Trump’s Transition Team Considers Sarah Palin For Possible Cabinet Spot


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Incoming PDS in 3....2....1...

President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team is seriously discussing the possibility of giving former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin a cabinet position, Politico reported Wednesday.

The Trump campaign is floating the idea of tapping the former Alaskan governor as Trump’s interior secretary. Palin has made no secret about her interest in holding a position in a Trump administration.

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Incoming PDS in 3....2....1...

President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team is seriously discussing the possibility of giving former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin a cabinet position, Politico reported Wednesday.

The Trump campaign is floating the idea of tapping the former Alaskan governor as Trump’s interior secretary. Palin has made no secret about her interest in holding a position in a Trump administration.

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Yes. Department of the Interior.
Palin is a genius compared to this Crooked Hillary bitch or any of the other idiots that Hussein had in his administration.
Incoming PDS in 3....2....1...

President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team is seriously discussing the possibility of giving former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin a cabinet position, Politico reported Wednesday.

The Trump campaign is floating the idea of tapping the former Alaskan governor as Trump’s interior secretary. Palin has made no secret about her interest in holding a position in a Trump administration.

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Yowza! Imagine seeing her and Melania every day! I wonder what spot? Agriculture? Interior?
Dear lord, it begins already. We need political hacks in govt positions like we need a hole in the head. Palin is about as qualified to run a govt bureaucracy like Interior as I am to do brain surgery. If this is the direction Trump is going to go, I'm already disappointed. I had hoped he would approach such things with the outlook of a pragmatist. Find the person most qualified for the position, politics be damned.
Incoming PDS in 3....2....1...

President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team is seriously discussing the possibility of giving former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin a cabinet position, Politico reported Wednesday.

The Trump campaign is floating the idea of tapping the former Alaskan governor as Trump’s interior secretary. Palin has made no secret about her interest in holding a position in a Trump administration.

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Alright! That will stick in the craw of the leftwing.
Dear lord, it begins already. We need political hacks in govt positions like we need a hole in the head. Palin is about as qualified to run a govt bureaucracy like Interior as I am to do brain surgery. If this is the direction Trump is going to go, I'm already disappointed. I had hoped he would approach such things with the outlook of a pragmatist. Find the person most qualified for the position, politics be damned.
Everyone in the Obama administration is a political hack, including Obama. I didn't notice any Dims complaining about it.
Dear lord, it begins already. We need political hacks in govt positions like we need a hole in the head. Palin is about as qualified to run a govt bureaucracy like Interior as I am to do brain surgery. If this is the direction Trump is going to go, I'm already disappointed. I had hoped he would approach such things with the outlook of a pragmatist. Find the person most qualified for the position, politics be damned.
Everyone in the Obama administration is a political hack, including Obama. I didn't notice any Dims complaining about it.
Agreed. Pretty much standard procedure for both parties.

I remember, must have been at least 15 years ago, I was on another forum where people would tear into govt bureaucracies. They would use public records to see who was at the top of the org. When I stumbled upon it they were on the Dept of Transportation. Using a typical pyramid hierarchy chart they were on the 15th person down the chart before they found anyone with a background in transportation. And his ties were that his father owned a trucking company. Virtually all the rest were lawyers. I was hoping Trump would be different.
This is getting more and more entertaining every day...
Palin... another imbecile in the bag... :lmao:
Dear lord, it begins already. We need political hacks in govt positions like we need a hole in the head. Palin is about as qualified to run a govt bureaucracy like Interior as I am to do brain surgery. If this is the direction Trump is going to go, I'm already disappointed. I had hoped he would approach such things with the outlook of a pragmatist. Find the person most qualified for the position, politics be damned.

What a real stupid response. She ran a state, the fact you don't like her has nothing to do with the qualifications. This is as stupid as saying Clinton wasn't qualified. Liberals need to grow up.
Incoming PDS in 3....2....1...

President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team is seriously discussing the possibility of giving former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin a cabinet position, Politico reported Wednesday.

The Trump campaign is floating the idea of tapping the former Alaskan governor as Trump’s interior secretary. Palin has made no secret about her interest in holding a position in a Trump administration.

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I'm not sure Melanie is going to want Sarah around Donald given his propensity for snatch grabbing hot women.
Incoming PDS in 3....2....1...

President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team is seriously discussing the possibility of giving former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin a cabinet position, Politico reported Wednesday.

The Trump campaign is floating the idea of tapping the former Alaskan governor as Trump’s interior secretary. Palin has made no secret about her interest in holding a position in a Trump administration.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Please, God...NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He owes her as she stood by him from the beginning.
Perhaps she can manage The Cone Of Silence.
Dear lord, it begins already. We need political hacks in govt positions like we need a hole in the head. Palin is about as qualified to run a govt bureaucracy like Interior as I am to do brain surgery. If this is the direction Trump is going to go, I'm already disappointed. I had hoped he would approach such things with the outlook of a pragmatist. Find the person most qualified for the position, politics be damned.

What a real stupid response. She ran a state, the fact you don't like her has nothing to do with the qualifications. This is as stupid as saying Clinton wasn't qualified. Liberals need to grow up.
I'm not even close to being a liberal. My point is being a politician doesn't exactly prepare you for being the head of the Dept of Interior. For too long we've put politicians in positions where we need people with specific technical knowledge.

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