Trump in a landslide; here’s why


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

We will get a lengthy education about polls. How they once were accurate. And not any more.

We also learn about the Pennsylvania Washington County Fair.

Many wanted to register to vote or to change their registration to Republican. Many of the registrations and changes were twenty-somethings, which is telling. Many others wanted to sign up to work for the party.

If we had Trump signs available, we could have given out a thousand or more to people who wanted to put them in their yards that day. Some 400 people joined the party as active workers. There were two booths this year selling Trump merchandise. In total, this far exceeded what we saw several months before the 2016 election. Imagine what it will be at this time next year.

The parking lot was filled with pickup trucks and the people wore work boots, jeans, teeshirts, and ball caps. The people who attend his rallies and will get their friends and families to the voting booths to vote Republican

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We will get a lengthy education about polls. How they once were accurate. And not any more.

We also learn about the Pennsylvania Washington County Fair.

Many wanted to register to vote or to change their registration to Republican. Many of the registrations and changes were twenty-somethings, which is telling. Many others wanted to sign up to work for the party.

If we had Trump signs available, we could have given out a thousand or more to people who wanted to put them in their yards that day. Some 400 people joined the party as active workers. There were two booths this year selling Trump merchandise. In total, this far exceeded what we saw several months before the 2016 election. Imagine what it will be at this time next year.

The parking lot was filled with pickup trucks and the people wore work boots, jeans, teeshirts, and ball caps. The people who attend his rallies and will get their friends and families to the voting booths to vote Republican

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I did a fact check and, WOW. I have never seen anything quite like this one. It makes Fox News look like an Ultra Left Wing Think Tank. It makes Rush and Hannity appear to be Liberal Leftwing Activists. It even goes as far as to make Rump look Truthful.

American Thinker - Media Bias/Fact Check

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence

Overall, we rate the American Thinker, Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories/pseudoscience, use of poor sources and failed fact checks.

We will get a lengthy education about polls. How they once were accurate. And not any more.

We also learn about the Pennsylvania Washington County Fair.

Many wanted to register to vote or to change their registration to Republican. Many of the registrations and changes were twenty-somethings, which is telling. Many others wanted to sign up to work for the party.

If we had Trump signs available, we could have given out a thousand or more to people who wanted to put them in their yards that day. Some 400 people joined the party as active workers. There were two booths this year selling Trump merchandise. In total, this far exceeded what we saw several months before the 2016 election. Imagine what it will be at this time next year.

The parking lot was filled with pickup trucks and the people wore work boots, jeans, teeshirts, and ball caps. The people who attend his rallies and will get their friends and families to the voting booths to vote Republican

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I did a fact check and, WOW. I have never seen anything quite like this one. It makes Fox News look like an Ultra Left Wing Think Tank. It makes Rush and Hannity appear to be Liberal Leftwing Activists. It even goes as far as to make Rump look Truthful.

American Thinker - Media Bias/Fact Check

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence

Overall, we rate the American Thinker, Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories/pseudoscience, use of poor sources and failed fact checks.
Expected from a FAR LEFT WING FACT (and I use that term loosely) checker..

We will get a lengthy education about polls. How they once were accurate. And not any more.

We also learn about the Pennsylvania Washington County Fair.

Many wanted to register to vote or to change their registration to Republican. Many of the registrations and changes were twenty-somethings, which is telling. Many others wanted to sign up to work for the party.

If we had Trump signs available, we could have given out a thousand or more to people who wanted to put them in their yards that day. Some 400 people joined the party as active workers. There were two booths this year selling Trump merchandise. In total, this far exceeded what we saw several months before the 2016 election. Imagine what it will be at this time next year.

The parking lot was filled with pickup trucks and the people wore work boots, jeans, teeshirts, and ball caps. The people who attend his rallies and will get their friends and families to the voting booths to vote Republican

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One thing you need to know about Pennsylvania is that it is Philadelphia on one side, Pittsburgh on the other and Alabama in between

The pickup trucks in your story should tip you off to where you are

We will get a lengthy education about polls. How they once were accurate. And not any more.

We also learn about the Pennsylvania Washington County Fair.

