will be forced to resort to our right of self-defense." See also the account from the New York Times.

Even Turkish opposition parties are applauding the prospect of such a cross-border incursion.

The flashpoint for the push for intervention is an incident last week in which fifteen soldiers, police and guards were killed by PKK guerillas in a clash in Southeast Turkey. This is just the last in a long string of incidents that has occurred over the last couple of years, but the death of these fifteen was particularly disturbing to the Turks. It has been the lead item in Turkish newscasts.

There are two potential dangers to Turkish intervention in Iraq. The first is that Turkish units may end up clashing with American-backed Kurdish units (i.e. units in the Kurdish areas that aren't affiliated with the PKK). The second danger is that a Turkish unit may accidentally engage Americans in a firefight. This is a particular concern for the Turkish side. Reader Timothy Thompson writes that a senior Turkish naval source of his "feels invading Iraq is about as wise a move for Turkish forces as continuing to occupy Northen Cyprus. Nothing to gain, everything to lose. He stresses the absolute no-win situation of a clash with American forces in northern Iraq. He points out that Greece and Turkey were lucky to avoid a military clash after the collision of Greek and Turkish fighter jets in a game of 'chicken' a few weeks ago -- the entire area is very tense. Political logic gives way to raw emotions in military confrontations. The historic and vital US-Turkish strategic alliance could disappear overnight if Turkish special forces operatives inflict causalities on American troops in northern Iraq."
July 19, 2006 03:39 PM


Turkish Troops Enter Iraq and Fire Rockets
Intended as a Warning to Kurds, Unclear if Turkish Action Violates Reported US-Turkish Agreement; No Casualties Reported
By Kirk H. Sowell

According to the Iraqi newspaper Al-Rafidayn, about 200 Turkish soldiers along with some village guards crossed over Iraq’s northern border sometime before 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday and fired several rockets, apparently targeting the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), a Kurdish terrorist organization which has taken refuge in Iraqi Kurdistan. The incursion took place in the Kani Masi region in the Kurdish province of Dahuk, which is Iraq’s northernmost province. There were no casualties reported, but local residents complained that some of the rockets hit near their homes, and that the explosions had set off forest fires. Al-Rafidayn, which cited the Voices of Iraq News Service, reported that the missiles hit five areas within Dahuk - Kali Sinat, Zawita, Kali Bisagha, Kuluk and al-Ansh.

Turks claim that the PKK has killed 36,000 Turks and that now Iraq’s Kurdish administration is doing nothing to restrain PKK activity against Turkey. A recent clash in which 15 Turkish soldiers were killed appears to have been the catalyst for the recent rise in tensions between Turkey and Iraqi Kurdish authorities. For more context, see Daveed Gartenstein-Ross’ recent report in Counterterrorism Blog. ThreatsWatch reported briefly on this issue Monday.

Gartenstein-Ross more recently reported on an agreement between the U.S. and Turkey that the Turkish military would not enter Iraq without consultation and coordination with the United States. This agreement, if effectuated, would help ensure that Turkish troops did not accidentally end up engaging in fire with non-PKK Kurdish troops or with American troops. Al-Rafidayn did not indicate whether this operation was coordinated with the U.S. or not, but a quote from a Kurdish military officer suggested that Kurdish military authorities were not forewarned (major English-language news outlets have yet to report on this incident). Given that the rockets were fired into apparently empty forests, this incursion may have simply been intended as a warning to Iraqi Kurdish authorities rather than an attack on specific PKK units.
Turkey did not yet march into Iraq.
This news you posted comes of the legitimate right of hot pursuit.

So Turkey hunts Terrorists in Turkey, they flew over the boarder and Turkey pursuits them. This is different from marching in to Iraq.

Talabani as Kurd and President of Iraq the same time, said that agreements beetween Turkey and Saddam's Iraq regarding crossing the boarder is not valid anymore.
But this does not matter, as Turkey has aggreements from 1925 between UK and Turkey, which are still valid, that Turkey can cross boarder for fighting Terrorism upto 60 kms.
Actually this treaty is two-sided. So if Turkey would harbour Terrorists, and they wuld make Terror in Iraq and flee into Turkey, Iraq would have the same right of following them up to 60 Kms.

