Trump On The Afghanastan War: "This Time It'll Work. Trust Me."


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
After 16 years, over a TRILLION dollars spent in wasted treasure, and thousands upon thousands of American lives lost Trump tells America and the world that he just needs 4 more thousand troops to finally win the war.

How many of you are with Trump in this exercise of futility?

"I have a plan, but it's a secret. I'll get it done guys, bleev me!"


We've been in Afghanistan a lot longer than 16 years. Regardless, not a single one has been productive.

DJT = more of the same
This is the 1st decision I've disagreed with Pres. Trump on.

There is nothing to "win" in Afghanistan.

The people there want us to withdraw and leave them alone. .... :cool:
After 16 years, over a TRILLION dollars spent in wasted treasure, and thousands upon thousands of American lives lost Trump tells America and the world that he just needs 4 more thousand troops to finally win the war.

How many of you are with Trump in this exercise of futility?

"I have a plan, but it's a secret. I'll get it done guys, bleev me!"



Would you eat Manchelle out?
After 16 years, over a TRILLION dollars spent in wasted treasure, and thousands upon thousands of American lives lost Trump tells America and the world that he just needs 4 more thousand troops to finally win the war.

How many of you are with Trump in this exercise of futility?

"I have a plan, but it's a secret. I'll get it done guys, bleev me!"



Damn! why didn't somebody think of this before? We could have sent the 4,000 troops over there years ago, and saved a trillion dollars!!!!!!!!
Damn! why didn't somebody think of this before? We could have sent the 4,000 troops over there years ago, and saved a trillion dollars!!!!!!!!
So you're suggesting that this stunt will actually WORK!?!?!

This is the 1st decision I've disagreed with Pres. Trump on.

There is nothing to "win" in Afghanistan.

The people there want us to withdraw and leave them alone. .... :cool:

After Obama cut and ran, trust is probably low.
President Obama should have pulled out of Afghanistan. And Bush should have gone in, taken out Bin Laden, and got the hell out. Instead, he let Bin Laden go, and seven years later, President Obama gave the orders that took out the bastard.
Here is my 4 step plan for Afghanistan:

1) Declare Victory!

2) Bring troops home

3) Hold a Parade!!

4) Use saved $$$ to MAGA.

Why are we spending $2.4 Trillion on these goat herders?
Nobody in history has ever gained anything in the occupation of Afghanistan. In the end, they have all left, worn out by endless war.
President Obama should have pulled out of Afghanistan. And Bush should have gone in, taken out Bin Laden, and got the hell out. Instead, he let Bin Laden go, and seven years later, President Obama gave the orders that took out the bastard.
Clinton let Osama go. WTF? How old are you?
Remember when we were laughing at Russia's 'Sovietnam'?
How fuckin' stupid to wade in, after the Russians were handed their ass on a platter!
And that after years of brutal conflict, with no regard for the Geneva Convention, or any other accepted standards of conduct in war.
After Obama cut and ran, trust is probably low.
I personally know a soldier who was in Afghanistan a couple of years ago. He said when his military convoy would leave the base and drive thru the city. The citizens would throw rocks and bottles at them and give them the finger.

Think about would you feel if some foreign army occupied our country for 16 years with no end in sight? ..... :cool:
After Obama cut and ran, trust is probably low.
I personally know a soldier who was in Afghanistan a couple of years ago. He said when his military convoy would leave the base and drive thru the city. The citizens would throw rocks and bottles at them and give them the finger.

Think about would you feel if some foreign army occupied our country for 16 years with no end in sight? ..... :cool:
Sounds like the typical liberal college experience. Throwing things at people, trying to harm them. I also know soldiers.
I've tolerated your anti-American Fascist hate long enough.

Obama was a lousy commander in chief. The absolute worst.

In fact no one could be so bad as to lose a war already won, actually finance and give weapons
To the very people we were fighting and pay for Five Terrorist groups to launch Four coups in Four countries and assassinate a leader who was actually helping us, without actually and intentionally deliberately betraying this country.

Either that or he is the most incompetent idiot ever to sit in The White House.

For Christ's sake this asshole was actually funding the very terrorist group that attacked Benghazi!

Fuck him
And May his skinny androgynous
Ass roast in Hell and may you join him.

You earned being on my Ignore list tonight!

After 16 years, over a TRILLION dollars spent in wasted treasure, and thousands upon thousands of American lives lost Trump tells America and the world that he just needs 4 more thousand troops to finally win the war.

How many of you are with Trump in this exercise of futility?

"I have a plan, but it's a secret. I'll get it done guys, bleev me!"



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