Trump to issue Executive Order

Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019
The already on going Congressional Committee investigating the events of Jan 6 has issued subpoenas on the rally and subsequent riot when a mob entered the Capitol Building ready to "fight like hell"

The already on going Congressional Committee investigating the events of Jan 6 has issued subpoenas on the rally and subsequent riot when a mob entered the Capitol Building ready to "fight like hell"

Pleading the 5th only means that if he was to say something it would incriminate him.
Turns out the orange man has been bad all along. Only the hard core crazies don't see it by now.

At this point in the Trump President, Born in Kenya Barack was a distant memory, a rounding error, a pimple on the world's ass. Biden is such a complete fuck up you guys talk about Trump wayyyyy more than CCP Joe Biden
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At this point in the Trump President, Born in Kenya Barack was a distant memory, a rounding error, a pimple on the world's ass. Biden is such a complete fuck up you guys talk about Trump wayyyyy more that CCP Joe Biden
Trump is still the leader of his party. Right wingers still line up to kiss his ring. When he no longer calls the shots for one of the two major parties, he will fade into history. Not before.
how many times during his reign did we hear "if you have nothing to hide, why not answer the questions?"
both sides.

show me the routers! no, you don't need then as they contain private info (the hell they do)
show me full camera videos from the building on Jan 6th - no, you don't need that you have enough.

both sides wall up as needed.
Biden was not elected, he cheated.

I'm OK with the truth that Obama was born in Kenya, yet got elected and that Biden had literally tens of millions of fake and altered votes and got elected. That's America today.
Q. Is this post another iteration of a BIG LIE, or has CrusaderFrank gone of the edge

A. CrusaderFrank (CF) and a number of Trumpanzees have always held onto the Idiot Fringe; sadly I need to inform the reader CF has slipped and dropped off the fringe into the swamp.
Q. Is this post another iteration of a BIG LIE, or has CrusaderFrank gone of the edge

A. CrusaderFrank (CF) and a number of Trumpanzees have always held onto the Idiot Fringe; sadly I need to inform the reader CF has slipped and dropped off the fringe into the swamp.

^ I don't take sock accounts seriously.

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