But that is not the point, as Turkey does not export terrorism to Iraq, but Turkey is the only country who imports terrorism from Iraq.

The PKK has about 10 Terrorcamps in Northern Iraq. Plus a recruit center called Mahmour camp.

But PKK has one big camp, which is also their logistics and training centre. This camp is called Kandil and lies on the mountain called the same Name. This mountain has raisings up to over 3000 meters and is more mountain range then a single mountain.

All other camps, except Kandil and Mahmour recruit camp lie in this range of 60 km from Turkish boarder. So they feel safe there.
Except Kandil and Mahmour, all others are in Turkish artillery range and being "hot pursuited". These small camps near the Turkish boarder are more a final logistical spring board for the terrorists before they infiltrate Turkey. Nothing big and usually there are no Terrorists except they are on their way to infiltrate Turkey.

This is a graphic (Too big to post here), where you can see, that Kandil mountains are from bird view 85 Km away and from entering with ground forces 120 Km.
So actually, they feel safe there from
- American none-action
- North-Iraqi Kurdish toleration
- and Turkish none-access to this area

Turkey is at present in operations against PKK inside Turkey. Hunting Terrorists which infiltrated Turkey. The unit of 200 Turkish soldiers which entered Iraq, mentioned in the first post, comes from this hot pursuit beginning on Turkish territory.

Also a major development is, that Iran has opened its Airspace for Turkish Helicopters and fighter planes. In Iran there are 2 PKK-camps near the Iranian towns of Hoy and Mirgever and Turkey has stationed troops there. With backing by Iran, actually Anti-Terrorism with Iran functions while it does not with USA.
So Turkey is cleaning at present Turkish territory itself from PKK and Iran territory the same time, with assistance of Iranian air force.

Turkish Army in Iranian territories against the PKK

This cleaning will not last long as the major presence of PKK is in North-Iraq. And we will avoid fighting PKK in 3 countries (Turkey, Iran, Iraq) the same time, which is a logistical and administrative (because 3 States) unfavourable situation.

On 30 August Turkey's moderate chief of general staff Hilmi Özkök goes into old-age pension. And the new designated General Staff which comes into position you in America would call such a profile of a man a Neo-Con, who is determined to put into this Terrorism an end.
It is the Bush doctrine, takeing the fight to the enemy. And this designated man expressed his will of doing this for some time now.

For example:
Yasar Buyukanit qualified terrorism as the plague of the age. He said, "Those who welcome it with open arms are bound to get this disease sooner or later."
http://www.byegm.gov.tr/YAYINLARIMIZ/CHR/ING2001/09/01x09x27.HTM# 0

also he says in reliance to the Mid-East:
The future should not be drawn up by others only. We should also see it through and shape it

This designated Chief of general Staff is at present Army-General (commander) and has direct command over these units:

* 4 Field armies,
* 10 Army corps,
* 2 Mechanized infantry divisions,
* 2 Mechanized infantry division headquarters (tactical),
* 1 Infantery division and 1 training division,
* 14 Mechanized infantry brigades,
* 14 Armored brigades,
* 12 Infantry/regional security brigades,
* 5 Commando brigades,
* 5 Training brigades.

And when you keep reading my posts in this forum, then you can remeber in my Thread "High preparations"
that under his command some months ago he moved the Army Headquarters from Ankara to Southeast town of Sirnak and he took direct controll of the Turkish 2nd Army in this boarder region which are now toghther with the additional special commandos from West-Turkey deployed there at about over 200.000 Soldiers.

So we will make action. And USA has time till August 31 to prevent Turkey from makeing action simply by takeing US-Action against PKK in North-Iraq.

As I said, Kandil mountains are 120 Km away from Turkey. so we would march about 150 km deep into Iraq, as some Terrorists will flee and we will follow them till noone is left.
All this 150 km from Turkish boarder must be secured for logistic and security reasons. And this 150 Km will be a huge puffer-zone, like Israel intends to do in Lebanon and of course it will be a no-go area for none-Turkish army people.

In these days, Turkish media reports, that Kurds are airing "The other Iraq" spots on Fox-News again. Mentioning of peacefull North-Iraq and soon.
We will see if this North-Iraq proves to come true to be peacefull.

