Trump is an American, Sanders is a commie.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
When it comes to crafting a cerebrally stunted population, there’s nothing like a modern, progressive, liberal arts college to get the job done. There was a time when these institutions served a useful purpose, but most reasonable people know that today most have just become stooge factories for political correctness.

American cities are a case in point with many citizens screaming until they drool about the president colluding with Russians. Bernie Sanders is wildly popular in US cities but If the citizens went to the library making their way through the homeless throngs hanging out there, they might discover that Jane Sanders, Bernie’s wife, once headed Burlington College.

That college had a policy of sending students to Havana to be indoctrinated by the Cuban Government. You can’t make this stuff up. Anyone with functioning frontal lobes knows that Bernie Sanders is a Jewish Fidel Castro with Medicare for All, taxpayer-burdened free college tuition, $15 an hour minimum wage and a completely disarmed public; his wife was living the Bolshevik dream until the banks closed the place.

Bernie Sanders is hiding nothing; he’s trying to claw his way to the Democratic nomination with a hammer in one hand and a sickle in the other, which is why the party is aghast that he leads the polls. The democrats prefer a more measured approach in dismantling the American way of life by offshoring industry to foreign ports and taking away company pensions and employee health insurance. They are throwing down borders to usher in replacement Americans from South and Central America.

Most US citizens have no idea what an economic and ideological traitor Sanders is because the media never reports it. Stupid is as stupid does and the media knows what the Communists have always known; propaganda works, especially on the lowest common denominator. They just flip the script and work with a corrupt American Stasi-FBI, DOJ and NSA pushing the false narrative that Trump is using Putin to win elections.

Government fabricated and synthesized hatred is a powerful tool and the corruption of security agencies to attack American citizens is a dangerous departure from the democratic process. Desperation to maintain an aristocratic status quo is poisoning our republic.

Trump is doing nothing with Russians; Sanders is the real commie and the people know it which is why he will prevail. That’s why democrats can’t let Sanders be nominated.
Silly and stupid. Next you will claim Bernie was born in Russia.
Sanders is a democratic socialist, that is a socialist with "democratic" added in front of it in an attempt to make it sound more reasonable.

He may well be a communist.
Neither one sounds like a good American to me. Trump is more damaging of the two, but only at the moment. Man, I hope I don't have to vote for Bernie.
Neither one sounds like a good American to me. Trump is more damaging of the two, but only at the moment. Man, I hope I don't have to vote for Bernie.
Voting for Bernie is like chickens voting for the fox to enter their cage
When it comes to crafting a cerebrally stunted population, there’s nothing like a modern, progressive, liberal arts college to get the job done. There was a time when these institutions served a useful purpose, but most reasonable people know that today most have just become stooge factories for political correctness.

American cities are a case in point with many citizens screaming until they drool about the president colluding with Russians. Bernie Sanders is wildly popular in US cities but If the citizens went to the library making their way through the homeless throngs hanging out there, they might discover that Jane Sanders, Bernie’s wife, once headed Burlington College.

That college had a policy of sending students to Havana to be indoctrinated by the Cuban Government. You can’t make this stuff up. Anyone with functioning frontal lobes knows that Bernie Sanders is a Jewish Fidel Castro with Medicare for All, taxpayer-burdened free college tuition, $15 an hour minimum wage and a completely disarmed public; his wife was living the Bolshevik dream until the banks closed the place.

Bernie Sanders is hiding nothing; he’s trying to claw his way to the Democratic nomination with a hammer in one hand and a sickle in the other, which is why the party is aghast that he leads the polls. The democrats prefer a more measured approach in dismantling the American way of life by offshoring industry to foreign ports and taking away company pensions and employee health insurance. They are throwing down borders to usher in replacement Americans from South and Central America.

Most US citizens have no idea what an economic and ideological traitor Sanders is because the media never reports it. Stupid is as stupid does and the media knows what the Communists have always known; propaganda works, especially on the lowest common denominator. They just flip the script and work with a corrupt American Stasi-FBI, DOJ and NSA pushing the false narrative that Trump is using Putin to win elections.

Government fabricated and synthesized hatred is a powerful tool and the corruption of security agencies to attack American citizens is a dangerous departure from the democratic process. Desperation to maintain an aristocratic status quo is poisoning our republic.

Trump is doing nothing with Russians; Sanders is the real commie and the people know it which is why he will prevail. That’s why democrats can’t let Sanders be nominated.

He will transform the United States of America into a communist nation.

All by himself!!!


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When it comes to crafting a cerebrally stunted population, there’s nothing like a modern, progressive, liberal arts college to get the job done. There was a time when these institutions served a useful purpose, but most reasonable people know that today most have just become stooge factories for political correctness.

