TRUMP is the dangerous RADICAL ..... Biden is the safe Moderate


Gold Member
Jun 26, 2015
Other than the Independents & Libertarians (i am one of them; the ethical kind), there are FOUR (4) major political groups:

-Trump-RNC party (extreme right);
-Normal GOP (moderate right);
-Democratic Party (moderate left);
-Socialist Democrats (extreme left)

Trump is trying to induce Chicken-Little FEAR into his campaign, declaring that Biden is a radical.
In reality, Trump is the dangerous extremist-radical on the US political spectrum, while Biden is mainstream.
Biden beat out the extremists in his party to win the DNC nomination, while Trump beat out the traditional Republicans to win the RNC nomination again.

The RADICAL Trump party is not the party of Reagan/Bush, who did not kiss up to the Russian communists & authoritarians.
Trump needs Putin to win votes (Trump mostly cares about himself & getting re-elected), and pretends to be a Christian and love America. What BS!
That’s why normal Republicans are siding with the MODERATE Biden.

Other than the Independents & Libertarians (i am one of them; the ethical kind), there are FOUR (4) major political groups:

-Trump-RNC party (extreme right);
-Normal GOP (moderate right);
-Democratic Party (moderate left);
-Socialist Democrats (extreme left)

Trump is trying to induce Chicken-Little FEAR into his campaign, declaring that Biden is a radical.
In reality, Trump is the dangerous extremist-radical on the US political spectrum, while Biden is mainstream.
Biden beat out the extremists in his party to win the DNC nomination, while Trump beat out the traditional Republicans to win the RNC nomination again.

The RADICAL Trump party is not the party of Reagan/Bush, who did not kiss up to the Russian communists & authoritarians.
Trump needs Putin to win votes (Trump mostly cares about himself & getting re-elected), and pretends to be a Christian and love America. What BS!
That’s why normal Republicans are siding with the MODERATE Biden.

''FEAR'' -hahahahahhahahahaha
Mr Trump is not extreme anything--he's common sense
..the Dems HATE America and act just like nazis--which I've linked much evidence on many times
--the Dems/BLM/etc are radical and STUPID:
= open borders!!! = DUMB
= hate police/law and order --but they LOVE criminals!!!!!
= they don't care if the US gets screwed by other countries
= want to get rid of ICE!!!!!
= help and pay ILLEGALS!!!!! with US tax $$$ = IDIOCY
etc etc ..too much idiocy from the Dems/BLM to post
Other than the Independents & Libertarians (i am one of them; the ethical kind), there are FOUR (4) major political groups:

-Trump-RNC party (extreme right);
-Normal GOP (moderate right);
-Democratic Party (moderate left);
-Socialist Democrats (extreme left)

Trump is trying to induce Chicken-Little FEAR into his campaign, declaring that Biden is a radical.
In reality, Trump is the dangerous extremist-radical on the US political spectrum, while Biden is mainstream.
Biden beat out the extremists in his party to win the DNC nomination, while Trump beat out the traditional Republicans to win the RNC nomination again.

The RADICAL Trump party is not the party of Reagan/Bush, who did not kiss up to the Russian communists & authoritarians.
Trump needs Putin to win votes (Trump mostly cares about himself & getting re-elected), and pretends to be a Christian and love America. What BS!
That’s why normal Republicans are siding with the MODERATE Biden.

maybe in your head. you must speak for nobody else. trump dont need any of the corrupt. hes done quite well w/out. sanctions against russia, tariffs on china--do you really know what you are typing?
Other than the Independents & Libertarians (i am one of them; the ethical kind), there are FOUR (4) major political groups:

-Trump-RNC party (extreme right);
-Normal GOP (moderate right);
-Democratic Party (moderate left);
-Socialist Democrats (extreme left)

Trump is trying to induce Chicken-Little FEAR into his campaign, declaring that Biden is a radical.
In reality, Trump is the dangerous extremist-radical on the US political spectrum, while Biden is mainstream.
Biden beat out the extremists in his party to win the DNC nomination, while Trump beat out the traditional Republicans to win the RNC nomination again.

