Trump's re-election is toast!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

The polls have Trump way behind Vice President Biden. More and more Republicans are seeing the light and forsaking the wannabe dictator. With many former Bush officials now ready to aggressively support and campaign for Biden, all that's left is to stick a fork in Trump which will show that he is plumb done.

Look at the facts:;
Trump can't deal with the coronavirus; not really his fault as he just isn't smart enough. At least he has wisely shut up about it. He should get Pence to do the same.
And his constant kissing Putin's ass has finally caught up with him. Bounties on American servicemen???
Get real. Voters will not stand for that!
And trying to protect racist monuments? Good luck with that too! Look at Mississippi and their flag. Trump is so far behind the curve, he will never catch up.

And before trumpanzees start screeching about the 2016 polling and Hillary, VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN AIN'T HILLARY!!!!!

The polls have Trump way behind Vice President Biden. More and more Republicans are seeing the light and forsaking the wannabe dictator. With many former Bush officials now ready to aggressively support and campaign for Biden, all that's left is to stick a fork in Trump which will show that he is plumb done.

Look at the facts:;
Trump can't deal with the coronavirus; not really his fault as he just isn't smart enough. At least he has wisely shut up about it. He should get Pence to do the same.
And his constant kissing Putin's ass has finally caught up with him. Bounties on American servicemen???
Get real. Voters will not stand for that!
And trying to protect racist monuments? Good luck with that too! Look at Mississippi and their flag. Trump is so far behind the curve, he will never catch up.

And before trumpanzees start screeching about the 2016 polling and Hillary, VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN AIN'T HILLARY!!!!!


No kidding. She was lucid when she was sober.
The Bush Family are firm NWO supporters. And we stupidly elected 2 of them. So, yes, they will back another NWO supporter. If the Bushes go north, the rest of us should go south.
Trump ~ 2020 because he is not a NWO lover...
George P Bush is firmly behind Trump. It's not true that the Bush. Family opposes him

The polls have Trump way behind Vice President Biden. More and more Republicans are seeing the light and forsaking the wannabe dictator. With many former Bush officials now ready to aggressively support and campaign for Biden, all that's left is to stick a fork in Trump which will show that he is plumb done.

Look at the facts:;
Trump can't deal with the coronavirus; not really his fault as he just isn't smart enough. At least he has wisely shut up about it. He should get Pence to do the same.
And his constant kissing Putin's ass has finally caught up with him. Bounties on American servicemen???
Get real. Voters will not stand for that!
And trying to protect racist monuments? Good luck with that too! Look at Mississippi and their flag. Trump is so far behind the curve, he will never catch up.

And before trumpanzees start screeching about the 2016 polling and Hillary, VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN AIN'T HILLARY!!!!!

You are so we can see from this poll from CNN the democrat Presidential candidate has a 12 point lead over Trump in June..........

Hmmmmm.....wait a minute.........

this is from 2016....and in June Hilary had a 12 point lead over Trump......

We all know that President Hilary beat Trump easily......

Poll: Clinton leads Trump by double digits

Hillary Clinton has a 12-point lead over Donald Trump nationally, a new Bloomberg Politics poll shows.

Clinton has 49% support to Trump's 37%, with Libertarian Gary Johnson at 9%, according to the poll of 750 likely voters. The poll was conducted Friday through Monday and released Tuesday evening, meaning many of those polled were surveyed before the Orlando terrorist attack.
Particularly damaging for Trump: 55% of those surveyed said they would never vote for him, compared to 43% who said they'd never back Clinton.

It's a much larger lead than Clinton held in national polls conducted in May and early June, prior to Trump's accusation that the federal judge in the Trump University lawsuit is biased because his parents were born in Mexico and Trump is advocating a U.S.-Mexico border wall.


"Clinton has a number of advantages in this poll, in addition to her lead," pollster J. Ann Selzer, who ran the poll, told Bloomberg. "Her supporters are more enthusiastic than Trump's and more voters overall see her becoming a more appealing candidate than say that for Trump."

The polls have Trump way behind Vice President Biden. More and more Republicans are seeing the light and forsaking the wannabe dictator. With many former Bush officials now ready to aggressively support and campaign for Biden, all that's left is to stick a fork in Trump which will show that he is plumb done.

