Trump-The-Con-Man, Sold White Working Class Voters A Pipe Dream


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
In the “Esquire” article by Charles P. Pierce, “You Can Keep Studying White Working Class Voters, But We Know the Answers” he cites interviews with people who voted for Trump and some who were vehemently opposed to him.

The article is detailed, and shows why white working class voters found in Trump’s campaign promises what they believed were their dreams come true.

Displaced steel workers believed he would turn back the clock and make company owners reopen the mills. Coal miners and their families were convinced Trump could magically revitalize that dying industry. Others were convinced Trump’s policies would cure drug addiction, while another interviewee was unaware the N-word was an offensive term to most African-Americans and decent people. Then, there are the union members who bought into Trump’s promises to bring back their high-paying jobs. They truly believe Trump-the-union-hater is going to help them regain their old jobs with the high wages and benefits they lost years ago.

The author also found Trump’s younger voters were men and women who lacked any awareness of past generations’ life's experiences and conditions. This absence of knowledge led these young people to accept Trump’s meager promises of prosperity as a return to the American Dream lost to their generation. They did not realize how empty his promises really were.

What the article all boils down to is, Trump sold his voters a pipe dream, in fact, many pipe dreams, and his choice of transition team members, cabinet appointments, and his sudden cooperation with the Republican establishment (from which he claimed to be an outsider) prove he has no intention of, or ability to, fulfill any of his campaign commitments to his working class supporters.

Understanding this to be the inevitable results of his election as president, the question then becomes, will Trump’s 2016 voters’ pride prevent them from admitting the mistakes they made before the 2018 election? 2020? Will they finally realize their error in supporting Trump and help people of reason force the billionaires to share control of our government with average Americans? Or is it already too late, and with one of their own about to enter the White House, have the billionaires already gained total ownership of our government?

However, if the billionaires do now, own the U.S. government lock, stock, and barrel, we have the Trump voters to thank.

You Can Keep Studying White Working Class Voters, But We Know the Answers

High paying jobs that require no education.

Automation and robots replacing workers.

China and Mexico losing manufacturing jobs.

The GOP base got duped big time.

Understanding this to be the inevitable results of his election as president, the question then becomes, will Trump’s 2016 voters’ pride prevent them from admitting the mistakes they made...


I think it is hilarious that both republicans and and democrats think they can bring all the jobs back from overseas. Many of those jobs are long gone. Why move your company back to the states when you can pay less for workers and they work double the hours Americans do.

What needs to happen is the government should put more investment in free universities where people can actually earn higher education degrees so they can find jobs outside of manufacturing and labor work.

If theh educate the people we won't need people worrying about getting a factory job. We should be aiming higher than that.
I love love the negativity. There must be a whole generation of negative people.....and many of them are here. Spoiled brats is more like it.
High paying jobs that require no education.

Automation and robots replacing workers.

China and Mexico losing manufacturing jobs.

The GOP base got duped big time.

Why we kicked the living shit out of the left ^^^ idiots like this clown. We manufacture plenty in this country, we can compete when its a fair fight. Fucking China dumping product into our country at a loss with the sole purpose of destroying competition here in the USA is not fair trade. Don't listen to stupid morons like this clown, high paying manufacturing jobs are coming back and we will make America great again.

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