Trump Was Fighting COVID-19 While The Democrats Were Spending Millions Trying To Destroy Him..Yet They Claim He Did Nothing


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Since late last year the Democrats were trying to tear this country apart with their fake impeachment mess. But even while they were spinning their lies about a phone call...Trump was busy trying to stop the spread of the virus....and they were trying to stop him at every turn:

"What the Democrat party has become is a tragedy for America. We need to be a two-party nation, with each seeking adherence to the Constitution. But over the eight years of the Obama administration and his commitment to transforming America, the Democrat party was indeed transformed. It is now fully socialist and authoritarian, anti-First Amendment, anti-Second Amendment, anti-freedom and anti-Constitutional. The left has no tolerance for persons who are pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, pro-capitalism, pro-liberty. The economic system that has brought untold millions out of poverty is their enemy. They want and lobby for the dependency of the masses who they believe will be certified democrat voters. Our left has been transformed into a vicious mob of anti-American fascists. Elect or re-elect any of them to office and we will get what we deserve, a nightmare of unimaginable proportions. Pelosi and her ilk are not only certifiably insane, they are well and truly evil. Their intentions for the wealth and sanctity of this nation as founded are malicious. She and her fellow elitists could not care less for the citizens they were elected to represent. This is why they are unable to grasp why so many of us love this president; he does care about all the folks they disregard – all those people who are bringing food to our markets, stocking the shelves, still picking up our trash, taking care of those who are sick across the nation. This pandemic crisis has demonstrated for all to see that the American left is as much an enemy of America as China.

How do sentient people watch her on any of the many cable news programs on which she appears listen to her blather and lies? She accuses the president of “fiddling while people are dying.” What nonsense. He was on the case while she was obsessed with impeaching him! He banned flights from China in January, created a task force to address the virus but the left-media did not notice. She was encouraging the people of San Francisco to join the crowd in Chinatown to celebrate Chinese New Year in late February! She and Schiff et al were so were obsessed with impeaching him they ignored the Wuhan virus completely. It was as though they actually thought they could remove him from office! That is how deluded they are. Pelosi still is. She shows up all over cable TV with her surgically-modified, botoxed face, her red lipstick reminiscent of the RuPaul’s drag queen show and expects that Americans will pay attention to anything she has to say. She has become a joke, a punchline. "

Nancy Pelosi: Cancer on the body politic

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Yes. Trump was on top of this virus and did everything possible to stop it and limit the damage right from the beginning.

That is why he and his crew are suggesting that the impeachment hearings are the reason that his response was insufficient.

It makes perfect sense. If you are a moron Trombie.
It's almost like Trump and all his apologists have forgotten that we spent a ridiculous amount of time just trying to get them to take this seriously. Every action was too little, too late while Trump continued to live in a fantasy world where this was all just going to go away. Now that he is sort of doing the right things his priorities are still personal and partisan.
Yes. Trump was on top of this virus and did everything possible to stop it and limit the damage right from the beginning.

That is why he and his crew are suggesting that the impeachment hearings are the reason that his response was insufficient.

It makes perfect sense. If you are a moron Trombie.

You tards were calling Trump a racist in January when he shut off travel from China. That was while the impeachment was still going on. And you'll continue to bitch about a wall for our security. Then you'll bitch about how we all didn't go to China Town three weeks ago to hug a downtrodden poor soul.

Then you'll rail orange man bad while hugging your senile old fool Bidum.
Yes. Trump was on top of this virus and did everything possible to stop it and limit the damage right from the beginning.

That is why he and his crew are suggesting that the impeachment hearings are the reason that his response was insufficient.

It makes perfect sense. If you are a moron Trombie.

You tards were calling Trump a racist in January when he shut off travel from China. That was while the impeachment was still going on. And you'll continue to bitch about a wall for our security. Then you'll bitch about how we all didn't go to China Town three weeks ago to hug a downtrodden poor soul.

Then you'll rail orange man bad while hugging your senile old fool Bidum.

Well. There’s a lot of bullshit in there.

One, the idea that people called the man a racist for saying that he banned travel from and “closed the border” with China is a RW loser grievance construct. That didn’t happen. He was called a racist for using the term “Chinese virus” for days while Americans of Asian descent were being harassed by morons. He stopped though. Did you notice that?

Next, travel from China was never banned. That was talk. Flightsto and from China and flights full of Chinese people from other nations never stopped. Idiot.

Trump fumbled the response to this virus. He’s incompetent. If you believe he’s done a good job with this, you are a moron.

