Trump Possibilities


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
I'll admit it. I'm one of the people who simply could not bring myself to vote for President Elect Trump. But, just like everyone who did vote for him, I'm hopeful in the possibilities that he represents, and I will support and defend our new president.

I can't help but muse over the promise of changing Washington D.C. that created a Trump presidency and reflect on another unlikely president swept to power on the promise of Hope and Change just 8 years ago. The last two presidents are certainly not the only modern politicians who promised change, with the exception of Bush Sr vowing a third Regan term, every presidential candidate successfully running for office since Nixon promised to change things up in their own way.


The constant of the last 40 years has been a stagnant congress, with many members, especially those in leadership positions, well past retirement age and still hanging on to Gerrymandered incumbent power, dug in to The Swamp like Alabama ticks on a long-haired dog. I'm glad it's not all kumbaya and cookies between Trump and the entrenched congressional leadership, and I look forward to a popular President Trump bullying them in to motion on our behalf.

Give 'em hell, Donald. Give 'em hell.
We'll see.

I'm interested in seeing how many ruling class neocons end up infesting his administration.
We'll see...

That's what possibilities are all about. I'll also admit that the Trump I've seen over the last seven days has garnered my respect. A notion that I would have scoffed at vocally during the summer.
I'm very cautiously optimistic. I remember that the Bush cabal did to Reagan behind his back.
Clinton and Obama have also proven themselves to be a class act with their calls for a smooth transition of power.

Pride in my country is a good feeling. I hope that doesn't change.

I also hope that $2 gas doesn't change....
Nothing getting done is how our federal government is designed. It's why the Constitution doesn't grant all the power to one entity.

If Trump were a standard GOP'r, I would say watch out for trouble. After all, look at what happened when GW had all Republicans behind him and Obama had all Democrats.

But Trump is not establishment nor conservative, so I think there will be plenty of fighting going on just within the Republican party itself yet alone with Democrats.
Clinton and Obama have also proven themselves to be a class act with their calls for a smooth transition of power.

Pride in my country is a good feeling. I hope that doesn't change.

I also hope that $2 gas doesn't change....

That won't change now. If Hil-Liar got elected, it probably would have.

The GOP is behind harnessing energy. Fracking is what brought the prices of all fuel down, and I don't expect Trump or the Congress to oppose fracking. Obama still has some time left so I don't know what kind of EPA regulations he can come up with to screw that up, but even if he did, Trump would reverse it once he takes seat in the oval office.
I'm very cautiously optimistic. I remember that the Bush cabal did to Reagan behind his back.

That's the political attitude that NEEDS to change.

It's not an "us vs them" game.
What needs to change is that people need to remain vigilant. The "us vs them" game is being played by the Washington ruling class against the rest of us.
Here's hoping that's part of the promised change.

Obama tried being nice and buying the change he wanted and that got him squat - we'll see if Trump can get it through negotiating and/or bullying.
Nothing getting done is how our federal government is designed. It's why the Constitution doesn't grant all the power to one entity.

If Trump were a standard GOP'r, I would say watch out for trouble. After all, look at what happened when GW had all Republicans behind him and Obama had all Democrats.

But Trump is not establishment nor conservative, so I think there will be plenty of fighting going on just within the Republican party itself yet alone with Democrats.

Definitely gonna keep things interesting.

Lookin' forward to seeing what the republicans will replace ObamaCare with - that will be a good and early litmus test.
I'll admit it. I'm one of the people who simply could not bring myself to vote for President Elect Trump. But, just like everyone who did vote for him, I'm hopeful in the possibilities that he represents, and I will support and defend our new president.

I can't help but muse over the promise of changing Washington D.C. that created a Trump presidency and reflect on another unlikely president swept to power on the promise of Hope and Change just 8 years ago. The last two presidents are certainly not the only modern politicians who promised change, with the exception of Bush Sr vowing a third Regan term, every presidential candidate successfully running for office since Nixon promised to change things up in their own way.


The constant of the last 40 years has been a stagnant congress, with many members, especially those in leadership positions, well past retirement age and still hanging on to Gerrymandered incumbent power, dug in to The Swamp like Alabama ticks on a long-haired dog. I'm glad it's not all kumbaya and cookies between Trump and the entrenched congressional leadership, and I look forward to a popular President Trump bullying them in to motion on our behalf.

Give 'em hell, Donald. Give 'em hell.
Who the fuck did you vote for????
Obama tried being nice and buying the change he wanted and that got him squat - we'll see if Trump can get it through negotiating and/or bullying.
Nonsense. Obama was a "my way or the highway" bully from day one. He couldn't even thinly disguise his contempt for any opposition or anyone outside his tiny little orbit.
Nothing getting done is how our federal government is designed. It's why the Constitution doesn't grant all the power to one entity.

If Trump were a standard GOP'r, I would say watch out for trouble. After all, look at what happened when GW had all Republicans behind him and Obama had all Democrats.

But Trump is not establishment nor conservative, so I think there will be plenty of fighting going on just within the Republican party itself yet alone with Democrats.

Definitely gonna keep things interesting.

