Trump playing campaign defense with core elements of his "base"


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
EIGHT states are targeted in his new ad buy - ALL states that he WON in 2016! :D

May 27, 2020, 3:35 PM PDT​
By Shannon Pettypiece​
WASHINGTON — Heading into the crucial summer stretch of his re-election campaign, President Donald Trump is grappling with declining support among key groups that helped deliver his 2016 victory, putting rising pressure on his campaign and the White House to shore up his base.​
With just over five months to Election Day, a string of polls this month shows an erosion of support among voters whom Republican strategists had expected would be rock solid behind the president at this point, including seniors, non-college-educated white voters and evangelicals.​

Trump's "base" are real Americans who ignore the Democratic smear machine formerly known as "The Free Press".

You sad little man - You ain't a "real American" .. Cult member is more like it. And that's about it.
Biden's policies are nothing more than give-aways to his "base" to buy votes.
1. Free college
2. Raises for teachers (union)
3. $15 minimum wage
4. Housing allowance for low incomes
5. Immigration "amnesty"
6. Job killing climate change policies, like closing pipelines


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