Trump's approval rating on economy hits new high: Gallup


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Trump's approval rating on economy hits new high: Gallup

Trump's approval rating on economy hits new high: Gallup | TheHill
By Michael Burke ~~ President Trump's approval rating on the economy has reached a new high, according to a Gallup poll published Tuesday.
The poll showed that 56 percent of adults in the U.S. approve of Trump's handling of the economy, the best mark of Trump's presidency and the highest approval rating for Trump on any of the 14 issues in the poll.... The poll also found that a majority of voters approve of Trump's handling of unemployment and of the situation with North Korea, with 54 percent approving of Trump's job with unemployment and 51 percent approving on North Korea.
But the president's overall approval rating still sits at just 43 percent, according to the poll. Another 54 percent of adults, meanwhile, disapprove of Trump's performance as president.... Trump gets the lowest marks on his handling of relations with Russia, race relations and corruption in government, according to the poll. The poll found that 39 percent, 38 percent and 37 percent approve of Trump's handling of those three issues, respectively.... Respondents were split heavily along partisan lines in their views of Trump.... Ninety-three percent of Republicans approve of Trump's handling of the economy, compared to just 20 percent of Democrats. Additionally, just 6 percent of Democrats approve of Trump's overall job performance, while 90 percent of Republicans approve, according to the poll.

Polls, especially this far away from an election, are not worth much except to notice trends. The trend for Trump is up in most of the polls. Given the hue and cry coming from the Democrats, especially those in the House, these numbers are remarkable. Note that the poll reached out to adults, i.e. anyone who responded. Rule of thumb for all adults polls is to add 10 points to any result involving Trump and the Republicans to understand what would really happen in an election.
Trump gets the lowest marks on his handling of relations with Russia...
I had thought the MSM was relatively impotent at this point. Since there is no REAL evidence to justify low mark on Russia, One can only assume the MSM has had an impact. Note that Trumps high numbers are in areas that Americans can see for themselves and the results are 180 degrees out from the media narrative.
Trump's approval rating on economy hits new high: Gallup

Trump's approval rating on economy hits new high: Gallup | TheHill
By Michael Burke ~~ President Trump's approval rating on the economy has reached a new high, according to a Gallup poll published Tuesday.

The poll showed that 56 percent of adults in the U.S. approve of Trump's handling of the economy, the best mark of Trump's presidency and the highest approval rating for Trump on any of the 14 issues in the poll.... The poll also found that a majority of voters approve of Trump's handling of unemployment and of the situation with North Korea, with 54 percent approving of Trump's job with unemployment and 51 percent approving on North Korea...

Polls, especially this far away from an election, are not worth much except to notice trends. The trend for Trump is up in most of the polls. Given the hue and cry coming from the Democrats, especially those in the House, these numbers are remarkable. Note that the poll reached out to adults, i.e. anyone who responded. Rule of thumb for all adults polls is to add 10 points to any result involving Trump and the Republicans to understand what would really happen in an election...

Note that Trumps high numbers are in areas that Americans can see for themselves and the results are 180 degrees out from the media narrative.
So noted!

Earnings and Economic Data May Indicate That Fears of a Slowdown Were Overblown


According to Refinitiv, 74% of the companies reporting so far have beaten expectations. Based on forecasts and actual reports, earnings for the S&P 500 as a whole are expected to decline 1.7%, the first negative quarter in three years. Some forecasters had projected an earnings decline of 4% or more.

The equivalent of the economy's first-quarter report card will be released Friday, with the first reading of GDP. The outlook for first-quarter growth has suddenly shifted upward, after a series of better data releases later in the quarter.

CNBC/Moody’s Analytics Rapid Update survey shows economists’ median forecast is now tracking at 2.4%, way above the 1% expected earlier in the quarter, when severe winter weather and the government shutdown were stifling the economy.

The Atlanta Fed is even higher at 2.8% GDP

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