Trump Names Congressman Mike Pompeo to head the CIA under his administration


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Who is he?

Here's the 'surface scuttle' on Pompeo...and the 'Snowflakes' aren't going to like the 1st thing....

Mike Pompeo is a Congressman from Kansas and a TEA Party favorite
- Snowflakes need to take a deep breath and remember what Obama said after he was elected: 'Elections have Consequences." :p

Pompeo initially supported Florida Sen. Marco Rubio in the GOP primary but later played a key role in helping Vice President-elect Mike Pence prepare for his debate against Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine.

He is a member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence.

He has been an ardent supporter of the Patriot Act and the National Security Agency's collection of bulk data.
- I am not extremely happy with this info, but...

He has been a vocal critic of President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran
- Opposing a President who violated the Constitution by by-passing Congress to negotiate his own Treaty with Iran then by-passing Congress again by taking that Treaty to the UN for ratification before the US Congress even got to see it? That's ALWAYS a GOOD thing!

More to follow on exactly who he is and believes....

Kansas congressman Pompeo accepts Trump offer to head CIA, Fox News confirms

Graduate of the US Military Academy

Served in the Army (1986 - 1991)

Graduated Harvard Law school

Pompeo founded Thayer Aerospace.In 2006 he sold his interest in the company.

Opposes the ACA.

NRA supporter.

Opposes closing Gitmo

In a 2013 speech on the House floor, Pompeo said Muslim leaders who fail to denounce acts of terrorism done in the name of Islam are "potentially complicit" in the attacks.
- Silence = Support / Acceptance (Much like Obama's refusal to condemn Liberals calling for the overthrow of the govt, for the racist murders of whites, and calling for the assassination of Trump going on right now.)

Pompeo supports the National Security Agency's surveillance programs, characterizing the agency's efforts as "good and important work."[

In March 2014, Pompeo denounced NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden's inclusion in the South by Southwest conference in Austin, Texas, and called for Snowden's invitation to speak via telecast at the annual Texas event be withdrawn, lest it encourage "lawless behavior" among attendees.[22] In February 2016, Pompeo said Snowden "should be brought back from Russia and given due process, and I think the proper outcome would be that he would be given a death sentence."
- He believes the appropriate punishment for someone found guilty of Treason should be death. I respect / like that.

Pompeo has advocated for rolling back post-Snowden surveillance reforms, saying "Congress should pass a law re-establishing collection of all metadata, and combining it with publicly available financial and lifestyle information into a comprehensive, searchable database. Legal and bureaucratic impediments to surveillance should be removed. That includes Presidential Policy Directive-28, which bestows privacy rights on foreigners and imposes burdensome requirements to justify data collection."
- I don't particularly like that.

Mike Pompeo - Wikipedia
His politics are not to my taste (tea party caucus) but he's extremely qualified for the job. With the published ideas about Health care and the picks thus far, I'm cautiously optimistic that Trump is capable of putting together a team. He has not reached out to people who didn't support him. Trump carries a history of revenge over perceived sleights, and a potus has to have a lot tougher skin than he's ever shown.

PS the above bio doesn't mention that Pompeo was first in his class at West Point. I think he was, anyway.
Who is he?

Here's the 'surface scuttle' on Pompeo...and the 'Snowflakes' aren't going to like the 1st thing....

Mike Pompeo is a Congressman from Kansas and a TEA Party favorite
- Snowflakes need to take a deep breath and remember what Obama said after he was elected: 'Elections have Consequences." :p

Pompeo initially supported Florida Sen. Marco Rubio in the GOP primary but later played a key role in helping Vice President-elect Mike Pence prepare for his debate against Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine.

He is a member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence.

He has been an ardent supporter of the Patriot Act and the National Security Agency's collection of bulk data.
- I am not extremely happy with this info, but...

He has been a vocal critic of President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran
- Opposing a President who violated the Constitution by by-passing Congress to negotiate his own Treaty with Iran then by-passing Congress again by taking that Treaty to the UN for ratification before the US Congress even got to see it? That's ALWAYS a GOOD thing!

More to follow on exactly who he is and believes....

