Trump, the RNC and Chinese Communists with ties to Chineses Military. Go figure.

White 6

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Nov 10, 2019
I wonder how much influence a few $100,000 Dollar$ buys with the trump administrations. The conservative Wall Street Journal had and interesting article linked on Drudge Report today.
Political Donors Linked to China Won Access to Trump, GOP
Hundreds of thousands of dollars in political donations opened doors in Washington for Chinese nationals with high-level ties
Soon after Donald Trump took office, people with ties to the Chinese state poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into his re-election bid to get close to and potentially influence the new president.

The effort had early success in gaining access for those involved, helping them meet the president or top Republicans at fundraisers or at an internal GOP leadership meeting. It reveals how China seeks to build inroads into U.S. politics, gather information on U.S. leaders and if possible affect policy-making.

Several of those involved worked closely with China’s national-security apparatus, including organizations linked to its military, and briefed prominent Chinese political figures about their efforts.

Most of the political donations identified by the Journal flowed to a fundraising committee called Trump Victory in the first half of the Trump presidency. The donations were among the largest of 2017, as the young administration was planning its China policy. The money accounts for just a fraction of the more than $190 million the committee has raised since Mr. Trump took office.
“It’s important to do all we can to safeguard our politics from illegal foreign meddling,” the RNC said in response to questions. It said it wouldn’t return donations identified by the Journal that facilitated access to the president and other officials because it didn’t believe campaign-finance laws were broken.
Wait a minute...................hasn't Trump been screaming about the Chinese threat, as well as blaming China for releasing COVID 19? Why in the hell is he accepting help from the very people he calls a threat?
Too late. We already know better.
We know about Hunter Biden having his hand in the Fortune Cookie jar too.
Too late. We already know better.
We know about Hunter Biden having his hand in the Fortune Cookie jar too.
Can’t you respond without a dumb deflection.

Is it any wonder why Trump asked Xi to help him in his re-election campaign.
Too late. We already know better.
We know about Hunter Biden having his hand in the Fortune Cookie jar too.
Can’t you respond without a dumb deflection.

Is it any wonder why Trump asked Xi to help him in his re-election campaign.
Trump got a better trade agreement from Xi which is why American communists like you object. The commies wanted the screws put to the farmers. Trump stopped that.

You are an enemy.
Too late. We already know better.
We know about Hunter Biden having his hand in the Fortune Cookie jar too.
Can’t you respond without a dumb deflection.

Is it any wonder why Trump asked Xi to help him in his re-election campaign.
Trump got a better trade agreement from Xi which is why American communists like you object. The commies wanted the screws put to the farmers. Trump stopped that.

You are an enemy.
What a stupid thing to write. Your post is just more of your usual anti-American clap trap, troll. No true American considers opponents the enemy. Go back to your cave, hobgoblin. This country does not need your ilk here.
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