Tucker Carlson Totally Owns Cop On His Show -- LOL


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Fox News’ Tucker Carlson went after Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn on his show Wednesday night as he talked about the 1/6 investigation. He went on to say: On Tuesday, Nancy Pelosi will call a Capitol Police Officer called Harry Dunn. Dunn will pretend to speak for the country’s law enforcement community. But it turns out Dunn has very little in common with your average cop. Dunn is an angry left-wing political activist whose social media feeds are full of praise, not coincidentally for Nancy Pelosi."

And Tucker is right....this guy isn't actually a real police officer...if you look at this tweets from a few years ago, he has shown support for muslim terrorists like Ilhan Omar; he has had racist tweets attacking whites by saying "Racism is so American in this country that when you protest against it, people think you are protesting against America" -- you don't get more anti-American and anti-white than that.

How this guy was able to remain on the force this long is beyond me...but whatever testimony he gives on Tuesday should be discounted and erased because this guy is nothing more than an angry racist anti-white Deep-State Critical Race-Theory-Antifa-FBI-Plant-Democrat. The real police officer heroes at the capitol on Jan 6th are the officers who joined the Trump supporters to try to stop the election from being stolen.
This goes to show that it was never about "Blue Lives Matter", it was about "Black lives don't".
This is nothing but a coordinated pre-emptive attempt to discredit any testimony this guy offers as partisan and untrustworthy because he isn't on "their team" -- because he isn't "one of the good ones" wink wink....

But what they won't mention is....this guy is testifying under oath.......something they are scared shitless to do themselves....
Oh my HELL - Is there no bottom for this dangerous hack?

If you don't stop clutching those pearls so hard, the string is going to break. The black officer isn't imbued with some kind of magical talismanic power JUST because of his melanin content. His sosha-medeya comments tell what and who he is. That's his right but it isn't his right to be presented as some kind of saint or the representative of most LEOs around America.
There's one Ossifer there who needs to be strung up regardless of WHAT color he may be. The one that shot Babbitt deserves to swing, IMO.

The treasonous POS....the most danger he has ever felt was tying his bowtie too tight....he is garbage


Speaking of too tight...damn, push away from the table once in a while, Harry.

The treasonous POS....the most danger he has ever felt was tying his bowtie too tight....he is garbage
Treasonous? What the hell does that mean? You can't label a member of the media as a traitor. If you could Dan Rather would be in jail. Walter Cronkite would have been indicted for pronouncing the Vietnam victory in Tet as a "stalemate". Treason is a serious charge and it might extend to the FBI's role in the faked "dossier" that tried to bring down the Trump administration. Tucker's exchange is an example of what's best in the media these days.
Leave it to racist assholes like you to see skin color first.

P.S...Tucker hasn't worn a bow tie in at least a decade.
Tell me where I mentioned his race anywhere?

Truth of the matter is......you are proving that someone being against racism means they are against America...in other words, white people

My God you cucks are so fragile....

"Fox News’ Tucker Carlson went after Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn on his show Wednesday night as he talked about the 1/6 investigation. He went on to say: On Tuesday, Nancy Pelosi will call a Capitol Police Officer called Harry Dunn. Dunn will pretend to speak for the country’s law enforcement community. But it turns out Dunn has very little in common with your average cop. Dunn is an angry left-wing political activist whose social media feeds are full of praise, not coincidentally for Nancy Pelosi."

And Tucker is right....this guy isn't actually a real police officer...if you look at this tweets from a few years ago, he has shown support for muslim terrorists like Ilhan Omar; he has had racist tweets attacking whites by saying "Racism is so American in this country that when you protest against it, people think you are protesting against America" -- you don't get more anti-American and anti-white than that.

How this guy was able to remain on the force this long is beyond me...but whatever testimony he gives on Tuesday should be discounted and erased because this guy is nothing more than an angry racist anti-white Deep-State Critical Race-Theory-Antifa-FBI-Plant-Democrat. The real police officer heroes at the capitol on Jan 6th are the officers who joined the Trump supporters to try to stop the election from being stolen.
Wow it really hurts you when Tucker calls out the left’s bullshit.
you cucks are so fragile..
You’re the one opening a thread crying because Tucker owned one of your heroes.

No one believes Dems care about police. When are police across the country going to get the opportunity to tell their stories to Congress about getting attacked by BLM and Antifa faggots? Oh that’s right, never as long as Dems are in control.
Are you surprised?

But I was told by your ilk that the vast majority of the "insurrectionists" were white males. What does this have to do with blacks? One old fat dude that can't seem to get the fork out of his hand is all I see. The rest are white?

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