Trump is an employee of his own corporate structure and does his taxes just like Bloomberg, Gates and Bezos


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
It takes total financial illiteracy to fall for the most recent BS story about Trump's total tax contributions. The Income tax number is meaningless with respect to a billionaire who is also owner/operator of a multi national business conglomerate. If he showed more than a few dollars paid in it would indicate that he was totally inept as a business manager...plain and simple. His personal returns are no different than those of any other super wealthy patron of the system. I post this not as a response to the foolishness but as a reminder to Trump supporters that Nov third is getting closer and so is the total desperation of the DNC. The numbers posted...if they are even true for that matter.....bear no resemblance whatsoever to the total tax burden on all of his businesses which surely totals in the tens of millions but are also beyond public examination because they are supposed to be.

Of course, he pays a ton of taxes. NYT is fake news and the whole concept is moronic anyway. Tax avoidance is an art, while evasion is a crime.

Do you want to know what else is a crime? Releasing someone else's tax return. NYT is a criminal organization.
Another nothing burger. He does what we all do. Pay a few of our tax dollars as possible to the thieving code of the IRS due to all the tax bills Biden helped create in his steller LOL career. Leftists hate the IRS, too, but they will love this day before the first debate bomb they have lobbed for the uninformed taxpayer. That's just how it goes, folks! :boohoo:

The President has always said that he took advantage of the tax code to minimize his tax bill, just like every American does. Try searching for all the charities Trumps' dollars have helped. And for the jobs, he helped create.
It takes total financial illiteracy to fall for the most recent BS story about Trump's total tax contributions. The Income tax number is meaningless with respect to a billionaire who is also owner/operator of a multi national business conglomerate. If he showed more than a few dollars paid in it would indicate that he was totally inept as a business manager...plain and simple. His personal returns are no different than those of any other super wealthy patron of the system. I post this not as a response to the foolishness but as a reminder to Trump supporters that Nov third is getting closer and so is the total desperation of the DNC. The numbers posted...if they are even true for that matter.....bear no resemblance whatsoever to the total tax burden on all of his businesses which surely totals in the tens of millions but are also beyond public examination because they are supposed to be.


True. As a former CEO I can tell you that you are an employee of the corporation and so should NOT be getting rich off of it, and that if you are doing your job at all, you are using THE TAX LAWS which Congress put in place to pay as little federal tax as possible.

DONALD TRUMP: Probably the first president in a LONG TIME to NOT get rich off taxpayers but actually LOSE MONEY by being in office!

So much for the Left's assertion of what a "crook" Trump is!
Of course, he pays a ton of taxes. NYT is fake news and the whole concept is moronic anyway. Tax avoidance is an art, while evasion is a crime.

Do you want to know what else is a crime? Releasing someone else's tax return. NYT is a criminal organization.

The person or persons that gave them to the times are criminal
The times is protected
Re: Trump is an employee of his own corporate structure and does his taxes just like Bloomberg, Gates and Bezos

Bloomberg Gates and Bezos make money.

But I'lll guarantee you they pay almost nothing in personal income taxes though they are responsible for the flow of hundreds of millions in tax revenues to the Government via the total tax burdens on their businesses as a whole. Bezos alone with his vast army of well paid employees most likely contributes several billion annually to the government coffers which is why taxing a corporate structure is total bullshit.

Of course, he pays a ton of taxes. NYT is fake news and the whole concept is moronic anyway. Tax avoidance is an art, while evasion is a crime.

Do you want to know what else is a crime? Releasing someone else's tax return. NYT is a criminal organization.

The person or persons that gave them to the times are criminal
The times is protected

It looks like Nick Sandman's lawyer has taken an interest in
He's fresh off a colossal settlement against the media.....I can't wait to see this one.

It takes total financial illiteracy to fall for the most recent BS story about Trump's total tax contributions. The Income tax number is meaningless with respect to a billionaire who is also owner/operator of a multi national business conglomerate. If he showed more than a few dollars paid in it would indicate that he was totally inept as a business manager...plain and simple. His personal returns are no different than those of any other super wealthy patron of the system. I post this not as a response to the foolishness but as a reminder to Trump supporters that Nov third is getting closer and so is the total desperation of the DNC. The numbers posted...if they are even true for that matter.....bear no resemblance whatsoever to the total tax burden on all of his businesses which surely totals in the tens of millions but are also beyond public examination because they are supposed to be.


True. As a former CEO I can tell you that you are an employee of the corporation and so should NOT be getting rich off of it, and that if you are doing your job at all, you are using THE TAX LAWS which Congress put in place to pay as little federal tax as possible.

DONALD TRUMP: Probably the first president in a LONG TIME to NOT get rich off taxpayers but actually LOSE MONEY by being in office!

So much for the Left's assertion of what a "crook" Trump is!

Trump industries....Microsoft.....Amazon....Bloomberg int. Inc......all employ an army of well paid people who pay heavily on the income tax front. This is why corporate taxation is totally stupid.