And according to Michael rubin, former Pentagon employee and now at AEI, local Kurdish government of North-Iraq is even selling PKK-Terrorists weapons:

Former Pentagon employee Rubin: Barzani selling arms to PKK

I think Turkish intelligence is exactly knowing what it is all about.
canavar said:
Turkey did not yet march into Iraq.
This news you posted comes of the legitimate right of hot pursuit.

So Turkey hunts Terrorists in Turkey, they flew over the boarder and Turkey pursuits them. This is different from marching in to Iraq.

Talabani as Kurd and President of Iraq the same time, said that agreements beetween Turkey and Saddam's Iraq regarding crossing the boarder is not valid anymore.
But this does not matter, as Turkey has aggreements from 1925 between UK and Turkey, which are still valid, that Turkey can cross boarder for fighting Terrorism upto 60 kms.
Actually this treaty is two-sided. So if Turkey would harbour Terrorists, and they wuld make Terror in Iraq and flee into Turkey, Iraq would have the same right of following them up to 60 Kms.

But that is not the point, as Turkey does not export terrorism to Iraq, but Turkey is the only country who imports terrorism from Iraq.

The PKK has about 10 Terrorcamps in Northern Iraq. Plus a recruit center called Mahmour camp.

But PKK has one big camp, which is also their logistics and training centre. This camp is called Kandil and lies on the mountain called the same Name. This mountain has raisings up to over 3000 meters and is more mountain range then a single mountain.

All other camps, except Kandil and Mahmour recruit camp lie in this range of 60 km from Turkish boarder. So they feel safe there.
Except Kandil and Mahmour, all others are in Turkish artillery range and being "hot pursuited". These small camps near the Turkish boarder are more a final logistical spring board for the terrorists before they infiltrate Turkey. Nothing big and usually there are no Terrorists except they are on their way to infiltrate Turkey.

This is a graphic (Too big to post here), where you can see, that Kandil mountains are from bird view 85 Km away and from entering with ground forces 120 Km.
So actually, they feel safe there from
- American none-action
- North-Iraqi Kurdish toleration
- and Turkish none-access to this area

Turkey is at present in operations against PKK inside Turkey. Hunting Terrorists which infiltrated Turkey. The unit of 200 Turkish soldiers which entered Iraq, mentioned in the first post, comes from this hot pursuit beginning on Turkish territory.

Also a major development is, that Iran has opened its Airspace for Turkish Helicopters and fighter planes. In Iran there are 2 PKK-camps near the Iranian towns of Hoy and Mirgever and Turkey has stationed troops there. With backing by Iran, actually Anti-Terrorism with Iran functions while it does not with USA.
So Turkey is cleaning at present Turkish territory itself from PKK and Iran territory the same time, with assistance of Iranian air force.

Turkish Army in Iranian territories against the PKK

This cleaning will not last long as the major presence of PKK is in North-Iraq. And we will avoid fighting PKK in 3 countries (Turkey, Iran, Iraq) the same time, which is a logistical and administrative (because 3 States) unfavourable situation.

On 30 August Turkey's moderate chief of general staff Hilmi Özkök goes into old-age pension. And the new designated General Staff which comes into position you in America would call such a profile of a man a Neo-Con, who is determined to put into this Terrorism an end.
It is the Bush doctrine, takeing the fight to the enemy. And this designated man expressed his will of doing this for some time now.

For example:

http://www.byegm.gov.tr/YAYINLARIMIZ/CHR/ING2001/09/01x09x27.HTM# 0

also he says in reliance to the Mid-East:


This designated Chief of general Staff is at present Army-General (commander) and has direct command over these units:

* 4 Field armies,
* 10 Army corps,
* 2 Mechanized infantry divisions,
* 2 Mechanized infantry division headquarters (tactical),
* 1 Infantery division and 1 training division,
* 14 Mechanized infantry brigades,
* 14 Armored brigades,
* 12 Infantry/regional security brigades,
* 5 Commando brigades,
* 5 Training brigades.

And when you keep reading my posts in this forum, then you can remeber in my Thread "High preparations"
that under his command some months ago he moved the Army Headquarters from Ankara to Southeast town of Sirnak and he took direct controll of the Turkish 2nd Army in this boarder region which are now toghther with the additional special commandos from West-Turkey deployed there at about over 200.000 Soldiers.

