Trump Says We Are "Locked And Loaded" For Iran


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Trump: US 'locked and loaded' after Saudi oil attack - CNNPolitics

Let me begin this thread by first saying -- John Bolton is probably somewhere easing his pants down by his ankles with a bottle of Jergens after the latest developments in Saudi Arabia. This past Sunday, Trump tweeted that the US has "reason to believe that we know" who pulled off the attack on a Saudi oil field and that our country is "locked and loaded depending on verification"

"On Saturday, coordinated strikes on key Saudi Arabian oil facilities -- among the world's largest energy production centers -- disrupted 5% of the daily global oil supply. Yemen's Houthi rebels took responsibility for the attacks, but they are often backed by Iran."

Locked and loaded to do what?? Why do we need to take any kind of military strike on Iran based on what some middle eastern country wants us to do?? Do we not sell a shit load of weapons to Saudi Arabia?? If they feel Iran did this and they need to strike back with military action, let them send their own men and women (if women are allowed in their military) to die --- not ours. Trump's staff tried to walk back Trump's tweet by saying "I think that locked and loaded is a broad term and talks about the realities that we're all far safer and more secure domestically from energy independence," Short said. "This is not the 1970s oil embargo. It's not 1990 when Iraq invaded Kuwait. We're now a net oil exporter which means that the American market is much better protected." <--- Yea, sure, everyone knows that is what "locked and loaded" means...

Now the neo-cons like the Boltons of the world, and according to Tucker, the "leftist liberals" may want to have a full-scale war with Iran but the majority of Americans DO NOT...

Trump: US 'locked and loaded' after Saudi oil attack - CNNPolitics

Let me begin this thread by first saying -- John Bolton is probably somewhere easing his pants down by his ankles with a bottle of Jergens after the latest developments in Saudi Arabia. This past Sunday, Trump tweeted that the US has "reason to believe that we know" who pulled off the attack on a Saudi oil field and that our country is "locked and loaded depending on verification"

"On Saturday, coordinated strikes on key Saudi Arabian oil facilities -- among the world's largest energy production centers -- disrupted 5% of the daily global oil supply. Yemen's Houthi rebels took responsibility for the attacks, but they are often backed by Iran."

Locked and loaded to do what?? Why do we need to take any kind of military strike on Iran based on what some middle eastern country wants us to do?? Do we not sell a shit load of weapons to Saudi Arabia?? If they feel Iran did this and they need to strike back with military action, let them send their own men and women (if women are allowed in their military) to die --- not ours. Trump's staff tried to walk back Trump's tweet by saying "I think that locked and loaded is a broad term and talks about the realities that we're all far safer and more secure domestically from energy independence," Short said. "This is not the 1970s oil embargo. It's not 1990 when Iraq invaded Kuwait. We're now a net oil exporter which means that the American market is much better protected." <--- Yea, sure, everyone knows that is what "locked and loaded" means...

Now the neo-cons like the Boltons of the world, and according to Tucker, the "leftist liberals" may want to have a full-scale war with Iran but the majority of Americans DO NOT...
You don't know shit about what the majority of Americans want. You only "know" what the media feeds you.
Could you imagine if America just started going around and invading other countries and attacking other countries? We’ve got no allies anymore. Donald Trump’s destroyed our relationships with the rest of the world. If Republicans want us to go it alone and be isolated from the rest of the world, why not just bring all our Middle East troops home and forget what’s going on in with the Middle East?
Trump: US 'locked and loaded' after Saudi oil attack - CNNPolitics

Let me begin this thread by first saying -- John Bolton is probably somewhere easing his pants down by his ankles with a bottle of Jergens after the latest developments in Saudi Arabia. This past Sunday, Trump tweeted that the US has "reason to believe that we know" who pulled off the attack on a Saudi oil field and that our country is "locked and loaded depending on verification"

"On Saturday, coordinated strikes on key Saudi Arabian oil facilities -- among the world's largest energy production centers -- disrupted 5% of the daily global oil supply. Yemen's Houthi rebels took responsibility for the attacks, but they are often backed by Iran."