Yes. Trump was on top of this virus and did everything possible to stop it and limit the damage right from the beginning.

That is why he and his crew are suggesting that the impeachment hearings are the reason that his response was insufficient.

It makes perfect sense. If you are a moron Trombie.
Good thing he was securing masks and PPE for healthcare workers

Good thing he was figuring out how many ventilators we had and where they would be needed and putting a plan in place to get them where they would be needed.

Good thing he reconstituted the pandemic task force that he had previously disbanded

Oh wait...he did none of that
The blob was distracted by his impeachment? He wasn't too distracted to go golfing and hold those hate-fests...err I mean political rallies.

Thread fail.

Unless you can debunk the reality the U.S. Government offered help in early January by wanting to send members of the CDC over to China then your comment is also a fail!

Maybe you should see what the U.S. Government was doing on January 6th of this year:

Yes. Trump was on top of this virus and did everything possible to stop it and limit the damage right from the beginning.

That is why he and his crew are suggesting that the impeachment hearings are the reason that his response was insufficient.

It makes perfect sense. If you are a moron Trombie.

You tards were calling Trump a racist in January when he shut off travel from China. That was while the impeachment was still going on. And you'll continue to bitch about a wall for our security. Then you'll bitch about how we all didn't go to China Town three weeks ago to hug a downtrodden poor soul.

Then you'll rail orange man bad while hugging your senile old fool Bidum.

Well. There’s a lot of bullshit in there.

One, the idea that people called the man a racist for saying that he banned travel from and “closed the border” with China is a RW loser grievance construct. That didn’t happen. He was called a racist for using the term “Chinese virus” for days while Americans of Asian descent were being harassed by morons. He stopped though. Did you notice that?

Next, travel from China was never banned. That was talk. Flightsto and from China and flights full of Chinese people from other nations never stopped. Idiot.

Trump fumbled the response to this virus. He’s incompetent. If you believe he’s done a good job with this, you are a moron.


You need to quit reading Huffpost. You're already on the wrong side of history. You should move to China.

He damn sure did stop travel. Where the fuck you been? And yes your chief idiot Bidum did call Trump a racist for shutting down travel.

And as the polling shows, Trump is kicking ass while you sit on yours.
The blob was distracted by his impeachment? He wasn't too distracted to go golfing and hold those hate-fests...err I mean political rallies.

Thread fail.

Unless you can debunk the reality the U.S. Government offered help in early January by wanting to send members of the CDC over to China then your comment is also a fail!

Maybe you should see what the U.S. Government was doing on January 6th of this year:

I do know the Blob’s State Dept was sending tons of supplies to China.

I do know the Blob’s CDC was telling us to practice social distancing while the Blob’s FAA was forcing unscreened travelers to stand side by side at airports across the nation.

I do know the blob downplayed the threat and spoke of miracles instead of spinning up common sense measures like the Navy hospital vessels

Yep, the blob has done a lot. Most of it was half measures and long delayed.
The blob was distracted by his impeachment? He wasn't too distracted to go golfing and hold those hate-fests...err I mean political rallies.

Thread fail.

Unless you can debunk the reality the U.S. Government offered help in early January by wanting to send members of the CDC over to China then your comment is also a fail!

Maybe you should see what the U.S. Government was doing on January 6th of this year:

I do know the Blob’s State Dept was sending tons of supplies to China.

I do know the Blob’s CDC was telling us to practice social distancing while the Blob’s FAA was forcing unscreened travelers to stand side by side at airports across the nation.

I do know the blob downplayed the threat and spoke of miracles instead of spinning up common sense measures like the Navy hospital vessels

Yep, the blob has done a lot. Most of it was half measures and long delayed.
You don't know anything. All you "know" is what the media parrots tell you.
The blob was distracted by his impeachment? He wasn't too distracted to go golfing and hold those hate-fests...err I mean political rallies.

Thread fail.

Unless you can debunk the reality the U.S. Government offered help in early January by wanting to send members of the CDC over to China then your comment is also a fail!

Maybe you should see what the U.S. Government was doing on January 6th of this year:

I do know the Blob’s State Dept was sending tons of supplies to China.

I do know the Blob’s CDC was telling us to practice social distancing while the Blob’s FAA was forcing unscreened travelers to stand side by side at airports across the nation.

I do know the blob downplayed the threat and spoke of miracles instead of spinning up common sense measures like the Navy hospital vessels

Yep, the blob has done a lot. Most of it was half measures and long delayed.