So we will make action. And USA has time till August 31 to prevent Turkey from makeing action simply by takeing US-Action against PKK in North-Iraq.

As I said, Kandil mountains are 120 Km away from Turkey. so we would march about 150 km deep into Iraq, as some Terrorists will flee and we will follow them till noone is left.
All this 150 km from Turkish boarder must be secured for logistic and security reasons. And this 150 Km will be a huge puffer-zone, like Israel intends to do in Lebanon and of course it will be a no-go area for none-Turkish army people.

In these days, Turkish media reports, that Kurds are airing "The other Iraq" spots on Fox-News again. Mentioning of peacefull North-Iraq and soon.
We will see if this North-Iraq proves to come true to be peacefull.

And according to Michael rubin, former Pentagon employee and now at AEI, local Kurdish government of North-Iraq is even selling PKK-Terrorists weapons:

Former Pentagon employee Rubin: Barzani selling arms to PKK

I think Turkish intelligence is exactly knowing what it is all about.

I have been noticing the commercials on TV portraying the Kurds as peaceful and grateful people. I thought they were a bit odd but apparently its propaganda to prepare us for what's to come. I hear nothing else on the news regarding the approaching deadline of Turkeys' incursion into northern Iraq and I am unsure of who it is that adamantly defends the PKK or why they do it.
dilloduck said:
I have been noticing the commercials on TV portraying the Kurds as peaceful and grateful people. I thought they were a bit odd but apparently its propaganda to prepare us for what's to come. I hear nothing else on the news regarding the approaching deadline of Turkeys' incursion into northern Iraq and I am unsure of who it is that adamantly defends the PKK or why they do it.

The "Other Iraq" spots: It is nothing more than propaganda. Not a investment promotion or even Tourist promotion as it is being said in the spots.
Your state department gives warnings in reliance to this region which is unmistakably to understand.
When you look to these spots, the Spot is all about the word Kurdistan, Kurdistan and again Kurdistan for itself. You know, the "other Iraq".

"The Kurdistan Regional Government has hired Republican lobby firm Russo Marsh & Rogers to get 'free media' to promote the interests of the Kurds in the post-Saddam Hussein Iraq," reports O'Dwyer's

The selling of brand Kurdistan

The last day President Bush and our Primeminister had some telephone conversations.Where Bush promised more aggressive action against PKK. Their relationship is very cool. And actually, we are sick of hearing of how USA is "intensifying" its actions against PKK. We hear this now for years. And nothing happens.

Our Foreign Minister and Condoleeza Rice met beetween 4-7 July in Washington, where they presented a document which shortly states "Strategic Vision", to improve bilateral tides.
Our and your Foreign minister have warm relationship, and all which is being done in state-diplomacy between Turkey and USA is being done between the 2 of them. Here in Turkey we think, that Rice is one of the few friends Turkey has in current Government of USA.
Also Matt Bryza talked of "more concrete steps against PKK shortly".

But i do no not believe that USA will take a more "aggressive" stance on PKK.

We think, that those who adamantly defend the PKK are obviuosly located in Centcom/Pentagon. And Turkey has no friends there anymore. Whilst i think that State department with Condoleeza Rice thinks strategically that Turkey could be needed in Mid-East in near future.
So we will see in August who will dominate US policy on Turkey, the Pentagon or Condoleeza Rice.

I hope good relations will win, rather than a "will never heal"-crash in relations with Pentagon dominateing policy on toleration against PKK, and the same time Yasar Büyükanit becoming Chief of Genral Staff in August here in Turkey.
Whatever the constellations will be in Washington, be it pro Turkey or against Turkey, PKK-damocles-sword played by some parts of foreign powers over Turkish lives will end.
The Turkish people never give a tolerance to a Superpower which gives tolerance to an organization that kills their people and children. If the USA is a superpower, the USA should have the power to prevent the terrorists to establish terror bases and infiltrateing Turkey from "liberated, democratic, lighthouse in the darkness"- IRAQ. If the US is not a Superpower, Turkey has enough power to protect its people and children from PKK terrorism and it will. The countdown started.
canavar said:
The "Other Iraq" spots: It is nothing more than propaganda. Not a investment promotion or even Tourist promotion as it is being said in the spots.
Your state department gives warnings in reliance to this region which is unmistakably to understand.
When you look to these spots, the Spot is all about the word Kurdistan, Kurdistan and again Kurdistan for itself. You know, the "other Iraq".