Locked and loaded to do what?? Why do we need to take any kind of military strike on Iran based on what some middle eastern country wants us to do?? Do we not sell a shit load of weapons to Saudi Arabia?? If they feel Iran did this and they need to strike back with military action, let them send their own men and women (if women are allowed in their military) to die --- not ours. Trump's staff tried to walk back Trump's tweet by saying "I think that locked and loaded is a broad term and talks about the realities that we're all far safer and more secure domestically from energy independence," Short said. "This is not the 1970s oil embargo. It's not 1990 when Iraq invaded Kuwait. We're now a net oil exporter which means that the American market is much better protected." <--- Yea, sure, everyone knows that is what "locked and loaded" means...

Now the neo-cons like the Boltons of the world, and according to Tucker, the "leftist liberals" may want to have a full-scale war with Iran but the majority of Americans DO NOT...
You don't know shit about what the majority of Americans want. You only "know" what the media feeds you.
Do you believe Trump? A man who has told thousands of lies.


John Bolton is probably somewhere easing his pants down by his ankles with a bottle of Jergens after the latest developments in Saudi Arabia.

Could not have said it better myself. This country loves war. We are gonna keep on till someone(s) really gives us what we are asking for.
Well he's gone from "cocked and loaded" he is such a dick, to locked and loaded. At least he's got the terminology down for idle threats.
Could you imagine if America just started going around and invading other countries and attacking other countries? We’ve got no allies anymore. Donald Trump’s destroyed our relationships with the rest of the world. If Republicans want us to go it alone and be isolated from the rest of the world, why not just bring all our Middle East troops home and forget what’s going on in with the Middle East?
You meant to post, “The US has stopped bribing the rest of the world to like us.”.
Trump: US 'locked and loaded' after Saudi oil attack - CNNPolitics

Let me begin this thread by first saying -- John Bolton is probably somewhere easing his pants down by his ankles with a bottle of Jergens after the latest developments in Saudi Arabia. This past Sunday, Trump tweeted that the US has "reason to believe that we know" who pulled off the attack on a Saudi oil field and that our country is "locked and loaded depending on verification"

"On Saturday, coordinated strikes on key Saudi Arabian oil facilities -- among the world's largest energy production centers -- disrupted 5% of the daily global oil supply. Yemen's Houthi rebels took responsibility for the attacks, but they are often backed by Iran."

Locked and loaded to do what?? Why do we need to take any kind of military strike on Iran based on what some middle eastern country wants us to do?? Do we not sell a shit load of weapons to Saudi Arabia?? If they feel Iran did this and they need to strike back with military action, let them send their own men and women (if women are allowed in their military) to die --- not ours. Trump's staff tried to walk back Trump's tweet by saying "I think that locked and loaded is a broad term and talks about the realities that we're all far safer and more secure domestically from energy independence," Short said. "This is not the 1970s oil embargo. It's not 1990 when Iraq invaded Kuwait. We're now a net oil exporter which means that the American market is much better protected." <--- Yea, sure, everyone knows that is what "locked and loaded" means...

Now the neo-cons like the Boltons of the world, and according to Tucker, the "leftist liberals" may want to have a full-scale war with Iran but the majority of Americans DO NOT...
You don't know shit about what the majority of Americans want. You only "know" what the media feeds you.

I will say this again for the idiots in the back like yourself...

The majority of Americans DO NOT WANT A WAR WITH IRAN...why?

Because in the OP I just wrote, it includes the Trump admin walking back Trump's locked and loaded comments because even the Trump admin knows the majority of Americans don't want war...

You just mad I slapped Trump's dick out your mouth...
Trump: US 'locked and loaded' after Saudi oil attack - CNNPolitics

Let me begin this thread by first saying -- John Bolton is probably somewhere easing his pants down by his ankles with a bottle of Jergens after the latest developments in Saudi Arabia. This past Sunday, Trump tweeted that the US has "reason to believe that we know" who pulled off the attack on a Saudi oil field and that our country is "locked and loaded depending on verification"

"On Saturday, coordinated strikes on key Saudi Arabian oil facilities -- among the world's largest energy production centers -- disrupted 5% of the daily global oil supply. Yemen's Houthi rebels took responsibility for the attacks, but they are often backed by Iran."

