Trump is bringing back conservative "values"


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
So there are two competing events going on tonight.

There is the Washington Press event which raises money for education.

There is the Trump "suck my dik" party in Michigan with white Trump sycophants.

So the camera has been alternating between the Red Carpet and the Sycophants.

So Trump supporters in Michigan were asked what it is they like about Trump and they said all the achievements. When asked to name a few, they answered, and I'm paraphrasing:

He's bringing back "conservative values". I'm guessing like unprotected sex with a porn star and cheating on his wife and lots and lots of lying.

The tax cuts for needy billionaires.

Tax cuts for corporations who have been making more than ever before.

Cutting his bases healthcare.

Continuing the great economy Obama left him.

Hatred for Mexicans.

Then on the Red Carpet, KellyAnne Conway said he is the most transparent president in history with call ins into Fox and Friends. And KellyAnne talked about all the 5 million bonuses and pay raises. When you see that there are 154 million Americans working, that's like a whopping 2.8% of all American workers who either got a raise or a one time bonus. And it only cost a few trillion. Take that Democrats!

One black Republican who used to work for Bush said he was disappointed the Michigan crowd was all white people and didn't represent America. Which is stupid. Republicans are in power, they represent America and they are 90% white. So they represent all the white people voted into office. Duh!

Can't wait to hear Trump's nuggets of wisdom.

I love nuggets.


Remember, Reagan didn't go.


Course, he had just been shot

and he did call in from the hospital.

But like Trump, he didn't go.

Only Trump hasn't gone twice.
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Now Trump is saying our intelligence agencies filled with men and women who put their lives on the line to protect this country colluded with Russia.
So there are two competing events going on tonight.

There is the Washington Press event which raises money for education.

There is the Trump "suck my dik" party in Michigan with white Trump sycophants.....

I read to here. You say "White" like it is a bad thing.

Fuck you, you racist.
You would hate yourself if you were Deanrd, too.
So there are two competing events going on tonight.

There is the Washington Press event which raises money for education.

There is the Trump "suck my dik" party in Michigan with white Trump sycophants.

So the camera has been alternating between the Red Carpet and the Sycophants.

So Trump supporters in Michigan were asked what it is they like about Trump and they said all the achievements. When asked to name a few, they answered, and I'm paraphrasing:

He's bringing back "conservative values". I'm guessing like unprotected sex with a porn star and cheating on his wife and lots and lots of lying.

The tax cuts for needy billionaires.

Tax cuts for corporations who have been making more than ever before.

Cutting his bases healthcare.

Continuing the great economy Obama left him.

Hatred for Mexicans.

Then on the Red Carpet, KellyAnne Conway said he is the most transparent president in history with call ins into Fox and Friends. And KellyAnne talked about all the 5 million bonuses and pay raises. When you see that there are 154 million Americans working, that's like a whopping 2.8% of all American workers who either got a raise or a one time bonus. And it only cost a few trillion. Take that Democrats!

One black Republican who used to work for Bush said he was disappointed the Michigan crowd was all white people and didn't represent America. Which is stupid. Republicans are in power, they represent America and they are 90% white. So they represent all the white people voted into office. Duh!

Can't wait to hear Trump's nuggets of wisdom.

I love nuggets.


Remember, Reagan didn't go.


Course, he had just been shot

and he did call in from the hospital.

But like Trump, he didn't go.

Only Trump hasn't gone twice.
So Donald Trump is bad because he is not doing what past Presidents did? Here's a news flash for you. Our past Presidents made plenty of mistakes many of which Donald Trump is fixing. As for the dinner, he just would rather be with real Americans than the boot licking toadies of the Media. GO TRUMP!
So there are two competing events going on tonight. There is the Washington Press event which raises money for education. There is the Trump "suck my dik" party in Michigan with white Trump sycophants.....
I read to here. You say "White" like it is a bad thing. Fuck you, you racist.
White Guilt is an incredibly powerful thing.

