Trump is mentally UNFIT to be POTUS

Is Trump mentally unfit to be POTUS

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • No

    Votes: 11 68.8%

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Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
We have had 7 months of Trump, and I think the straw that finally broke the camels back happened last weekend in Charlottesville. Trump let loose again yesterday actually blaming "both sides for the violence." Claiming that there were "really good people there on Friday Night" that were just protesting the removal of the statue of Robert E. Lee. Then the video of what was going on Friday night was quite contrary to what he said. We had White Supremacists (the ALT right) and Neo Nazi's with torches in their hands chanting "blood & soil" a Hitler chant. 400,000 American men died in World War II fighting Adolf Hitler. We lost 600,000 Americans during the Civil war fighting for equality for everyone in this nation.

This President has invited these hate groups in with his hateful rhetoric throughout the campaign season. He called and they came running.

With his luke warm response he has only encouraged them. Their numbers will only grow.
White Supremacists Praise Trump's Return To Rhetoric Blaming 'Both Sides'

The Mental issue:
You'll note that Trump showed no EMPATHY for the 32 year old woman that was killed, or the others that were injured when the White Supremacist used an ISIS tactic and ran his car into a crowd.

"Donald Trump's emotional instability and personality have been discussed quite frequently, and the word Narcissist has been brought up often. It's clear by the below description he fits this definition of a Narcissist mental disorder perfectly.

"According to a number of top U.S. psychologists, like Harvard professor and researcher Howard Gardner, Donald Trump is a “textbook” narcissist. In fact, he fits the profile so well that clinical psychologist George Simon told Vanity Fair, “He’s so classic that I’m archiving video clips of him to use in workshops.” This puts Trump in the same category as a number of infamous dictators like Muammar Gaddafi, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Saddam Hussein. And although there are narcissists out there who entertain us, innovate, or create great art, when a narcissist is given immense power over people’s lives, they can behave much differently. As the 2016 presidential election grows nearer we must ask ourselves, if elected president would Donald Trump act on the behalf of the will of the people, or would he behave more like a dictator—silencing any dissenting voices, perpetually refusing to compromise, and being oppressive to certain groups?

According to the Mayo Clinic, narcissistic personality disorder is “a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But a lack of empathy is just one part of narcissistic personality disorder. Just beneath the surface layer of overwhelming arrogance lies a delicate self-esteem that is easily injured by any form of criticism."

A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Donald Trump is mentally UNFIT to be POTUS, and he should be removed from office immediately.
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Isnt this the umpteenth BS thread of the same BS. like all of the other lying liberal teardrop threads. Trump is president your lying treasonous group of communist LOST and you are ALL LOSERS. Just do us a favor and hang yourselves in a room where you rot before you are found.
So it's Trumps fault violent masked ANTIFA thugs disrupted a pre-approved, permitted rally?

That's some Ministry of Truth level twisted logic...
There are close friends of Trump that say he's not the man he used to be 10-15 years ago. He could actually speak with a larger vocabulary than he does now. Many suspect encroaching dementia which runs in his family.
When you total up all the bat shit crazy things he has said and done in the past 2 years there's a good case to be made there is something seriously wrong with him.

He has done at least 100 things that prove he's unfit to serve.. many of them before the election... but we saw how the Trump zombies followed and defended every absurd thing he did and said.

If he was given a psychiatric evaluation I'm positive the psychiatrists would find some clinical problems he has.

I think a psy exam should be mandatory for anyone wanting to be president.
It is so funny that a liberal can read or hear a word, and it means something totally opposite to what the Webster's Unabridged Dictionary gives as a definition. I guess they all suffer from SEVERE Dyslexia.
So it's Trumps fault violent masked ANTIFA thugs disrupted a pre-approved, permitted rally?

That's some Ministry of Truth level twisted logic...
While this idiot ignores THIS:

According to the Mayo Clinic, narcissistic personality disorder is “a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.” But a lack of empathy is just one part of narcissistic personality disorder. Just beneath the surface layer of overwhelming arrogance lies a delicate self-esteem that is easily injured by any form of criticism."
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader
It is so funny that a liberal can read or hear a word, and it means something totally opposite to what the Webster's Unabridged Dictionary gives as a definition. I guess they all suffer from SEVERE Dyslexia.
^^ doesn't see or care POTUS is bat shit crazy
I think a psy exam should be mandatory for anyone wanting to be president.
Well, go ahead and organize a constitutional convention, and let's see if we can get that included in an amendment. Or, you can try to get a bunch of communist judges on the SCOTUS to "interpret" a psych eval requirement.

Trump could be crazier than a lobotomized shit-house rat, and there's not a damn thing any commies can do, because we have guns.
I think a psy exam should be mandatory for anyone wanting to be president.
Well, go ahead and organize a constitutional convention, and let's see if we can get that included in an amendment. Or, you can try to get a bunch of communist judges on the SCOTUS to "interpret" a psych eval requirement.

Trump could be crazier than a lobotomized shit-house rat, and there's not a damn thing any commies can do, because we have guns.
And the military has bigger ones you dumb fuck.
And the judges would rely on the testimony of professional psychiatrists.
And the military has bigger ones you dumb fuck.
And the judges would rely on the testimony of professional psychiatrists.
The military is not going to fight your revolution for you, commie. Even if it did, there are twice as many guns here in Texas alone as there are citizens of the united states. The 30-year insurgency would be unsustainable. That's IF you can keep all the States together.

Do you know how the constitution works? There are a handful of requirements to be President. Mental health is not one of them. If you want it to be a requirement, you must amend the constitution. Or, you can cheat and have the activist judges on the SCOTUS "interpret" some bullshit requirement out of thin air. Not likely for the next few decades.

And this batshit crazy orange doofus beat HER, even when it was HER TURN. The failed coronation is the funniest thing to happen to any political candidate in the history of the world.
And the military has bigger ones you dumb fuck.
And the judges would rely on the testimony of professional psychiatrists.
The military is not going to fight your revolution for you, commie. Even if it did, there are twice as many guns here in Texas alone as there are citizens of the united states. The 30-year insurgency would be unsustainable. That's IF you can keep all the States together.

Do you know how the constitution works? There are a handful of requirements to be President. Mental health is not one of them. If you want it to be a requirement, you must amend the constitution. Or, you can cheat and have the activist judges on the SCOTUS "interpret" some bullshit requirement out of thin air. Not likely for the next few decades.

And this batshit crazy orange doofus beat HER, even when it was HER TURN. The failed coronation is the funniest thing to happen to any political candidate in the history of the world.
Newsflash; there's not going to be any revolution so get off your pretend soldier kick and join reality.
Reality is very likely Bob Mueller is going to find some impeachable evidence and bring down this mental case legally.

You got nothing you small dick wonder.
Interesting you support a prez that's not only a serial sex offender but very likely clinically insane. Says so much about you.
Hey, me too. What does it say about me?

More importantly, what does it say about HER? :lol:
It says you were stupid enough to be conned into thinking this guy was presidential when we've seen up close he's not even close.
Hillary would have been a great president but she wasn't a good campaigner.
But for now we're just going to sit back and watch the comrade implode all of his own doing

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