Of course, he pays a ton of taxes. NYT is fake news and the whole concept is moronic anyway. Tax avoidance is an art, while evasion is a crime.

Do you want to know what else is a crime? Releasing someone else's tax return. NYT is a criminal organization.

I wouldn't even call it tax avoidance I would call it just plain smart book keeping.. one little mistake and the IRS will swoop in and grab hundreds of thousands without a moments notice....this is why he and all the other billionaires are under constant audit to start again very soon no doubt. Noticed that the lefties have given this thread a damn good leaving alone.....with all the taxes of very nature including property, pay roll, luxury and of course the combined tax pay-in from thousands of employees Trump Inc must contribute tens of millions yearly.

Their big pre-debate surprise is already a flop.

Actually they screwed up and let it out too gives his debate team plenty of time to come up with some sledge hammer responses....His personal Income tax profile might actually make him a hero with most people who tend to dislike the IRS anyway.

Bloomberg Gates and Bezos are not "employees" of the United States

But they are Billionaires who are employees of their own corporate structure just like Trump is. Trump's personal tax returns have nothing to do with his position as President and as you already know none of that salary goes to is all donated.....Something Obama could have done but chose not to do.'re just totally in left field here dude....If Bezos, Gates and Bloomberg wanted to avoid all taxation they could simply move their headquarters to Ireland like many other US corporations have done to escape the thieving hands of the Marxist goons in the Dem party. I predict that they will eventually but for now they are here and the do their taxes exactly the same way. Notice that none of them have said a goddamned about this? Three guesses as to why,.

So just admit it.....You hate Trump and you don't even know why you hate him. It's were never going to vote for him anyway....but don't prance around pretending you know something that you don't know.

It takes total financial illiteracy to fall for the most recent BS story about Trump's total tax contributions. The Income tax number is meaningless with respect to a billionaire who is also owner/operator of a multi national business conglomerate. If he showed more than a few dollars paid in it would indicate that he was totally inept as a business manager...plain and simple. His personal returns are no different than those of any other super wealthy patron of the system. I post this not as a response to the foolishness but as a reminder to Trump supporters that Nov third is getting closer and so is the total desperation of the DNC. The numbers posted...if they are even true for that matter.....bear no resemblance whatsoever to the total tax burden on all of his businesses which surely totals in the tens of millions but are also beyond public examination because they are supposed to be.


True. As a former CEO I can tell you that you are an employee of the corporation and so should NOT be getting rich off of it, and that if you are doing your job at all, you are using THE TAX LAWS which Congress put in place to pay as little federal tax as possible.

DONALD TRUMP: Probably the first president in a LONG TIME to NOT get rich off taxpayers but actually LOSE MONEY by being in office!

So much for the Left's assertion of what a "crook" Trump is!

President Trump donates his entire presidential salary.
It takes total financial illiteracy to fall for the most recent BS story about Trump's total tax contributions. The Income tax number is meaningless with respect to a billionaire who is also owner/operator of a multi national business conglomerate. If he showed more than a few dollars paid in it would indicate that he was totally inept as a business manager...plain and simple. His personal returns are no different than those of any other super wealthy patron of the system. I post this not as a response to the foolishness but as a reminder to Trump supporters that Nov third is getting closer and so is the total desperation of the DNC. The numbers posted...if they are even true for that matter.....bear no resemblance whatsoever to the total tax burden on all of his businesses which surely totals in the tens of millions but are also beyond public examination because they are supposed to be.


True. As a former CEO I can tell you that you are an employee of the corporation and so should NOT be getting rich off of it, and that if you are doing your job at all, you are using THE TAX LAWS which Congress put in place to pay as little federal tax as possible.

DONALD TRUMP: Probably the first president in a LONG TIME to NOT get rich off taxpayers but actually LOSE MONEY by being in office!

So much for the Left's assertion of what a "crook" Trump is!

President Trump donates his entire presidential salary.

Yes he does and the Media gives it one hell of a good leaving addition the Media damn well knows that the personal tax returns of a business Mogul mean absolutely nothing about how much he pays in which is in the tens of millions is merely the fulfillment of the corporate law structure and it is a very smart way to do business unless you like having the IRS swoop in and vacuum up 90 percent of what you own and purchase....because given the opportunity that's what they will do....this is why Trump is being audited every all the other Billionaires.. for at least 8 months out of the year only to begin again after a four month break if they even get that.

President Trump donates his entire presidential salary.
Yes he does and the Media gives it one hell of a good leaving addition the Media damn well knows that the personal tax returns of a business Mogul mean absolutely nothing about how much he pays in which is in the tens of millions yearly.....

LET'S FACE IT, if Biden or Obumma donated their entire salary to charity, it would be on the FRONT PAGE of the NYT! Biden would be getting nominated for a Nobel Prize for the "calming effect" his generosity was having on the economy!

The WORST aspect of the Left is their habitual use of one extremely harsh standard used against their opponents while at the same time applying an extremely overly-forgiving one for their own-- -- then DENYING it.

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