trump leaves office with the lowest average approval rating in Gallup History-lower than even Nixon


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

WINNING! trump is setting records all over the place. And I read he is thinking about starting his own political party. I bet the GOP is thrilled with that news! It is called the MOB party...dedicated to chaos and anarchy.

WINNING! trump is setting records all over the place. And I read he is thinking about starting his own political party. I bet the GOP is thrilled with that news! It is called the MOB party...dedicated to chaos and anarchy.
jim are you going to be able to post about something besides trump in the coming weeks?...
Fake news OP.
Trump was a dreadful president, an unmitigated failure – as confirmed by the American people on November 3rd and subsequent polls.

The Trump disaster taught the American people a hard, bitter lesson – a mistake the people must never forget and strive to never repeat.
Yet, as supposedly "dreadful" as he was, you never could articulate with any specificity why anything he did was wrong, and/or an alternate course of action.

Which makes you nothing more than an idiotic, uninformed, stupid, bigoted, shit-eating demagogue asshole.

Fake news OP.
Trump was a dreadful president, an unmitigated failure – as confirmed by the American people on November 3rd and subsequent polls.

The Trump disaster taught the American people a hard, bitter lesson – a mistake the people must never forget and strive to never repeat.
Excuse me , what did Trump do that was so bad? A hard bitter lesson? Like what, exactly?
Fake news OP.
Trump was a dreadful president, an unmitigated failure – as confirmed by the American people on November 3rd and subsequent polls.

The Trump disaster taught the American people a hard, bitter lesson – a mistake the people must never forget and strive to never repeat.
We must be living in two universes. I voted for Trump. In my world things got better.
Trump didn't drive race riots. Democrats sided with cop haters and drove racial division. Democrats sided with BLM and false narratives. For instance:

George Floyd wasn't suffocated by white cops...NO, he was having a breathing crisis caused by his fentanyl addiction, Floyd said he "couldn't breathe " sitting upright ( in his own car in handcuffs) and he asked the police to put him on the ground, Of course the BLM and the liberal media would never acknowledge THAT. Nope.
Trump didn't drive race riots. Democrats sided with cop haters and drove racial division. Democrats sided with BLM and false narratives. For instance:

George Floyd wasn't suffocated by white cops...NO, he was having a breathing crisis caused by his fentanyl addiction, Floyd said he "couldn't breathe " sitting upright ( in his own car in handcuffs) and he asked the police to put him on the ground, Of course the BLM and the liberal media would never acknowledge THAT. Nope.

The false flag attack on the capitol was a diabolical move to discredit and de-platform Trump and his followers and bring new impeachment proceedings at the last minute to forever bar him from politics. It is also being used to discourage anyone from looking into the truth, and being associated with them.
Fake news OP.
Trump was a dreadful president, an unmitigated failure – as confirmed by the American people on November 3rd and subsequent polls.

The Trump disaster taught the American people a hard, bitter lesson – a mistake the people must never forget and strive to never repeat.
Excuse me , what did Trump do that was so bad? A hard bitter lesson? Like what, exactly?
Bring out all the racists from their hidings.
Lowering the moral compass (name call, bullying, showing off, .....)
Targeting minorities.
That's just for starters. Let me know if you need more.
Fake news OP.
Trump was a dreadful president, an unmitigated failure – as confirmed by the American people on November 3rd and subsequent polls.

The Trump disaster taught the American people a hard, bitter lesson – a mistake the people must never forget and strive to never repeat.
Excuse me , what did Trump do that was so bad? A hard bitter lesson? Like what, exactly?
Bring out all the racists from their hidings.
Lowering the moral compass (name call, bullying, showing off, .....)
Targeting minorities.
That's just for starters. Let me know if you need more.

The Democrypts have been using the racist card for years and years when they were the ones that formed the KKK and BLM is a racist group. BLM is the new KKK. They accuse others of what they themselves are doing. That is a Marxist and Communist tactic.
Trump didn't drive race riots. Democrats sided with cop haters and drove racial division. Democrats sided with BLM and false narratives. For instance:

George Floyd wasn't suffocated by white cops...NO, he was having a breathing crisis caused by his fentanyl addiction, Floyd said he "couldn't breathe " sitting upright ( in his own car in handcuffs) and he asked the police to put him on the ground, Of course the BLM and the liberal media would never acknowledge THAT. Nope.

The false flag attack on the capitol was a diabolical move to discredit and de-platform Trump and his followers and bring new impeachment proceedings at the last minute to forever bar him from politics. It is also being used to discourage anyone from looking into the truth, and being associated with them.
AT WORST, it was a bunch of hotheads taking it too OMB is as shrill as ever. It's like charging a guy who tasted a grape with Grand Larceny!!!

Perhaps the fake news pollsters decided to come up with one final big fake poll while Trump was still President.

WINNING! trump is setting records all over the place. And I read he is thinking about starting his own political party. I bet the GOP is thrilled with that news! It is called the MOB party...dedicated to chaos and anarchy.
jim are you going to be able to post about something besides trump in the coming weeks?...
trump who?

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