Trumped-Up Disconnects Continue--Tweet Says, "Agents Not Leaving!" Survey Says: "They're Gone!"


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Republicans--and state and local governments all over--are publicly expressing dismay at unspent Stimulus Monies in Plagiarized Stimulus One--an actually better distribution of social benefits to lower incomes, compared to the Original Obama-Biden recovery spending. The social benefits spending did increase consumer spending in the last two months. Way more "Anarchists" were in shops and stores all spending and helping local businesses.

The Trumped-Up Administration sent agents into Portland to quell literally dozens with alternate plans, and then yet even Friday night was lying about that. The Illiterate Administration fails completely at details on the ground, and famously including Intel reports of anything worldwide.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 20: 1-16, about a more inclusive, anarchist, planet arithmetic--never noted or put into place, e. g., $1200 Stimulus Checks are new. Obama-Biden Refundable equal amount Tax Credits were new! (Ford rebates were not refundable, though Ford GOP child tax credits were an advertised offset to the regressive Payroll Taxes!))
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