So when presented with a timeline of the events showing the U.S. Government was doing something and trying to get more accurate information from China Government about the virus all you have is your opinion of the matter that is slanted as usual.

Fact is China Government knew since December 1st 2019 how dangerous this virus was and did not close down the infectious region of the Country until later part of January allowing asymptomatic carriers to get out of the region and infect the World and you blame Trump why?

Let be clear Trump wording is a big issue but the response by the CDC and WHO have been the best they could do when China Government was doing everything they could to keep the virus silent!

Do you blame Trump for China Government arrest of those that blew the whistle and notified the World and if so why?

Fact is had this happened under Obama would would be holding China Government accountable and not Obama because of the political party Obama belong to and your attacks on Trump is more about him being Republican and less about him because Pence or Romney could be running the show and you would complain still while spreading misinformation!

So unless you can debunk the timelines then all you are doing is lying as usual.
You need to quit reading Huffpost. You're already on the wrong side of history. You should move to China.

He damn sure did stop travel. Where the fuck you been? And yes your chief idiot Bidum did call Trump a racist for shutting down travel.
Did Trump stop travel from ITALY? No?
Did he allow people from infected cruise ships to disembark and go on their merry way?



As far as quotes and links or admit you're full of shit. I have issued that challenge numerous times and gotten ZERO response
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Since late last year the Democrats were trying to tear this country apart with their fake impeachment mess. But even while they were spinning their lies about a phone call...Trump was busy trying to stop the spread of the virus....and they were trying to stop him at every turn:

"What the Democrat party has become is a tragedy for America. We need to be a two-party nation, with each seeking adherence to the Constitution. But over the eight years of the Obama administration and his commitment to transforming America, the Democrat party was indeed transformed. It is now fully socialist and authoritarian, anti-First Amendment, anti-Second Amendment, anti-freedom and anti-Constitutional. The left has no tolerance for persons who are pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, pro-capitalism, pro-liberty. The economic system that has brought untold millions out of poverty is their enemy. They want and lobby for the dependency of the masses who they believe will be certified democrat voters. Our left has been transformed into a vicious mob of anti-American fascists. Elect or re-elect any of them to office and we will get what we deserve, a nightmare of unimaginable proportions. Pelosi and her ilk are not only certifiably insane, they are well and truly evil. Their intentions for the wealth and sanctity of this nation as founded are malicious. She and her fellow elitists could not care less for the citizens they were elected to represent. This is why they are unable to grasp why so many of us love this president; he does care about all the folks they disregard – all those people who are bringing food to our markets, stocking the shelves, still picking up our trash, taking care of those who are sick across the nation. This pandemic crisis has demonstrated for all to see that the American left is as much an enemy of America as China.

How do sentient people watch her on any of the many cable news programs on which she appears listen to her blather and lies? She accuses the president of “fiddling while people are dying.” What nonsense. He was on the case while she was obsessed with impeaching him! He banned flights from China in January, created a task force to address the virus but the left-media did not notice. She was encouraging the people of San Francisco to join the crowd in Chinatown to celebrate Chinese New Year in late February! She and Schiff et al were so were obsessed with impeaching him they ignored the Wuhan virus completely. It was as though they actually thought they could remove him from office! That is how deluded they are. Pelosi still is. She shows up all over cable TV with her surgically-modified, botoxed face, her red lipstick reminiscent of the RuPaul’s drag queen show and expects that Americans will pay attention to anything she has to say. She has become a joke, a punchline. "

Nancy Pelosi: Cancer on the body politic

Can anyone name anything significant Pelosi, Schummer, Waters, Schiff and Nadler have done for The American People in the past 4 years they stole their paychecks?

I know they spent about $100 Million on several investigations that proved their allegations were false, $40 Million alone on Mad Moscow Mueller, who was the scumbag who deleted Page and Strok's texts, and lied to the AG about it. That was the "impartial asshole" that headed the fake "Russian Collusion" investigation?
He should be in jail, not sitting home counting his millions.

For that matter, can anyone tell me what Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden have done except collect bribes and summer homes?
Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'Jan 31st Trump bans flights from China. Feb 5th Sen. Schumer & the Dems have a meltdown, saying the China Travel Ban is part of Trump's war against immigrants. Feb 24th Pelosi tells eveyone Trump is being racist & everyone should go visit Chinatown. March 13th DeBlasio & his health tell NY'ers to use the subway, go to concerts, & Corona Virus is no big deal. Reid hmmmmmm...... And they 're blaming Trump?'

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