Kansas congressman Pompeo accepts Trump offer to head CIA, Fox News confirms
Oh yay....wants war with Iran,thinks spying on US citizens is a good thing and stealing their information is OK....yeah hell of a pick there Trump! jesus christ....Bugs Bunny would have been a better pick. This guy is a prick better suited for North Korea than the US.
Who is he?

Here's the 'surface scuttle' on Pompeo...and the 'Snowflakes' aren't going to like the 1st thing....

Mike Pompeo is a Congressman from Kansas and a TEA Party favorite
- Snowflakes need to take a deep breath and remember what Obama said after he was elected: 'Elections have Consequences." :p

Pompeo initially supported Florida Sen. Marco Rubio in the GOP primary but later played a key role in helping Vice President-elect Mike Pence prepare for his debate against Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine.

He is a member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence.

He has been an ardent supporter of the Patriot Act and the National Security Agency's collection of bulk data.
- I am not extremely happy with this info, but...

He has been a vocal critic of President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran
- Opposing a President who violated the Constitution by by-passing Congress to negotiate his own Treaty with Iran then by-passing Congress again by taking that Treaty to the UN for ratification before the US Congress even got to see it? That's ALWAYS a GOOD thing!

More to follow on exactly who he is and believes....

Kansas congressman Pompeo accepts Trump offer to head CIA, Fox News confirms
Oh yay....wants war with Iran,thinks spying on US citizens is a good thing and stealing their information is OK....yeah hell of a pick there Trump! jesus christ....Bugs Bunny would have been a better pick. This guy is a prick better suited for North Korea than the US.
Perhaps I'm wrong, but I thought you were a Trump supporter. Pompeo is just what Trump promised.
Oh yay....wants war with Iran,thinks spying on US citizens is a good thing and stealing their information is OK....yeah hell of a pick there Trump! jesus christ....Bugs Bunny would have been a better pick. This guy is a prick better suited for North Korea than the US.
Funny considering...

...Barry violated the Constitution by by-passing Congress to negotiate his own treaty with Iran and by-passed Congress AGAIN to take the new treaty straight to the UN (because he works for them?!) to have it ratified before the US Congress got a chance to read it.

...Barry took the country to war TWICE on his own, without Congressional approval to do so, to aid terrorists - to include Al Qaeida who slaughtered 3k American citizens...

...Barry spied on the American people, spied on reporters, and even spied on CONGRESS

Like you said - 'hell of a pick there - Bugs Bunny would have been a better pick....this guy is a pick better suited for North Korea than the US.'

I could not have said it better myself. :p

The CIA needs to be put back under US control.

Keeping it in the hands of the Mossad is not "draining the swamp" at all. It is keeping the swamp in charge.
Perhaps I'm wrong, but I thought you were a Trump supporter. Pompeo is just what Trump promised.

Don't sweat it - all the liberals on this board (not saying you are one) get it wrong.

I am not a Democrat.
I am not a Republican.
I am not a Liberal.
I am an American.

I don't give a damn about what is best for the Democratic or Republican party.

I don't give a damn about what benefits Bark Obama, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, or any one party or any 1 person.

I am an AMERICAN 1st and foremost. I care about what is best for this country.

I did not serve 20 years in the military and continue to do so now going on 10 years to serve Democrats, Republicans, Independents, whites, blacks, or any other 1 group.

I have criticized George Bush. I have criticized bill Clinton. I have criticized Barak Obama - I have also supported them when I thought they all were right. I will also continue to do both regarding Donald Trump.

As I said recently, I have no problem with criticizing Trump if think he makes a bad call...or praising him for doing something right.

So cloase after the election emotions / nerves are raw. There are many liberals who will NEVER give Trump a chance and criticize him for everything he does. That's not me. In the case of his Pompeo pick, however, the man has some issues that concern me. I will be watching extremely closely....
Oh yay....wants war with Iran,thinks spying on US citizens is a good thing and stealing their information is OK....yeah hell of a pick there Trump! jesus christ....Bugs Bunny would have been a better pick. This guy is a prick better suited for North Korea than the US.
Funny considering...

...Barry violated the Constitution by by-passing Congress to negotiate his own treaty with Iran and by-passed Congress AGAIN to take the new treaty straight to the UN (because he works for them?!) to have it ratified before the US Congress got a chance to read it.