American cities are a case in point with many citizens screaming until they drool about the president colluding with Russians. Bernie Sanders is wildly popular in US cities but If the citizens went to the library making their way through the homeless throngs hanging out there, they might discover that Jane Sanders, Bernie’s wife, once headed Burlington College.

That college had a policy of sending students to Havana to be indoctrinated by the Cuban Government. You can’t make this stuff up. Anyone with functioning frontal lobes knows that Bernie Sanders is a Jewish Fidel Castro with Medicare for All, taxpayer-burdened free college tuition, $15 an hour minimum wage and a completely disarmed public; his wife was living the Bolshevik dream until the banks closed the place.

Bernie Sanders is hiding nothing; he’s trying to claw his way to the Democratic nomination with a hammer in one hand and a sickle in the other, which is why the party is aghast that he leads the polls. The democrats prefer a more measured approach in dismantling the American way of life by offshoring industry to foreign ports and taking away company pensions and employee health insurance. They are throwing down borders to usher in replacement Americans from South and Central America.

Most US citizens have no idea what an economic and ideological traitor Sanders is because the media never reports it. Stupid is as stupid does and the media knows what the Communists have always known; propaganda works, especially on the lowest common denominator. They just flip the script and work with a corrupt American Stasi-FBI, DOJ and NSA pushing the false narrative that Trump is using Putin to win elections.

Government fabricated and synthesized hatred is a powerful tool and the corruption of security agencies to attack American citizens is a dangerous departure from the democratic process. Desperation to maintain an aristocratic status quo is poisoning our republic.

Trump is doing nothing with Russians; Sanders is the real commie and the people know it which is why he will prevail. That’s why democrats can’t let Sanders be nominated.

He will transform the United States of America into a communist nation.

All by himself!!!


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Trump is doing a great job Give trump another 4 years and you might get Putin in charge of our FBI
Sanders is a democratic socialist, that is a socialist with "democratic" added in front of it in an attempt to make it sound more reasonable.

He may well be a communist.

"Communist" is a long-used catch-all term for everything that comes out of Marxism. He certainly is a Communist, as are other Democrats.
Neither one sounds like a good American to me. Trump is more damaging of the two, but only at the moment. Man, I hope I don't have to vote for Bernie.

Do explain how Trump is more damaging.
No. Get off fox news. Read other posts I've written if you know how to look them up and are bored enough to try.
Sanders is a democratic socialist, that is a socialist with "democratic" added in front of it in an attempt to make it sound more reasonable.

He may well be a communist.

"Communist" is a long-used catch-all term for everything that comes out of Marxism. He certainly is a Communist, as are other Democrats.
Was Putin his buddy too, like Trump is?
Neither one sounds like a good American to me. Trump is more damaging of the two, but only at the moment. Man, I hope I don't have to vote for Bernie.

Do explain how Trump is more damaging.
No. Get off fox news. Read other posts I've written if you know how to look them up and are bored enough to try.
Trump is not damaging IMO. Case and point is Brett Kavanaugh. The man was found guilty of some frivolous and baseless accusations. Why? The blue brand is insane. Lost all credibility and Avenatti is now going to prison. If you think the ills of this country is strictly due to Trump you’re sadly mistaken. Trump is the effect not the cause.
Sanders is a democratic socialist, that is a socialist with "democratic" added in front of it in an attempt to make it sound more reasonable.

He may well be a communist.

Again you don't know what it means, do you? You're such a fucking parrot. No thoughts or research just let me repeat what everyone else says and it's gotta be true. GFY
Trump - Build a wall, pro-American.
Sanders - tear down the wall, anti-American socialist.

They are so similar...
The right has replaced the word cooties with communist. In kindergarten, they said anyone they didn't like had cooties. Now they just call them communists. The silly part is that either then or now, they didn't understand what the word actually meant.
Sanders is a democratic socialist, that is a socialist with "democratic" added in front of it in an attempt to make it sound more reasonable.

He may well be a communist.

"Communist" is a long-used catch-all term for everything that comes out of Marxism. He certainly is a Communist, as are other Democrats.
Was Putin his buddy too, like Trump is?
Quit the lies
12 Ways Trump is a Nightmare for Putin
Exclusive: U.S. Strikes Killed Scores of Russian Fighters in Syria, Sources Say
Putin declares US-led Syria strike an 'act of aggression'
Reports: Russian contractors killed by US strike in Syria
Sanders is a democratic socialist, that is a socialist with "democratic" added in front of it in an attempt to make it sound more reasonable.

He may well be a communist.
It's socialist with Democrat in front of it to make it sound like what we already have -- but dic suckers like you are too stupid to know it....

I suggest you go back and research some of Teddy Roosevelt's policies...even Reagan....then shut the fuck up....

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