The RADICAL Trump party is not the party of Reagan/Bush, who did not kiss up to the Russian communists & authoritarians.
Trump needs Putin to win votes (Trump mostly cares about himself & getting re-elected), and pretends to be a Christian and love America. What BS!
That’s why normal Republicans are siding with the MODERATE Biden.

I almost marked this as funny, but you're not naïve, you're flat out lying. So neg it was.
Other than the Independents & Libertarians (i am one of them; the ethical kind), there are FOUR (4) major political groups:

-Trump-RNC party (extreme right);
-Normal GOP (moderate right);
-Democratic Party (moderate left);
-Socialist Democrats (extreme left)

Trump is trying to induce Chicken-Little FEAR into his campaign, declaring that Biden is a radical.
In reality, Trump is the dangerous extremist-radical on the US political spectrum, while Biden is mainstream.
Biden beat out the extremists in his party to win the DNC nomination, while Trump beat out the traditional Republicans to win the RNC nomination again.

The RADICAL Trump party is not the party of Reagan/Bush, who did not kiss up to the Russian communists & authoritarians.
Trump needs Putin to win votes (Trump mostly cares about himself & getting re-elected), and pretends to be a Christian and love America. What BS!
That’s why normal Republicans are siding with the MODERATE Biden.

Damn! I wish you had posted this last week! I done voted for Trump!
In my view, Joe Biden is a follower rather than a leader. He's gonna find out which why his party wants to go and support that. If they flip-flop on something, so does he. Every time. If you look at his position on most issues, he was once against what he's running on now. And if he gets elected and the Dems take the Senate, he's going to take his orders from Schumer and Pelosi, they'll tell him what Congress will do and he'll sign it without complaint. In fact, he'll fall in line with whatever the party wants to do, regardless of what it is. So it really matters not at all whether he's a moderate or not, cuz he doesn't have the balls to lead.
In my view, Joe Biden is a follower rather than a leader. He's gonna find out which why his party wants to go and support that. If they flip-flop on something, so does he. Every time. If you look at his position on most issues, he was once against what he's running on now. And if he gets elected and the Dems take the Senate, he's going to take his orders from Schumer and Pelosi, they'll tell him what Congress will do and he'll sign it without complaint. In fact, he'll fall in line with whatever the party wants to do, regardless of what it is. So it really matters not at all whether he's a moderate or not, cuz he doesn't have the balls to lead.

It's amazing how those deceivers falsely call trump a criminal and a liar.....but totally ignore the real deal in their own party.
The "Normal GOP" isn't much of a party right now.

And real social democrats are not Stalinists or Maoists.

There is no such thing as a "moderate democrat."

It's oxymoron, like "moderate Nazi" or "journalistic integrity."
I guess it's entirely possible that Trump supporters are not all that dumb and some are pretending.
Other than the Independents & Libertarians (i am one of them; the ethical kind), there are FOUR (4) major political groups:

-Trump-RNC party (extreme right);
-Normal GOP (moderate right);
-Democratic Party (moderate left);
-Socialist Democrats (extreme left)

Trump is trying to induce Chicken-Little FEAR into his campaign, declaring that Biden is a radical.
In reality, Trump is the dangerous extremist-radical on the US political spectrum, while Biden is mainstream.
Biden beat out the extremists in his party to win the DNC nomination, while Trump beat out the traditional Republicans to win the RNC nomination again.

The RADICAL Trump party is not the party of Reagan/Bush, who did not kiss up to the Russian communists & authoritarians.
Trump needs Putin to win votes (Trump mostly cares about himself & getting re-elected), and pretends to be a Christian and love America. What BS!
That’s why normal Republicans are siding with the MODERATE Biden.

