Trump Lawyers Say They Have Proof CIA Held Conference Calls With AOC, Bernie, And 200 Others On How To Commit Sabotage...People Are Going To Jail


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I heard this yesterday afternoon. Sidney Powell said on Newsmax that they have proof of the CIA working with Bernie Sanders, AOC, and at least 200 others on how to sabotage the Trump Administration.

I expect them to start cleaning house in the CIA and the FBI in the next few weeks. Regardless of the outcome of the election....this is treason.....sedition....whatever you want to call it.

She also said that Bernie Sanders knows Hillary used Dominion Software to cheat him out of his spot on the Democratic ticket and that he accepted a bribe to keep silent. All of this has been ignored by the FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, etc.

I heard this yesterday afternoon. Sidney Powell said on Newsmax that they have proof of the CIA working with Bernie Sanders, AOC, and at least 200 others on how to sabotage the Trump Administration.

I expect them to start cleaning house in the CIA and the FBI in the next few weeks. Regardless of the outcome of the election....this is treason.....sedition....whatever you want to call it.

She also said that Bernie Sanders knows Hillary used Dominion Software to cheat him out of his spot on the Democratic ticket and that he accepted a bribe to keep silent. All of this has been ignored by the FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, etc.

Trump did say Bernie was the greatest loser of all time.

But it cost the DNC a big Vermont spread and millions.

And Seth Rich was robbed too.
I heard this yesterday afternoon. Sidney Powell said on Newsmax that they have proof of the CIA working with Bernie Sanders, AOC, and at least 200 others on how to sabotage the Trump Administration.

I expect them to start cleaning house in the CIA and the FBI in the next few weeks. Regardless of the outcome of the election....this is treason.....sedition....whatever you want to call it.

She also said that Bernie Sanders knows Hillary used Dominion Software to cheat him out of his spot on the Democratic ticket and that he accepted a bribe to keep silent. All of this has been ignored by the FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, etc.

And the Eagle has Spoken
I heard this yesterday afternoon. Sidney Powell said on Newsmax that they have proof of the CIA working with Bernie Sanders, AOC, and at least 200 others on how to sabotage the Trump Administration.

I expect them to start cleaning house in the CIA and the FBI in the next few weeks. Regardless of the outcome of the election....this is treason.....sedition....whatever you want to call it.

She also said that Bernie Sanders knows Hillary used Dominion Software to cheat him out of his spot on the Democratic ticket and that he accepted a bribe to keep silent. All of this has been ignored by the FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, etc.

You don't really believe this shit do you?
CIA having a conference call about this, with 200 people?

Yeah, VERY unlikely, lol.

They don't have conference calls when overthrowing foreign dictators, so the chances of this having happened when dealing with the U.S (which, as far as I understand, isn't even in their purview, domestic issues are FBI, not CIA) is about as likely as me winning the provincial lottery.
I have proof!

Which I’m not actually going to show anyone and that will not hold up in a court of law.

But is enough to convince conservatives that they were cheated

She wants to be on TV. That is why she is doing this. Nothing else. It's graduated from the cartoonish conspiracy theory real to the realm of clear profit taking by the actors involved.
I heard this yesterday afternoon. Sidney Powell said on Newsmax that they have proof of the CIA working with Bernie Sanders, AOC, and at least 200 others on how to sabotage the Trump Administration.

I expect them to start cleaning house in the CIA and the FBI in the next few weeks. Regardless of the outcome of the election....this is treason.....sedition....whatever you want to call it.

She also said that Bernie Sanders knows Hillary used Dominion Software to cheat him out of his spot on the Democratic ticket and that he accepted a bribe to keep silent. All of this has been ignored by the FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, etc.

See Flopper This is what I mean. This is pure bullshit. Anyone watching from Pluto knows this is bullshit...but the OP will just shrug it off and put up 3 more batshit crazy stories tomorrow.
I heard this yesterday afternoon. Sidney Powell said on Newsmax that they have proof of the CIA working with Bernie Sanders, AOC, and at least 200 others on how to sabotage the Trump Administration.

