Trump lashes out at Spell-Check for treating him "very unfairly" !!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Accusing it of treating him “very unfairly,” Donald Trump lashed out on Wednesday at the widely used spelling tool spell-check.​
“Almost every time I type a word, spell-check puts a red squiggly line under it,” he tweeted. “It never put a red squiggly line under Obama’s words.”​
“Spell-check is rigged against conservatives,” he charged.​
Trump accused spell-check of infringing on his First Amendment rights by interfering with what he called “freedom of spelling.”​
“Freedom of Spelling is guaranteed by the Conitution,” he wrote.​
In his most direct threat to the spelling tool, he warned that, if spell-check did not stop putting red squiggly lines under his words, he would “close it down.”​
Trump also said that he was in talks with the Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, about eliminating spelling altogether.​


WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Accusing it of treating him “very unfairly,” Donald Trump lashed out on Wednesday at the widely used spelling tool spell-check.​
“Almost every time I type a word, spell-check puts a red squiggly line under it,” he tweeted. “It never put a red squiggly line under Obama’s words.”​
“Spell-check is rigged against conservatives,” he charged.​
Trump accused spell-check of infringing on his First Amendment rights by interfering with what he called “freedom of spelling.”​
“Freedom of Spelling is guaranteed by the Conitution,” he wrote.​
In his most direct threat to the spelling tool, he warned that, if spell-check did not stop putting red squiggly lines under his words, he would “close it down.”​
Trump also said that he was in talks with the Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, about eliminating spelling altogether.​


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