Trump Org's Big Plan Overseas


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
This story is really interesting.
Supposedly there is un-announced plan (since 2016) to build a high-end retirement housing community next to Trump's Turnberry golf club in Scotland.
The same place that loses money.

"The 225 units, along with amenities, shops, trails, etc would be built in phases. It’s unclear how much would be spent, how it'll be financed, or how Covid-19 will impact on the plans. I repeatedly asked Trump Org and Trump Turnberry for comment. Neither firm responded."

"Since Trump bought it in 2014, Turnberry's incurred losses of £42m+. It’s reliant on £114m+ in loans from a NY revocable trust he set up. Yet Trump Org seems determined to spend more £££ on an asset which stubbornly refuses to turn a profit. It is an interesting business plan."


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