Trump says he will negotiate third term?


Diamond Member
Nov 18, 2011

With whom, exactly, will he negotiate? Unless he has enough support for a constitutional amendment, I can't see it happening. Can someone explain the US Constitution to our President?

It will take years to change the constitution.

It requires a super majority in both houses of congress then it has to be ratified by a super majority of the states.

I've been saying he's delusional since 2015. Since then he has gotten worse.

What is even worse than that, his followers will have no problem with any of it.

With whom, exactly, will he negotiate? Unless he has enough support for a constitutional amendment, I can't see it happening. Can someone explain the US Constitution to our President?

He certainly does have you people on a nose ring. Fascinating. more than Obama had you on one.

With whom, exactly, will he negotiate? Unless he has enough support for a constitutional amendment, I can't see it happening. Can someone explain the US Constitution to our President?
What ever happened to being against entitlements, especially those not in the constitution and not ever granted or by congress? Maybe he will bypass constitution and congress and appeal directly to Putin.

With whom, exactly, will he negotiate? Unless he has enough support for a constitutional amendment, I can't see it happening. Can someone explain the US Constitution to our President?

He certainly does have you people on a nose ring. Fascinating. more than Obama had you on one.

Don't flatter yourself.

With whom, exactly, will he negotiate? Unless he has enough support for a constitutional amendment, I can't see it happening. Can someone explain the US Constitution to our President?

Most constitutional amendments that passed, did so in pretty quick order. The 26th Amendment passed the Congress on 3/23/71 and was ratified by the 38th state on 1 July.

With whom, exactly, will he negotiate? Unless he has enough support for a constitutional amendment, I can't see it happening. Can someone explain the US Constitution to our President?

It was always known he will try to stay in the Presidency as long as humanly possible and after that put one of his kids in the oval office.

Tramp uses the Constitution as TP.

With whom, exactly, will he negotiate? Unless he has enough support for a constitutional amendment, I can't see it happening. Can someone explain the US Constitution to our President?

It was always known he will try to stay in the Presidency as long as humanly possible and after that put on of his kids in the oval office.

Tramp uses the Constitution as TP.
I would add that Trump and his supporters as well see the Constitution as no more than TP.

With whom, exactly, will he negotiate? Unless he has enough support for a constitutional amendment, I can't see it happening. Can someone explain the US Constitution to our President?

Most constitutional amendments that passed, did so in pretty quick order. The 26th Amendment passed the Congress on 3/23/71 and was ratified by the 38th state on 1 July.
You thinking this would pass congress, much less be ratified, during a presidential election year in this country? What country are you from?

With whom, exactly, will he negotiate? Unless he has enough support for a constitutional amendment, I can't see it happening. Can someone explain the US Constitution to our President?

It was always known he will try to stay in the Presidency as long as humanly possible and after that put one of his kids in the oval office.

Tramp uses the Constitution as TP.

President Clinton stayed in office as long as humanly possible, and then tried to install his Old Lady in office TWICE. Did you have any problem with that?

With whom, exactly, will he negotiate? Unless he has enough support for a constitutional amendment, I can't see it happening. Can someone explain the US Constitution to our President?
Forbes....Neo-Conservative, Pro-Open Borders, Pro-Cheap Global Slave Labor.
Screw 'em.
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