Lookin' forward to seeing what the republicans will replace ObamaCare with - that will be a good and early litmus test.
The bill we already passed....
Definitely gonna keep things interesting.

Lookin' forward to seeing what the republicans will replace ObamaCare with - that will be a good and early litmus test.

It will be impossible to just cut it off, so there will have to be some sort of transition. With the 2017 expectations of huge price increases, it's already proven itself to be a failure.

The hope was that Hillary (or some Democrat) come in to save the day, and that would have been single payer. Now that that's off the table, something else needs to be done.

The reason Commie Care is a failure is because it never addressed the costs of medical care in the first place. The right way to attack this problem is to address that first, then figure out how to pay for it.

I believe one of the largest problems with our healthcare is government. Medicare and Medicaid drastically underpay the providers of their care, and the loss has to be absorbed by increasing prices which private insurance has to pay.

If we are going to have these socialized healthcare programs, then they need to be funded. There is no other way around it. Politicians never addressed that problem because it makes government look good (by keeping medicare contributions low) and private insurance look bad.

So I hope Trump looks in that direction before he does anything.
I'll admit it. I'm one of the people who simply could not bring myself to vote for President Elect Trump. But, just like everyone who did vote for him, I'm hopeful in the possibilities that he represents, and I will support and defend our new president.

I can't help but muse over the promise of changing Washington D.C. that created a Trump presidency and reflect on another unlikely president swept to power on the promise of Hope and Change just 8 years ago. The last two presidents are certainly not the only modern politicians who promised change, with the exception of Bush Sr vowing a third Regan term, every presidential candidate successfully running for office since Nixon promised to change things up in their own way.


The constant of the last 40 years has been a stagnant congress, with many members, especially those in leadership positions, well past retirement age and still hanging on to Gerrymandered incumbent power, dug in to The Swamp like Alabama ticks on a long-haired dog. I'm glad it's not all kumbaya and cookies between Trump and the entrenched congressional leadership, and I look forward to a popular President Trump bullying them in to motion on our behalf.

Give 'em hell, Donald. Give 'em hell.
Who the fuck did you vote for????

I'll admit it. I'm one of the people who simply could not bring myself to vote for President Elect Trump. But, just like everyone who did vote for him, I'm hopeful in the possibilities that he represents, and I will support and defend our new president.

I can't help but muse over the promise of changing Washington D.C. that created a Trump presidency and reflect on another unlikely president swept to power on the promise of Hope and Change just 8 years ago. The last two presidents are certainly not the only modern politicians who promised change, with the exception of Bush Sr vowing a third Regan term, every presidential candidate successfully running for office since Nixon promised to change things up in their own way.


The constant of the last 40 years has been a stagnant congress, with many members, especially those in leadership positions, well past retirement age and still hanging on to Gerrymandered incumbent power, dug in to The Swamp like Alabama ticks on a long-haired dog. I'm glad it's not all kumbaya and cookies between Trump and the entrenched congressional leadership, and I look forward to a popular President Trump bullying them in to motion on our behalf.

Give 'em hell, Donald. Give 'em hell.
Who the fuck did you vote for????

Then don't bitch.....
I'll admit it. I'm one of the people who simply could not bring myself to vote for President Elect Trump. But, just like everyone who did vote for him, I'm hopeful in the possibilities that he represents, and I will support and defend our new president.

I can't help but muse over the promise of changing Washington D.C. that created a Trump presidency and reflect on another unlikely president swept to power on the promise of Hope and Change just 8 years ago. The last two presidents are certainly not the only modern politicians who promised change, with the exception of Bush Sr vowing a third Regan term, every presidential candidate successfully running for office since Nixon promised to change things up in their own way.


The constant of the last 40 years has been a stagnant congress, with many members, especially those in leadership positions, well past retirement age and still hanging on to Gerrymandered incumbent power, dug in to The Swamp like Alabama ticks on a long-haired dog. I'm glad it's not all kumbaya and cookies between Trump and the entrenched congressional leadership, and I look forward to a popular President Trump bullying them in to motion on our behalf.

Give 'em hell, Donald. Give 'em hell.

I have been ok with all Presidents, but I can't stand behind him.

Kill the ACA.
Take away Medicaid for poor adults.
Decrease SS checks by 38%. (after all the aged do not need meds or food).
Cut dependent exemptions on tax returns, except for kids.
HSA's really good if one can afford it.
Decrease the top income.
No limit on inheritance income and oh HSA are also passed on.
No jobs are coming, wait , wait and wait, unless we lower the mim wage.
I hope mid terms leave him a lame duck president and I will do everything in my power to help.
Kill the Iran deal.

I hope all who voted for him, find themselves with an illness and without a job, and their cobra runs out,
and then come and cry us a river. Remember at any given time you can get cancer or break a leg, shattered. Forget disability as you can sit and work.

You had the nerve to vote for a man who wants to take away healthcare from many , I hope someday you can know how that experience feel.

He may not let you die on the edge of the road, but lets see if he sends a car for you.

Health Care is a right, same as education. After all what good is education , without healthcare.

Most of you have voted to screw yourself, how does it feel?

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