Trump to Take Large Segment of Union Voters?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Trump tells it like it is and Union members respond to it - thus concerning the leaders.
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In expressing her concern, Ms. Henry reflected a different form of anxiety that is weighing on some union leaders and Democratic operatives: their fear that Mr. Trump, if not effectively countered, may draw an unusually large number of union voters in a possible general election matchup. This could, in turn, bolster Republicans in swing states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, all of which President Obama won twice.
The source of the attraction to Mr. Trump, say union members and leaders, is manifold: the candidate’s unapologetically populist positions on certain economic issues, particularly trade; a frustration with the impotence of conventional politicians; and above all, a sense that he rejects the norms of Washington discourse.
“They feel he’s the one guy who’s saying what’s on people’s minds,” Thomas Hanify, the president of the Indiana state firefighters union, said of his rank and file.
This is a very strong possibility for trump, as union voters - the few that are left - make up a major Democrat constituency.

Enough to put make up for all the women and Hispanics Trump is going to alienate? Probably not.
Liberals keep talking about how Trump will lose because he's not a conservative and not enough Republicans will vote for him but it's not the Republicans they need to worry about, it's the Democrats who will cross over to vote for him that they need to be worrying about, and not just from unions.

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