...Barry took the country to war TWICE on his own, without Congressional approval to do so, to aid terrorists - to include Al Qaeida who slaughtered 3k American citizens...

...Barry spied on the American people, spied on reporters, and even spied on CONGRESS

Like you said - 'hell of a pick there - Bugs Bunny would have been a better pick....this guy is a pick better suited for North Korea than the US.'

I could not have said it better myself. :p
Oh I agree with you. I don't even think the Iran deal was needed. I think the US needs to back the hell off and let Iran and Israel which is who REALLY wants the deal,let them figure this crap out. I am more worried about Israel with their undeclared nuclear weapons that aren't allowed to be inspected than I am Iran's.
His politics are not to my taste (tea party caucus) but he's extremely qualified for the job. With the published ideas about Health care and the picks thus far, I'm cautiously optimistic that Trump is capable of putting together a team. He has not reached out to people who didn't support him. Trump carries a history of revenge over perceived sleights, and a potus has to have a lot tougher skin than he's ever shown.

PS the above bio doesn't mention that Pompeo was first in his class at West Point. I think he was, anyway.
Hasn't reached out to those that didn't support him? Lol

Romney & Cruz were such solid loyal Trump guys eh?
Perhaps I'm wrong, but I thought you were a Trump supporter. Pompeo is just what Trump promised.

Don't sweat it - all the liberals on this board (not saying you are one) get it wrong.

I am not a Democrat.
I am not a Republican.
I am not a Liberal.
I am an American.

I don't give a damn about what is best for the Democratic or Republican party.

I don't give a damn about what benefits Bark Obama, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, or any one party or any 1 person.

I am an AMERICAN 1st and foremost. I care about what is best for this country.

I did not serve 20 years in the military and continue to do so now going on 10 years to serve Democrats, Republicans, Independents, whites, blacks, or any other 1 group.

I have criticized George Bush. I have criticized bill Clinton. I have criticized Barak Obama - I have also supported them when I thought they all were right. I will also continue to do both regarding Donald Trump.

As I said recently, I have no problem with criticizing Trump if think he makes a bad call...or praising him for doing something right.

So cloase after the election emotions / nerves are raw. There are many liberals who will NEVER give Trump a chance and criticize him for everything he does. That's not me. In the case of his Pompeo pick, however, the man has some issues that concern me. I will be watching extremely closely....

No offense but my post was to Odium.

So far, Trump picks show he's more balanced than I feared. He's avoided the three sure losers in Newt, Ghouliani and Crispie, and I figured he'd fall for at least one of them. One can dislike Pompeo or Sessions, but to be fair they are qualified, and not Clowns.
His politics are not to my taste (tea party caucus) but he's extremely qualified for the job. With the published ideas about Health care and the picks thus far, I'm cautiously optimistic that Trump is capable of putting together a team. He has not reached out to people who didn't support him. Trump carries a history of revenge over perceived sleights, and a potus has to have a lot tougher skin than he's ever shown.

PS the above bio doesn't mention that Pompeo was first in his class at West Point. I think he was, anyway.
Hasn't reached out to those that didn't support him? Lol

Romney & Cruz were such solid loyal Trump guys eh?
Granny, he's not offered jobs to Mitt or Ted. And Ted's not exactly a team player, so hopefully he'll pass on him in any event.

ps, do me a favor and put me on ignore, you moron.
His politics are not to my taste (tea party caucus) but he's extremely qualified for the job. With the published ideas about Health care and the picks thus far, I'm cautiously optimistic that Trump is capable of putting together a team. He has not reached out to people who didn't support him. Trump carries a history of revenge over perceived sleights, and a potus has to have a lot tougher skin than he's ever shown.