"The Kurdistan Regional Government has hired Republican lobby firm Russo Marsh & Rogers to get 'free media' to promote the interests of the Kurds in the post-Saddam Hussein Iraq," reports O'Dwyer's

The selling of brand Kurdistan

The last day President Bush and our Primeminister had some telephone conversations.Where Bush promised more aggressive action against PKK. Their relationship is very cool. And actually, we are sick of hearing of how USA is "intensifying" its actions against PKK. We hear this now for years. And nothing happens.

Our Foreign Minister and Condoleeza Rice met beetween 4-7 July in Washington, where they presented a document which shortly states "Strategic Vision", to improve bilateral tides.
Our and your Foreign minister have warm relationship, and all which is being done in state-diplomacy between Turkey and USA is being done between the 2 of them. Here in Turkey we think, that Rice is one of the few friends Turkey has in current Government of USA.
Also Matt Bryza talked of "more concrete steps against PKK shortly".

But i do no not believe that USA will take a more "aggressive" stance on PKK.

We think, that those who adamantly defend the PKK are obviuosly located in Centcom/Pentagon. And Turkey has no friends there anymore. Whilst i think that State department with Condoleeza Rice thinks strategically that Turkey could be needed in Mid-East in near future.
So we will see in August who will dominate US policy on Turkey, the Pentagon or Condoleeza Rice.

I hope good relations will win, rather than a "will never heal"-crash in relations with Pentagon dominateing policy on toleration against PKK, and the same time Yasar Büyükanit becoming Chief of Genral Staff in August here in Turkey.
Whatever the constellations will be in Washington, be it pro Turkey or against Turkey, PKK-damocles-sword played by some parts of foreign powers over Turkish lives will end.
The Turkish people never give a tolerance to a Superpower which gives tolerance to an organization that kills their people and children. If the USA is a superpower, the USA should have the power to prevent the terrorists to establish terror bases and infiltrateing Turkey from "liberated, democratic, lighthouse in the darkness"- IRAQ. If the US is not a Superpower, Turkey has enough power to protect its people and children from PKK terrorism and it will. The countdown started.

Why would the CENTCOM/Pentagon "protect" the PKK.
( Is your tone threatening or just because you are afraid of what might happen ) ?
No, I am not threatening and I am in no position to do so.
Regarding Centcom/Pentagon:


There is the possibility that this operation could bring Turkey and the US into a confrontation or even a war. Of course it would not be good to have a confrontation with the USA - the world superpower - but it is certain that such an confrontation would also not be good for the USA. Because the Turkish Armed Forces also have extensive experience in the region and indepth knowledge about conditions in the region in times of war.

Our government has failed in putting an end of Turks getting killed by terrorism. Government is acknowledging this by theirselves:
“Until now, we’ve always been dealing with this with patience,” he said of the campaign against Turkey. “We’ve always wanted to solve this within democratic lines. Eight of our children were martyred. They had martyred five of our children in Bingol, too. From now on, these are unbearable.


Our government can not be a standbyer anymore to these Terrorist attacks. They anyway have problems regarding the next elections, and if they do not act, they will have big big problems in next elections.
These days, Anti-Terror law packages passed through parliament, extending influence of Turkish army on many aspects of Turkey's daily life.
So government has now given the issue, because it is not able to end this, to the Turkish Armed forces.
The signs of this can be seen now, and it’s about a tendency towards meeting all the requests of the military who wants to fight these Terrorists on an extended legal law basis and wants to end this fight in Kandil mountain.

Turkey has no other choice then reacting so. Putting its armed forces behing foreign policy and especially the elimination of PKK presence in North-Iraq.
Terrorist attacks occuring in a shorter frequency, more and more people die. And as we see for over 3 years now, Diplomacy with USA also does not stop Turks getting killed by Terrorists who infiltrate Turkey from Iraq.

