trump on a 2024 GOP primary vs. Ron DeSantis: 'I'd beat him like I would beat everyone else'


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
trump on a 2024 GOP primary vs. Ron DeSantis: 'I'd beat him like I would beat everyone else'

Why is trump concerned with the 2024 Presidential Election? Is he not watching the Senate Democrats, especially Manchin and Sinema? Is the cheeto-in-chief unaware of how the Senate Democrats’ intentional failure to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 all but guarantees a trumpublican majority in both chambers of Congress after the 2022 Mid-term Elections?

It’s been made clear the articles of impeachment have already been drafted for Biden, Harris, Pelosi, the current Senate president pro tempore Patrick Leahy, and the entire Cabinet line of succession. The Cabinet line of succession being 1. the Secretary of State, 2. the Secretary of the Treasury, 3. the Secretary of Defense, 4. the Attorney General, 5. the Secretary of the Interior, 6. the Secretary of Agriculture, 7. the Secretary of Commerce, 8. the Secretary of Labor, 9. the Secretary of Health and Human Services, 10. the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, 11. the Secretary of Transportation, 12. the Secretary of Energy, 13. the Secretary of Education, 14. the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and finally, 15. the Secretary of Homeland Security.

Understanding what is to occur in the opening days of the new congressional session, activity will be buzzing like never before. And, while it might seem to many this inevitable process would be time consuming, were the rules established by the Founding Fathers followed this would be true. But, with the trumpublicans’ reinterpretations of Article II, Section 4.1.1 Impeachment and Removal from Office, the procedure will be expedited. Every holder of a position in the line of succession at that time will be removed from office in about twenty minutes, with a simple thumbs down by the trumpublican majority.

So, with all the people constitutionally assigned to replace the President of the United States awaiting criminal trials, what will the congressional majority do? The nation needs a president... immediately. With November 2024 nearly two years away, the only choice can be the USSC to appoint the last POTUS, not removed from office by a Senate impeachment trial (or two), to become POTUS once again.

And why not, since the Founding Fathers never anticipated the entire line of succession to be convicted by the Senate in their impeachment trials, anything goes.

Beat DeSantis in 2024? Don't be silly. The 2022 Mid-term Elections will be the last election held in the former United States.

Is the cheeto-in-chief unaware of how the Senate Democrats’ intentional failure to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 all but guarantees a trumpublican majority in both chambers of Congress after the 2022 Mid-term Elections?
You make it sound like some form of collusion or theft. You seem unable to believe the Left's actions might be what causes their losses next year. If they lose the Senate as well as the House then slo-joe might as well pack it in. My question is, what do you think the reaction on the Left SHOULD BE, if Trump wins in 2024? Should the Ds refuse to accept him and literally go to war? I ask because after the last 4 years of efforts failed to harm him at all, what is left for them to do?
BertramN do you think that the DNC will sent the money you and other donate to them over to the Trump campaign during the primary? You know, like how they used your money to support pro-Trump candidates so they could easily be defeated in the general?


Ha ha ha.

To quote the CEO of .chervik construction (the late Rodney danger field)

Keep it fair
Keep it fair
BertramN do you think that the DNC will sent the money you and other donate to them over to the Trump campaign during the primary? You know, like how they used your money to support pro-Trump candidates so they could easily be defeated in the general?


Ha ha ha.


Big money is fed up with Trump's ignorant populism ...

Trump is raging. Desantis is ignoring him. Why roll around in the mud with Trump? He's finished.
We'll see.
The fact is you think Biden is sharp as a tack, so there's goes any validity of your opinion.

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