Trump to send armed troops to border after incident with Mexican soldiers


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Apparently the U.S. troops who were bushwacked by those Mexican soldiers were only carrying sidearms.

"Following an incident involving a pair of lightly armed U.S. soldiers and a squad of more heavily-armed Mexican troops in Texas earlier this month, POTUS Donald Trump announced Wednesday that in the future, American soldiers will also carry additional arms.

In addition, the president opined that perhaps the Mexican troops were not really interested in securing their country’s border as they were assisting a drug cartel.

“Mexico’s Soldiers recently pulled guns on our National Guard Soldiers, probably as a diversionary tactic for drug smugglers on the Border. Better not happen again! We are now sending ARMED SOLDIERS to the Border. Mexico is not doing nearly enough in apprehending & returning!” the commander-in-chief tweeted."

Escalation: Trump to send ARMED U.S. troops to border after incident with Mexican soldiers
the commander-in-chief tweeted.

Leave it to the super patriotic american clown-in-chief to make a mountain out of a molehill turning a common occurence that has been happening for the last 200 years, US and Mexican security agents mistakenly entering each other's territory into an international incident.
Apparently the U.S. troops who were bushwacked by those Mexican soldiers were only carrying sidearms.

"Following an incident involving a pair of lightly armed U.S. soldiers and a squad of more heavily-armed Mexican troops in Texas earlier this month, POTUS Donald Trump announced Wednesday that in the future, American soldiers will also carry additional arms.

In addition, the president opined that perhaps the Mexican troops were not really interested in securing their country’s border as they were assisting a drug cartel.

“Mexico’s Soldiers recently pulled guns on our National Guard Soldiers, probably as a diversionary tactic for drug smugglers on the Border. Better not happen again! We are now sending ARMED SOLDIERS to the Border. Mexico is not doing nearly enough in apprehending & returning!” the commander-in-chief tweeted."

Escalation: Trump to send ARMED U.S. troops to border after incident with Mexican soldiers
Well that's a step in the right direction. Once we have armed troops on the border all we have to do is start defending the border in earnest and start shooting invaders as we should have all along. After about six or so have been wasted the whole frakus will come to a sudden end.
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the commander-in-chief tweeted.

Leave it to the super patriotic american clown-in-chief to make a mountain out of a molehill turning a common occurence that has been happening for the last 200 years, US and Mexican security agents mistakenly entering each other's territory into an international incident.
So after 200 years the Mexicans can’t figure out where their border is? Jesus!
the commander-in-chief tweeted.

Leave it to the super patriotic american clown-in-chief to make a mountain out of a molehill turning a common occurence that has been happening for the last 200 years, US and Mexican security agents mistakenly entering each other's territory into an international incident.
So after 200 years the Mexicans can’t figure out where their border is? Jesus!

What is even funnier, is that Republican Duncan Hunter posted a video on Facebook, telling everyone how easy it was to cross the border. But, not only does he NOT know where the border is, it's his ignorance that saved him, because if he HAD crossed the border, he would have violated his parole.

And yes...............he's a currently serving Republican................

Watch Rep. Duncan Hunter try to cross a border illegally and fail


Denis Poroy/AP

Beleaguered California Republican congressman Duncan Hunter, who was indicted last year for illegally using campaign funds to pay for personal expenses, recently took a trip to Yuma, Arizona, to demonstrate once and for all how easy it is to cross the border between the United States and Mexico.

In a Facebook video released Thursday, Hunter, looking like an unshaven undercover agent standing in the dark, claimed to be 15 meters from the border with Mexico. He said that the country was being “overwhelmed” by immigrants trying to enter and wanted to show exactly how porous our borders were. He repeated how necessary it was for Congress to “secure the border and build a wall.”

Late night ride-along with U.S. Border Patrol in Yuma, AZ.

— Rep. Duncan Hunter (@Rep_Hunter) April 18, 2019

“We expect to stop transnational terrorists, families, all illegal aliens from crossing the border,” he said incredulously as he pointed to a low fence he thought marked the border and easily climbed over it. Unfortunately, he missed his target. A Border Patrol spokesman told the Times of San Diego that the actual border was along the Colorado River 100 feet away from where Hunter stood.

“Hunter either broke the law and violated conditions of his release issued by a judge not to leave the continental US, or he was pulling a political stunt and lied,” his one-time Democratic opponent Ammar Campa-Najjar said in a statement to NBC News on Friday. Earlier this year, Campa-Najjar announced he would challenge Hunter again in 2020.

In August, a federal judge told Hunter and his wife Margaret, his former campaign manager, that they couldn’t leave the United States or travel to Mexico while they were out on bail. Hunter’s spokesman told the Times of San Diego that Campa-Najjar’s insistence that Hunter violated his parole represented a “non-issue typical of someone desperate for a headline” that took the focus away from border security.
People think Trump sitiing on his fatass and tweeting with his grubby little fingers means he’s done something. That’s usually the first the agencies hear about it, and then they just ignore him because they know he doesn’t actually care.
As far as I'm concerned it's time to conquer central America, establish a border with Columbia that will be a lot easier to police, and eliminate a lot of our problems.
We should have platoons with minimum armament of Ma Deuces on Humvees in addition to well armed infantry. I agree with Trump, this Mexican military unit was probably running interference for a drug cartel. We should have been detaining and disarming THEM.
the commander-in-chief tweeted.

Leave it to the super patriotic american clown-in-chief to make a mountain out of a molehill turning a common occurence that has been happening for the last 200 years, US and Mexican security agents mistakenly entering each other's territory into an international incident.
Uhh, they were on American soil, 6 of them and removed our soldiers side arm. No.
If you don’t want an international incident, you prevent it from happening, by letting them know they will not pull it again.
Really? Trump is wanting a war with Mexico? Really? The man is more nuts than I thought.
And nobody is saying anything about what will happen to the 2 soldiers. Giving up their weapons to members of a foreign military is far beyond any military standards I know of.

And what about the leaders who put them in that position? What will happen to them?

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