For example, has the USA prevented any weapons or bullets being brought to the PKK? Any prevention on logistical, training activities by PKK in North-Iraq? Not even a single bag of supplies from PKK was seized?
Whilst USA was bombing Ansar-Al-Islam in North-Iraq, PKK-Terrorists watched the show of F-16s killing other terrorists from the first bank. Carefree, of course.

C-4 Explosives Sold in Markets in Northern Iraq
Published: Saturday, February 25, 2006

Security Director General Gokhan Aydiner announced the explosives used by PKK in the last year were all brought from Iraq.


"In fact, C-4 explosives are NATO equipment. They are sold in only one or two countries in Europe. When the state structure vanished in Iraq, these explosives began to be sold in the markets."

Turkish police caught 51 kilograms of explosives in 2005 and outbound PKK connections were dismissed, the director informed
We should shutdown the US airbase in Turkey and fund the Kurdish rebels. Turkey could hardly be less supportive of US foreign policy. There are also Kurdish rebels in Iran. Not only should we fund the Iranian Kurds, we should also arm them. The Kurdish problem stems from the drunken English cartographer that drew the boundry lines for Middle East countries around 1900. Whoever drew the boundry lines did not give a damn about ethnicity and left the Kurds out in the cold...big time.
Kandil is 120 km from Turkish boarder. Iraqi officials comfirmed, that since last week we moved there reconnaissance units.


BAGHDAD [MENL] -- Turkey was said to have sent troops into northern Iraq.

Iraqi officials said the Turkish Army sent reconnaissance units to the Kandil mountains over the last week. The Kandil mountains were believed to contain about 5,000 fighters of the Kurdish Workers Party. No clashes were reported.

"We got some information that there is some movement on the border between Iraqi Kurdistan and Turkey, and it seems some Turkish soldiers entered Iraqi Kurdish villages near Zakho," Fuad Hussein, an adviser to Kurdish President Masoud Barzani, said.

Turkey has embarked on a military buildup along the border with Iraq. But despite repeated threats Turkey has not ordered an invasion.
onedomino said:
We should shutdown the US airbase in Turkey and fund the Kurdish rebels. Turkey could hardly be less supportive of US foreign policy. There are also Kurdish rebels in Iran. Not only should we fund the Iranian Kurds, we should also arm them. The Kurdish problem stems from the drunken English cartographer that drew the boundry lines for Middle East countries around 1900. Whoever drew the boundry lines did not give a damn about ethnicity and left the Kurds out in the cold...big time.

Exactly. The Turks are running a big game on the world about the supposed Kurdish problem and how their borders are being trespassed upon by the PKK. What about Cyprus's border? Seems to me Turkey should stay the hell out and fix its old problems before starting new ones.

BTW I think the U.N. should take Northern Iraq and some of Southern Turkey and make it into Kurdistan, they did it for the Jews why not the Kurds?

And LMFAO! at those trying to portray the PKK as terrorists......as if they don't have legitimate beefs.
OCA said:
Exactly. The Turks are running a big game on the world about the supposed Kurdish problem and how their borders are being trespassed upon by the PKK. What about Cyprus's border? Seems to me Turkey should stay the hell out and fix its old problems before starting new ones.

BTW I think the U.N. should take Northern Iraq and some of Southern Turkey and make it into Kurdistan, they did it for the Jews why not the Kurds?

And LMFAO! at those trying to portray the PKK as terrorists......as if they don't have legitimate beefs.

Because in the NWO, Only one ethnicity matters. Jewishness. One is either jew, or non jew (yet still a servile noahide). That's it. All other identities are racist anachronism.
rtwngAvngr said:
Because in the NWO, Only one ethnicity matters. Jewishness. One is either jew, or non jew (yet still a servile noahide). That's it. All other identities are racist anachronism.

:tinfoil: An attention grabber though....because of the racist overtones.
OCA said:
:tinfoil: An attention grabber though....because of the racist overtones.

You asked why the UN did what it did for the jews but not for others. I gave you the answer. yes. the NWO is a racist plan, hence the racist overtones. The truth is always attention grabbing, ain't it?
rtwngAvngr said:
You asked why the UN did what it did for the jews but not for others. I gave you the answer. yes. the NWO is a racist plan, hence the racist overtones. The truth is always attention grabbing, ain't it?