PS the above bio doesn't mention that Pompeo was first in his class at West Point. I think he was, anyway.
Hasn't reached out to those that didn't support him? Lol

Romney & Cruz were such solid loyal Trump guys eh?
Granny, he's not offered jobs to Mitt or Ted. And Ted's not exactly a team player, so hopefully he'll pass on him in any event.
Trying to split hairs?
You said he hasn't reached out when in fact he has.
The C.I.A is an evil entity. It doesn't matter who's running it. It'll continue on stirring shit up around the world, whether a Republican or Democrat runs it. It's an independent rogue Government apparatus. It does what it wants. It's been that way for many years. I can't celebrate anything pertaining to it.
The C.I.A is an evil entity. It doesn't matter who's running it. It'll continue on stirring shit up around the world, whether a Republican or Democrat runs it. It's an independent rogue Government apparatus. It does what it wants. It's been that way for many years. I can't celebrate anything pertaining to it.
You mean running weapons for Hillary and Obama to Al Qaeida in Libya and to ISIS from Benghazi is 'evil'? Hmmmm.....
The C.I.A is an evil entity. It doesn't matter who's running it. It'll continue on stirring shit up around the world, whether a Republican or Democrat runs it. It's an independent rogue Government apparatus. It does what it wants. It's been that way for many years. I can't celebrate anything pertaining to it.
You mean running weapons for Hillary and Obama to Al Qaeida in Libya and to ISIS from Benghazi is 'evil'? Hmmmm.....

Yup. And a whole lot of other evil shit. It's an evil rogue entity.
The C.I.A is an evil entity.

It wasn't before Clinton sold it out to Zionism for cash and favorable media coverage.

The CIA today literally needs to be raided by the Marines and shut down. Then we can check each CIA for investing patterns in 2001 = did they start buying defense stocks, oil etc...

Each CIA who did that deserves death and total asset forfeiture.
Pompeo confirmed, Tillerson advances...

Mike Pompeo Is Confirmed to Lead CIA, as Rex Tillerson Advances
JAN. 23, 2017 | WASHINGTON — President Trump’s cabinet continued to take shape on Monday, as Representative Mike Pompeo of Kansas earned approval to lead the Central Intelligence Agency and Rex W. Tillerson, the secretary of state nominee, cleared a key Senate hurdle to all but assure his own confirmation.
Despite some shaky appearances from his nominees on Capitol Hill and often blistering Democratic opposition, Mr. Trump has thus far faced few meaningful obstacles in installing the team of his choice — aided by Senate Republicans who are eager to expedite the confirmation process. Mr. Tillerson had been the only nominee to attract notable doubts from within the Republican Senate majority, briefly imperiling his prospects amid concerns over his ties to Russia and its president, Vladimir V. Putin, during Mr. Tillerson’s tenure at Exxon Mobil. But on Monday, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, who had emerged as a critical vote on Mr. Tillerson’s fate, announced his support.

Mr. Rubio had sharply questioned Mr. Tillerson at a hearing this month, chastising him in a series of interrogations over Mr. Tillerson’s equivocating testimony on human rights issues. Mr. Rubio also had left open the possibility of opposing him on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, where Republicans hold a one-member majority. But in a statement posted to Facebook on Monday morning, Mr. Rubio said that despite his “reservations” about the pick, the president was “entitled to significant deference when it comes to his choices for the cabinet.”

Several hours later, by a party-line vote of 11-10, Mr. Tillerson won the committee’s recommendation. As Mr. Rubio explained his vote to reporters after the hearing, a heckler sidled up beside him with a teasing prop: a model of a spine. Mr. Tillerson must still clear a full Senate vote in order to join the administration. Mr. Trump’s aides and Senate allies had hoped to win approval on several nominees on Inauguration Day, but only two national security posts — James N. Mattis, the defense secretary, and John F. Kelly, the homeland security secretary — were filled. On Monday, Mr. Pompeo joined them, with the Senate convening to approve his selection, 66 to 32, after a debate that stretched into the evening. In their bid to confirm cabinet picks quickly, Republicans have been hamstrung at times by lax preparation from Mr. Trump’s team and the sprawling financial holdings of many of his nominees, which have produced reams of ethics paperwork.

Still, Democrats are powerless to stop any nominees on their own. They have sought to use the confirmation process as a showcase for what they call the extreme positions of the prospective Trump cabinet and the ethical lapses that have dogged some of his selections. “I know why our Republican colleagues want to rush these nominees through,” said Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the minority leader, who has taken to calling Mr. Trump’s team a “swamp cabinet.” “We’re not stalling nominations,” he added. “This isn’t sport. This is serious stuff.” Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, urged Democrats to stand down. “Let’s join hands and move forward,” he said.


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