Trumps long awaited Healthcare Plan


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
After promising something better and cheaper than Obamacare, Trump finally revealed what he considers a “plan”
It is not a plan at all, but a series of empty promises that are not funded or backed by legislation.

Trump’s announcements Thursday failed to match his pledge of a “full and complete” health care plan. They also failed to make good on senior officials’ claims, made on the press call just ahead of Trump’s speech Thursday, that the President would present an “historic” proposal.
After promising something better and cheaper than Obamacare, Trump finally revealed what he considers a “plan”
It is not a plan at all, but a series of empty promises that are not funded or backed by legislation.

Trump’s announcements Thursday failed to match his pledge of a “full and complete” health care plan. They also failed to make good on senior officials’ claims, made on the press call just ahead of Trump’s speech Thursday, that the President would present an “historic” proposal.
From your link...

Trump also announced two non-binding executive orders on Thursday, one addressing the topic of surprise out-of-network medical bills and the other addressing the topic of protecting pre-existing conditions. These are two of Americans’ biggest complaints with the country’s health care system. But neither of these orders will have any immediate effect on the problem at hand.

It appears that Trump is willing to go along with a plan that covers pre-existing conditions, so maybe the Democrats should get on board to pass this....

Oh, that's right.... The Democrats would rather see millions die before they give up their free shit!!!!!
After promising something better and cheaper than Obamacare, Trump finally revealed what he considers a “plan”
It is not a plan at all, but a series of empty promises that are not funded or backed by legislation.

Trump’s announcements Thursday failed to match his pledge of a “full and complete” health care plan. They also failed to make good on senior officials’ claims, made on the press call just ahead of Trump’s speech Thursday, that the President would present an “historic” proposal.
Well, at least it has slightly more substance than his climate change proposal.

"It'll get cooler, just watch."
After promising something better and cheaper than Obamacare, Trump finally revealed what he considers a “plan”
It is not a plan at all, but a series of empty promises that are not funded or backed by legislation.

Trump’s announcements Thursday failed to match his pledge of a “full and complete” health care plan. They also failed to make good on senior officials’ claims, made on the press call just ahead of Trump’s speech Thursday, that the President would present an “historic” proposal.
From your link...

Trump also announced two non-binding executive orders on Thursday, one addressing the topic of surprise out-of-network medical bills and the other addressing the topic of protecting pre-existing conditions. These are two of Americans’ biggest complaints with the country’s health care system. But neither of these orders will have any immediate effect on the problem at hand.

It appears that Trump is willing to go along with a plan that covers pre-existing conditions, so maybe the Democrats should get on board to pass this....

Oh, that's right.... The Democrats would rather see millions die before they give up their free shit!!!!!

Trump also announced two non-binding executive orders on Thursday, one addressing the topic of surprise out-of-network medical bills and the other addressing the topic of protecting pre-existing conditions

Do you know what non-binding means?
After promising something better and cheaper than Obamacare, Trump finally revealed what he considers a “plan”
It is not a plan at all, but a series of empty promises that are not funded or backed by legislation.

Trump’s announcements Thursday failed to match his pledge of a “full and complete” health care plan. They also failed to make good on senior officials’ claims, made on the press call just ahead of Trump’s speech Thursday, that the President would present an “historic” proposal.
Well, at least it has slightly more substance than his climate change proposal.

"It'll get cooler, just watch."

Or his COVID proposal
It will disappear by miracle
It appears that Trump is willing to go along with a plan that covers pre-existing conditions, so maybe the Democrats should get on board to pass this..

Trump ignores the problem faced by those writing Obamacare...How do you mandate insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions without mandating everyone have coverage?

Otherwise, people go without coverage and then when they get cancer they demand insurance companies cover them.

It is like someone applying for car insurance after they have totaled their car.
Some people are not as fortunate as you and need some form of healthcare.

While that's true, it's perfectly constitutional at the state level and should be relegated to the states. The feds have no constitutional authority to be involved with it. It hasn't stopped them, of course, but they still don't have just powers to be involved in healthcare.

Keep it at the state level where it belongs and there won't be a problem.
That's why Congress needs to actually pass a law addressing this....

Which, of course, they refuse to do.....

They already have
It is called Obamacare
And there is a good chance the SCOTUS will shoot down critical provisions of Obozocare as being unconstitutional....

Looks like Pelosi needs to get to work on an acceptable alternative!!!!!

Good one

Trump is trying to cancel Obamacare in the middle of a pandemic.

If Biden wins and Dems take Congress, look for Obamacare on Steroids. First step towards Single Payer.
Some people are not as fortunate as you and need some form of healthcare.

While that's true, it's perfectly constitutional at the state level and should be relegated to the states. The feds have no constitutional authority to be involved with it. It hasn't stopped them, of course, but they still don't have just powers to be involved in healthcare.

Keep it at the state level where it belongs and there won't be a problem.

Feds have VA, Medicare and Medicaid
All Constitutional Healthcare.

Obamacare is run by the States

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