By radical you mean defying the established orders: the bureaucratic swamp, the PC corporations, the neocon warmongers, the Silicon Valley monopolists.

My moderate you mean serving said established orders.

The establishment loves mass immigration to keep wages low and the Chinese Communist Party.
Other than the Independents & Libertarians (i am one of them; the ethical kind), there are FOUR (4) major political groups:

-Trump-RNC party (extreme right);
-Normal GOP (moderate right);
-Democratic Party (moderate left);
-Socialist Democrats (extreme left)

Trump is trying to induce Chicken-Little FEAR into his campaign, declaring that Biden is a radical.
In reality, Trump is the dangerous extremist-radical on the US political spectrum, while Biden is mainstream.
Biden beat out the extremists in his party to win the DNC nomination, while Trump beat out the traditional Republicans to win the RNC nomination again.

The RADICAL Trump party is not the party of Reagan/Bush, who did not kiss up to the Russian communists & authoritarians.
Trump needs Putin to win votes (Trump mostly cares about himself & getting re-elected), and pretends to be a Christian and love America. What BS!
That’s why normal Republicans are siding with the MODERATE Biden.

It's entertaining how you claim Trump induces fear into HIS campaign yet support Biden in the same message. That's called intellectual dishonesty PROG

Yet the PROG is going to tell us what normal is.
Other than the Independents & Libertarians (i am one of them; the ethical kind), there are FOUR (4) major political groups:

-Trump-RNC party (extreme right);
-Normal GOP (moderate right);
-Democratic Party (moderate left);
-Socialist Democrats (extreme left)

Trump is trying to induce Chicken-Little FEAR into his campaign, declaring that Biden is a radical.
In reality, Trump is the dangerous extremist-radical on the US political spectrum, while Biden is mainstream.
Biden beat out the extremists in his party to win the DNC nomination, while Trump beat out the traditional Republicans to win the RNC nomination again.

The RADICAL Trump party is not the party of Reagan/Bush, who did not kiss up to the Russian communists & authoritarians.
Trump needs Putin to win votes (Trump mostly cares about himself & getting re-elected), and pretends to be a Christian and love America. What BS!
That’s why normal Republicans are siding with the MODERATE Biden.

. . . what uh. . .

. . . what policy of Mr. President, do you find "dangerously radical?"


(Just so you know, generally, in political science, a "radical," is considered to be on the far left, and a "reactionary," is considered to be on the far right. I am pretty sure you mean to say that Trump is a "reactionary," otherwise, you are pretty much saying he is the American version of Che' Guevara, rather than, say, Pinochet. :auiqs.jpg:)
Geez, very few (if any) substantive responses from all you Trumpsters.
You guys vote with your balls, not brain? :)

How about explaining why MANY past Republican officials are supporting Biden? THEY are the MODERATE Republicans, which makes Trump the RADICAL.
Other than the Independents & Libertarians (i am one of them; the ethical kind), there are FOUR (4) major political groups:

-Trump-RNC party (extreme right);
-Normal GOP (moderate right);
-Democratic Party (moderate left);
-Socialist Democrats (extreme left)

Trump is trying to induce Chicken-Little FEAR into his campaign, declaring that Biden is a radical.
In reality, Trump is the dangerous extremist-radical on the US political spectrum, while Biden is mainstream.
Biden beat out the extremists in his party to win the DNC nomination, while Trump beat out the traditional Republicans to win the RNC nomination again.

The RADICAL Trump party is not the party of Reagan/Bush, who did not kiss up to the Russian communists & authoritarians.
Trump needs Putin to win votes (Trump mostly cares about himself & getting re-elected), and pretends to be a Christian and love America. What BS!
That’s why normal Republicans are siding with the MODERATE Biden.

Man, you be thinking out of old-tyme stereotypes!
I wouldn't take your word for shit!
Things move so fast, they've already left your ass in the dust!

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