Self hatred.
Plus, in family values Tennessee, a 30 year old man to marry an 11 year old girl. Seems that the conservative values States are the pedophilia States.
So there are two competing events going on tonight.

There is the Washington Press event which raises money for education.

There is the Trump "suck my dik" party in Michigan with white Trump sycophants.

So the camera has been alternating between the Red Carpet and the Sycophants.

So Trump supporters in Michigan were asked what it is they like about Trump and they said all the achievements. When asked to name a few, they answered, and I'm paraphrasing:

He's bringing back "conservative values". I'm guessing like unprotected sex with a porn star and cheating on his wife and lots and lots of lying.

The tax cuts for needy billionaires.

Tax cuts for corporations who have been making more than ever before.

Cutting his bases healthcare.

Continuing the great economy Obama left him.

Hatred for Mexicans.

Then on the Red Carpet, KellyAnne Conway said he is the most transparent president in history with call ins into Fox and Friends. And KellyAnne talked about all the 5 million bonuses and pay raises. When you see that there are 154 million Americans working, that's like a whopping 2.8% of all American workers who either got a raise or a one time bonus. And it only cost a few trillion. Take that Democrats!

One black Republican who used to work for Bush said he was disappointed the Michigan crowd was all white people and didn't represent America. Which is stupid. Republicans are in power, they represent America and they are 90% white. So they represent all the white people voted into office. Duh!

Can't wait to hear Trump's nuggets of wisdom.

I love nuggets.


Remember, Reagan didn't go.


Course, he had just been shot

and he did call in from the hospital.

But like Trump, he didn't go.

Only Trump hasn't gone twice.
dont you ever get tired of repeating the same old type of shit? you watch sports? comic movies?...or do you see trump there too?...
America First. The globalists hate it.
The term goes back to Americans in 1940 who wanted to stay out of the war, many of whom were Pro-Nazi.

America First Committee - Wikipedia

Charles Lindbergh speaking at an AFC rally
Charles Lindbergh was admired in Germany and allowed to see the buildup of the German air force, the Luftwaffe, in 1937. He was impressed by its strength and secretly reported his findings to the General Staff of the United States Army, warning them that the U.S. had fallen behind and that it must urgently build up its aviation.[13] He had feuded with the Roosevelt administration for years. His first radio speech was broadcast on September 15, 1939, on all three of the major radio networks. He urged listeners to look beyond the speeches and propaganda that they were being fed and instead look at who was writing the speeches and reports, who owned the papers and who influenced the speakers.

On June 20, 1941, Lindbergh spoke to 30,000 people in Los Angeles and billed it as a "Peace and Preparedness Mass Meeting", Lindbergh criticized those movements which he perceived were leading America into the war. He proclaimed that the United States was in a position that made it virtually impregnable. He claimed that the interventionists and the British who called for "the defense of England" really meant "the defeat of Germany".[14][15]

Nothing did more to escalate the tensions than the speech which Lindbergh delivered to a rally in Des Moines, Iowa on September 11, 1941. In that speech, he identified the forces pulling America into the war as the British, the Roosevelt administration, and American Jews. While he expressed sympathy for the plight of the Jews in Germany, he argued that America's entry into the war would serve them little better. He said in part:

It is not difficult to understand why Jewish people desire the overthrow of Nazi Germany. The persecution they suffered in Germany would be sufficient to make bitter enemies of any race. No person with a sense of the dignity of mankind can condone the persecution the Jewish race suffered in Germany. But no person of honesty and vision can look on their pro-war policy here today without seeing the dangers involved in such a policy, both for us and for them.

Instead of agitating for war the Jewish groups in this country should be opposing it in every possible way, for they will be among the first to feel its consequences. Tolerance is a virtue that depends upon peace and strength. History shows that it cannot survive war and devastation. A few farsighted Jewish people realize this and stand opposed to intervention. But the majority still do not. Their greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio, and our government.[16]

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