Locked and loaded to do what?? Why do we need to take any kind of military strike on Iran based on what some middle eastern country wants us to do?? Do we not sell a shit load of weapons to Saudi Arabia?? If they feel Iran did this and they need to strike back with military action, let them send their own men and women (if women are allowed in their military) to die --- not ours. Trump's staff tried to walk back Trump's tweet by saying "I think that locked and loaded is a broad term and talks about the realities that we're all far safer and more secure domestically from energy independence," Short said. "This is not the 1970s oil embargo. It's not 1990 when Iraq invaded Kuwait. We're now a net oil exporter which means that the American market is much better protected." <--- Yea, sure, everyone knows that is what "locked and loaded" means...

Now the neo-cons like the Boltons of the world, and according to Tucker, the "leftist liberals" may want to have a full-scale war with Iran but the majority of Americans DO NOT...
You don't know shit about what the majority of Americans want. You only "know" what the media feeds you.

I will say this again for the idiots in the back like yourself...

The majority of Americans DO NOT WANT A WAR WITH IRAN...why?

Because in the OP I just wrote, it includes the Trump admin walking back Trump's locked and loaded comments because even the Trump admin knows the majority of Americans don't want war...

You just mad I slapped Trump's dick out your mouth...
^ Media fed liar.
Trump: US 'locked and loaded' after Saudi oil attack - CNNPolitics

Let me begin this thread by first saying -- John Bolton is probably somewhere easing his pants down by his ankles with a bottle of Jergens after the latest developments in Saudi Arabia. This past Sunday, Trump tweeted that the US has "reason to believe that we know" who pulled off the attack on a Saudi oil field and that our country is "locked and loaded depending on verification"

"On Saturday, coordinated strikes on key Saudi Arabian oil facilities -- among the world's largest energy production centers -- disrupted 5% of the daily global oil supply. Yemen's Houthi rebels took responsibility for the attacks, but they are often backed by Iran."

Locked and loaded to do what?? Why do we need to take any kind of military strike on Iran based on what some middle eastern country wants us to do?? Do we not sell a shit load of weapons to Saudi Arabia?? If they feel Iran did this and they need to strike back with military action, let them send their own men and women (if women are allowed in their military) to die --- not ours. Trump's staff tried to walk back Trump's tweet by saying "I think that locked and loaded is a broad term and talks about the realities that we're all far safer and more secure domestically from energy independence," Short said. "This is not the 1970s oil embargo. It's not 1990 when Iraq invaded Kuwait. We're now a net oil exporter which means that the American market is much better protected." <--- Yea, sure, everyone knows that is what "locked and loaded" means...

Now the neo-cons like the Boltons of the world, and according to Tucker, the "leftist liberals" may want to have a full-scale war with Iran but the majority of Americans DO NOT...
You don't know shit about what the majority of Americans want. You only "know" what the media feeds you.
Do you believe Trump? A man who has told thousands of lies.


Since I don't obsess on every word Trump says, I don't know. I did not see where said anything and don't care what it was. All I know is that all you progressive filth are lairs.
Trump: US 'locked and loaded' after Saudi oil attack - CNNPolitics

Let me begin this thread by first saying -- John Bolton is probably somewhere easing his pants down by his ankles with a bottle of Jergens after the latest developments in Saudi Arabia. This past Sunday, Trump tweeted that the US has "reason to believe that we know" who pulled off the attack on a Saudi oil field and that our country is "locked and loaded depending on verification"

"On Saturday, coordinated strikes on key Saudi Arabian oil facilities -- among the world's largest energy production centers -- disrupted 5% of the daily global oil supply. Yemen's Houthi rebels took responsibility for the attacks, but they are often backed by Iran."

Locked and loaded to do what?? Why do we need to take any kind of military strike on Iran based on what some middle eastern country wants us to do?? Do we not sell a shit load of weapons to Saudi Arabia?? If they feel Iran did this and they need to strike back with military action, let them send their own men and women (if women are allowed in their military) to die --- not ours. Trump's staff tried to walk back Trump's tweet by saying "I think that locked and loaded is a broad term and talks about the realities that we're all far safer and more secure domestically from energy independence," Short said. "This is not the 1970s oil embargo. It's not 1990 when Iraq invaded Kuwait. We're now a net oil exporter which means that the American market is much better protected." <--- Yea, sure, everyone knows that is what "locked and loaded" means...

Now the neo-cons like the Boltons of the world, and according to Tucker, the "leftist liberals" may want to have a full-scale war with Iran but the majority of Americans DO NOT...
Trump's map identifying where Iran is located for the military to bomb....