Look at the facts:;
Trump can't deal with the coronavirus; not really his fault as he just isn't smart enough. At least he has wisely shut up about it. He should get Pence to do the same.
And his constant kissing Putin's ass has finally caught up with him. Bounties on American servicemen???
Get real. Voters will not stand for that!
And trying to protect racist monuments? Good luck with that too! Look at Mississippi and their flag. Trump is so far behind the curve, he will never catch up.

And before trumpanzees start screeching about the 2016 polling and Hillary, VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN AIN'T HILLARY!!!!!
Trumps polling numbers are identical to his numbers at this time before the 2016 election ! not only will he win but he will in by a landslide ! and there is nothing the left or the virus unleashed by their friends in the hopes of interfering in the election like the russians and the dnc did with the fake dossier can do to stop it.
The Bush Family are firm NWO supporters. And we stupidly elected 2 of them. So, yes, they will back another NWO supporter. If the Bushes go north, the rest of us should go south.
Trump ~ 2020 because he is not a NWO lover...
Former Bush 43 officials started an Anti-Trump PAC to unseat the crooked inept SOB
He's not the crook. They are:

Either Bush was joking, or you don't understand that the NWO is the polar opposite of the freedom loving USA.
If they are successful, (and they will be) we will give up our freedom and our foes will make our decisions for us.
Soros is running our show now. He IS NWO, and Pelosi and friends can't get enough of him. The two of them hold forums and meetings to set up plans to resist and remove the obstacle.
Trump is the only thing standing between us and the UN. And if he goes, the Democrats will happily hand us over to their NWO friends.

Was Bush joking? Is Pelosi? Is Soros?
The Bush Family are firm NWO supporters. And we stupidly elected 2 of them. So, yes, they will back another NWO supporter. If the Bushes go north, the rest of us should go south.
Trump ~ 2020 because he is not a NWO lover...
Former Bush 43 officials started an Anti-Trump PAC to unseat the crooked inept SOB

And you support them.....

They are the deep state and government inbreds you so desperately need to send you your food stamps, Obamacare, Chips and whatever else you want for free.
Babs hated Trump for what he did to Jeb! but Trump had little choice.....Jeb! had all the contacts and money in the world but a personality like an accountant. Trump had no experience, no real advisors, used his own money, and put Jeb! in a dumpster. Dubya agrees with Trump but wont support him and who cares who that sold out son of a bitch Herbert Walker Bush liked? He gave us the Gulf War and 8 years of Willy Jeff (Rapist/traitor) Clinton.
Babs hated Trump for what he did to Jeb! but Trump had little choice.....Jeb! had all the contacts and money in the world but a personality like an accountant. Trump had no experience, no real advisors, used his own money, and put Jeb! in a dumpster. Dubya agrees with Trump but wont support him and who cares who that sold out son of a bitch Herbert Walker Bush liked? He gave us the Gulf War and 8 years of Willy Jeff (Rapist/traitor) Clinton.
What about John Bolton's book? And every other book written by a former Trump staffer? All lies?
If one sincerely feels that President Trump is wrong to have fireworks on Mt. Rushmore, then one should also feel that those dear, sweet young ladies and gentlemen are wrong to be firing fireworks all night long in our cities.

If one is a fair-minded person, s/he (regardless of political affiliation) should admit that the cities that allowed the protest marches were irresponsible to do so. They did so not only because many mayors agreed with the protesters but also they knew that the protesters would ignore any orders to stand down. Here in Los Angeles, our mayor kneeled and lifted the curfew, which was being ignored anyway. So a fair-minded person should avoid getting on his/her high horse and lambasting President Trump for his scheduled celebration on July 4.

The polls have Trump way behind Vice President Biden. More and more Republicans are seeing the light and forsaking the wannabe dictator. With many former Bush officials now ready to aggressively support and campaign for Biden, all that's left is to stick a fork in Trump which will show that he is plumb done.

Look at the facts:;
Trump can't deal with the coronavirus; not really his fault as he just isn't smart enough. At least he has wisely shut up about it. He should get Pence to do the same.
And his constant kissing Putin's ass has finally caught up with him. Bounties on American servicemen???
Get real. Voters will not stand for that!
And trying to protect racist monuments? Good luck with that too! Look at Mississippi and their flag. Trump is so far behind the curve, he will never catch up.

And before trumpanzees start screeching about the 2016 polling and Hillary, VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN AIN'T HILLARY!!!!!
They backed Hillary Clinton in the past election. And so why do you think that he is toast? Is it because you want to spread some butter on his genitals?


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