I expect them to start cleaning house in the CIA and the FBI in the next few weeks. Regardless of the outcome of the election....this is treason.....sedition....whatever you want to call it.

She also said that Bernie Sanders knows Hillary used Dominion Software to cheat him out of his spot on the Democratic ticket and that he accepted a bribe to keep silent. All of this has been ignored by the FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, etc.

Just more BS from the "tin hat" crowd. I will tell you who may go to jail. It is DJT. He could have reacted like a grownup, but no. He tried to illicitly overthrow the election, influenced other to take foolish, wrongful, disruptive actions, filing nuisance lawsuits, spouting unsupported claims and preventing the democratic tradition of a peaceful transfer of power in a timely manner. I was not in favor of pursuing Donnie after he leaves office. Now, I am. There is the possibility he will resign early, after failing to overthrow the free election, to get a federal pardon from Pence. I wish the southern district of New York and anybody else wishing to bring charges or lawsuit luck, as he is not worthy of another day of peace in his life, except behind bars.
All I know is that a lot of people on the Left or Right should look extremely careful crossing a street. Especially one way ones.
Checking your car brakes carefully while you are getting in the car. Maybe put a piece of tape on the hood and make sure it wasn't broken sealed.. Danny Greene forgot to do that.

I see a lot of Seths walking around waiting to be Clintoned.
I heard this yesterday afternoon. Sidney Powell said on Newsmax that they have proof of the CIA working with Bernie Sanders, AOC, and at least 200 others on how to sabotage the Trump Administration.

I expect them to start cleaning house in the CIA and the FBI in the next few weeks. Regardless of the outcome of the election....this is treason.....sedition....whatever you want to call it.

She also said that Bernie Sanders knows Hillary used Dominion Software to cheat him out of his spot on the Democratic ticket and that he accepted a bribe to keep silent. All of this has been ignored by the FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, etc.

They say a lot of things. I'm more interested in what the judges say, which is usually "dismissed".
Trump lawyers have said a whole lot of shit, doesn't make it true.

It's time for them to put up or shut the fuck up.

Like you are the boss of them darling.

Ever hear of the four corners darling.

Not saying I believe it but hypothetically. If you had proof what is the hurry. There is no statute of limitations in play.
Let the guilty incriminate themselves further. Continue to gather further evidence.

Just because you have TDS / Trump OCD and can't take it nobody cares.

Stayed scared sugar.
It always cracks me up when the progs come out in force claiming there is no evidence because the DT campaign hasn't released it yet.
It's just so stupid it's almost hard to comprehend. Even lefties aren't generally this dense.
Will they be genuinely shocked when the evidence is produced in court & released to the public or will they continue to deny it exists, even as the election results are proven to be fraudulent?
That's a trick question: cognitive dissonance allows them to be both shocked & in denial at the same time.
I have proof!

Which I’m not actually going to show anyone and that will not hold up in a court of law.

But is enough to convince conservatives that they were cheated
Yeah....and the Democrats have proof of Russian Collusion too.
Only difference here is this time they actually have the proof.
Whether or not it ever sees the light of day is another story.

BTW, Dominion also counts how many new COVID cases are reported.

CIA having a conference call about this, with 200 people?

Yeah, VERY unlikely, lol.

They don't have conference calls when overthrowing foreign dictators, so the chances of this having happened when dealing with the U.S (which, as far as I understand, isn't even in their purview, domestic issues are FBI, not CIA) is about as likely as me winning the provincial lottery.
Probably not the whole agency but CIA has had plenty of traitors in their ranks throughout their history. Who would know better how to overthrow a government. Half those masters of the universe jackssses think they are untouchable. I give it about 40% odds on being true.
CIA having a conference call about this, with 200 people?

Yeah, VERY unlikely, lol.

They don't have conference calls when overthrowing foreign dictators, so the chances of this having happened when dealing with the U.S (which, as far as I understand, isn't even in their purview, domestic issues are FBI, not CIA) is about as likely as me winning the provincial lottery.
No.....I said they held conference calls with at least 200 people....not necessarily at the same time.
I guess you've never heard of phone records being used in court before.

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