Got a link to the NWO and their platform? Also could you show me some proof of a zionist takeover of the world, specifically America?

OCA said:
Exactly. The Turks are running a big game on the world about the supposed Kurdish problem and how their borders are being trespassed upon by the PKK. What about Cyprus's border? Seems to me Turkey should stay the hell out and fix its old problems before starting new ones.

BTW I think the U.N. should take Northern Iraq and some of Southern Turkey and make it into Kurdistan, they did it for the Jews why not the Kurds?

And LMFAO! at those trying to portray the PKK as terrorists......as if they don't have legitimate beefs.

Turkey, Greece and UK are garanty powers on Cyprus.
When in Athens Military Junta came to power they speeded up ENOSIS (Unification of Cyprus and Greece).
The Turks on the island werer therefore ballast for Greek reunification.
After Turkey saying to UK as one of the garanty powers to "act" and they didn't act, we marched ourself on the island based on our right as garanty power.

According to the 1960 independence agreement, Britain,
Greece, and Turkey were guarantors of the new constitution, so as to protect
the communal rights of Turkish Cypriots from being trampled. Enosis and
taksim were specifically forbidden.
This carefully constructed, imposed, quasi-democratic arrangement never
worked. By late 1963, it was fully evident that Greek Cypriot leadership
wanted to subject Turkish Cypriots to the will of the Greek-speaking major-
ity. The drive for enosis continued. The presidency became more powerful.
Ethnic cleansing became more prevalent during early 1964. The UN was
compelled to send its first peacekeeping mission to Cyprus in that year in
order to protect Turkish Cypriots who had gathered in Turkish-speaking en-
claves north of what became the Green Line

So Greek ENOSIS-philosphy of that time were the woman and the Turkish response was the man:
Security hawk seen taking over Turkish military

By Gareth Jones

ANKARA, July 31 (Reuters) - Turkey is widely expected this week to confirm General Yasar Buyukanit, a blunt-speaking hawk, as head of its powerful military, increasing the chances of a heavier crackdown on Kurdish separatist rebels.

He would replace General Hilmi Ozkok, who has helped keep the armed forces quiescent during a period of sensitive liberal reforms, including curbs on the military, that are aimed at preparing Turkey for European Union membership.

Turkey's Supreme Military Council, chaired by Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, will approve Ozkok's replacement and other key personnel changes at a meeting on Aug 1-4. Ozkok retires on Aug. 30 and has ruled out suggestions he might stay on another year.

"This appointment is important because the Turkish armed forces are still largely autonomous, despite EU reforms trimming their powers," said Lale Sariibrahimoglu, Turkey correspondent of the respected British-based Jane's Defence Weekly.

"Many in (Erdogan's ruling) AK Party would have liked to see Ozkok stay on for another year. Buyukanit is from the old school, against the full civilian control of the military, while Ozkok is more of a democrat," she said.

Diplomats credit Ozkok with helping to smooth out friction between the army and the Islamist-rooted AK Party, which is under EU pressure to rein in the military still further.

The military views itself as the ultimate guardian of Turkey's secular order. It ousted an elected government it saw as too Islamist-oriented as recently as 1997.



And now it comes on Breaking news in Turkey, that the government has appointed and acknowledged General Büyükanit as the next Chief of Staff.
This is the first time in history, that this announcement came before Turkey's Supreme Military Council session.

The Supreme Military Council will take place from August 1-4 and it was expected, that the decision, like it is tradition, came after this meeting.

The president of Turkey has at the same time signed the decree of Buyukanit becoming Chief of General staff on 30 August 2006.
The current Chief of staff, which will go into history-annals as the most democratic Chief of staff will go to pension on 30. August. But de-facto he is from this day on out of business.

Very good for Turkey.

Here pictures of the new General staff:
Kissing a mothers hand whose son was killed by a Terrorist planted mine:

Hugging and shareing the pain of a father, whose son was killed by Terror:
OCA said:

Who were the ones doing the ethnic cleansing?

Turks have always been liars and thieves.

From the library of congress:

Intercommunal Violence

Intercommunal violence in 1964: 20,000 Turkish Cypriots forced to displacement

And here pictures of what was going on:

And Here a map of of Greeks and Turks and their distribution in 60s and 90s:

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