Could you imagine if America just started going around and invading other countries and attacking other countries? We’ve got no allies anymore. Donald Trump’s destroyed our relationships with the rest of the world. If Republicans want us to go it alone and be isolated from the rest of the world, why not just bring all our Middle East troops home and forget what’s going on in with the Middle East?
You should have asked Woody Wilson and FDR first. Because they got us into real big ones. Then of course Truman and LBJ had their moments. We became a world military power somewhere in that soup.
Why in the hell would anybody volunteer for service in the military, just to be send to some god forsaken desert country to fight and die for an oil well?
Could you imagine if America just started going around and invading other countries and attacking other countries? We’ve got no allies anymore. Donald Trump’s destroyed our relationships with the rest of the world. If Republicans want us to go it alone and be isolated from the rest of the world, why not just bring all our Middle East troops home and forget what’s going on in with the Middle East?

We don’t have to imagine it, your beloved Hussein did it to Libya and Syria.
Could you imagine if America just started going around and invading other countries and attacking other countries? We’ve got no allies anymore. Donald Trump’s destroyed our relationships with the rest of the world. If Republicans want us to go it alone and be isolated from the rest of the world, why not just bring all our Middle East troops home and forget what’s going on in with the Middle East?

We don’t have to imagine it, your beloved Hussein did it to Libya and Syria.
So Obama really wasn't a radical leftist Kenyan muslim terrorist dictator?? He actually continued the same ole same warmongering policy agenda that everyone else before him did??
Could you imagine if America just started going around and invading other countries and attacking other countries? We’ve got no allies anymore. Donald Trump’s destroyed our relationships with the rest of the world. If Republicans want us to go it alone and be isolated from the rest of the world, why not just bring all our Middle East troops home and forget what’s going on in with the Middle East?

We don’t have to imagine it, your beloved Hussein did it to Libya and Syria.
So Obama really wasn't a radical leftist Kenyan muslim terrorist dictator?? He actually continued the same ole same warmongering policy agenda that everyone else before him did??

No, the Hussein was a radial atheist and Marxist who sympathized with radical Muslims and knew he could use them to help achieve his Marxist goals.

He created an all new war mongering policy of getting rid of moderate Islamic governments and replacing them with ultra radical ISIS ones. This created the refugee “crisis” which would flood Europe and America with millions of refugee trash, knowing it would further destabilize them.
Could you imagine if America just started going around and invading other countries and attacking other countries? We’ve got no allies anymore. Donald Trump’s destroyed our relationships with the rest of the world. If Republicans want us to go it alone and be isolated from the rest of the world, why not just bring all our Middle East troops home and forget what’s going on in with the Middle East?

We don’t have to imagine it, your beloved Hussein did it to Libya and Syria.
So Obama really wasn't a radical leftist Kenyan muslim terrorist dictator?? He actually continued the same ole same warmongering policy agenda that everyone else before him did??

No, the Hussein was a radial atheist and Marxist who sympathized with radical Muslims and knew he could use them to help achieve his Marxist goals.

He created an all new war mongering policy of getting rid of moderate Islamic governments and replacing them with ultra radical ISIS ones. This created the refugee “crisis” which would flood Europe and America with millions of refugee trash, knowing it would further destabilize them.
The CRAZY is strong in this one^^^^
Could you imagine if America just started going around and invading other countries and attacking other countries? We’ve got no allies anymore. Donald Trump’s destroyed our relationships with the rest of the world. If Republicans want us to go it alone and be isolated from the rest of the world, why not just bring all our Middle East troops home and forget what’s going on in with the Middle East?

We don’t have to imagine it, your beloved Hussein did it to Libya and Syria.
So Obama really wasn't a radical leftist Kenyan muslim terrorist dictator?? He actually continued the same ole same warmongering policy agenda that everyone else before him did??

No, the Hussein was a radial atheist and Marxist who sympathized with radical Muslims and knew he could use them to help achieve his Marxist goals.

He created an all new war mongering policy of getting rid of moderate Islamic governments and replacing them with ultra radical ISIS ones. This created the refugee “crisis” which would flood Europe and America with millions of refugee trash, knowing it would further destabilize them.
The CRAZY is strong in this one^^^^

Yet you can not refute that any of that happened, because all of that happened under the Hussein.

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