Many wanted to register to vote or to change their registration to Republican. Many of the registrations and changes were twenty-somethings, which is telling. Many others wanted to sign up to work for the party.

If we had Trump signs available, we could have given out a thousand or more to people who wanted to put them in their yards that day. Some 400 people joined the party as active workers. There were two booths this year selling Trump merchandise. In total, this far exceeded what we saw several months before the 2016 election. Imagine what it will be at this time next year.

The parking lot was filled with pickup trucks and the people wore work boots, jeans, teeshirts, and ball caps. The people who attend his rallies and will get their friends and families to the voting booths to vote Republican

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Total Population: 202,897 (2000) 207,820 (2010)
  • Number of Males: 101,035
  • Number of Females: 106,785
  • Number of Families: 56,437
  • Number of Households: 85,089
  • Average # of persons per Household: 2.37
  • Number in Labor Force: 106,297
  • Population Characteristics:
  • Number of Caucasians: 195,657
  • Number of African American: 6,757
  • Number of Other: 5,406
  • Median Age: 43.6
  • Number of Children 18 yrs. And under : 42,684
  • Number of Adults: (18 & over) -165,136
  • Number of Adults: (65 and over)-36,366
  • Above figures based on 2010 Census Data

We will get a lengthy education about polls. How they once were accurate. And not any more.

We also learn about the Pennsylvania Washington County Fair.

Many wanted to register to vote or to change their registration to Republican. Many of the registrations and changes were twenty-somethings, which is telling. Many others wanted to sign up to work for the party.

If we had Trump signs available, we could have given out a thousand or more to people who wanted to put them in their yards that day. Some 400 people joined the party as active workers. There were two booths this year selling Trump merchandise. In total, this far exceeded what we saw several months before the 2016 election. Imagine what it will be at this time next year.

The parking lot was filled with pickup trucks and the people wore work boots, jeans, teeshirts, and ball caps. The people who attend his rallies and will get their friends and families to the voting booths to vote Republican

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Close race, here's why-electoral college will be the same with small exceptions. Suburban women hate Trump thanks to media as we saw in 2018. Illegals DO vote and if not controlled, will give election to Democrats.

We will get a lengthy education about polls. How they once were accurate. And not any more.

We also learn about the Pennsylvania Washington County Fair.

Many wanted to register to vote or to change their registration to Republican. Many of the registrations and changes were twenty-somethings, which is telling. Many others wanted to sign up to work for the party.

If we had Trump signs available, we could have given out a thousand or more to people who wanted to put them in their yards that day. Some 400 people joined the party as active workers. There were two booths this year selling Trump merchandise. In total, this far exceeded what we saw several months before the 2016 election. Imagine what it will be at this time next year.

The parking lot was filled with pickup trucks and the people wore work boots, jeans, teeshirts, and ball caps. The people who attend his rallies and will get their friends and families to the voting booths to vote Republican

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Close race, here's why-electoral college will be the same with small exceptions. Suburban women hate Trump thanks to media as we saw in 2018. Illegals DO vote and if not controlled, will give election to Democrats.

You are looking for a reason to cause a lot of violence if Rump loses. Illegals don't vote anymore than Republicans illegally vote. Admit to one and you have to admit to the other. But I have a feeling that they both will counter the other in numbers. This is why the EC exists. To prevent any of this from happening. And from what I can see, almost none of the Dem Candidates are hated nearly as bad as Hillary so the EC won't be swung at such a high rate towards Rump this time. Right now we don't know who Rump is going to have to go against so it's premature to even comment. But Rump is headed for some tough times.

We will get a lengthy education about polls. How they once were accurate. And not any more.

We also learn about the Pennsylvania Washington County Fair.

Many wanted to register to vote or to change their registration to Republican. Many of the registrations and changes were twenty-somethings, which is telling. Many others wanted to sign up to work for the party.

If we had Trump signs available, we could have given out a thousand or more to people who wanted to put them in their yards that day. Some 400 people joined the party as active workers. There were two booths this year selling Trump merchandise. In total, this far exceeded what we saw several months before the 2016 election. Imagine what it will be at this time next year.

The parking lot was filled with pickup trucks and the people wore work boots, jeans, teeshirts, and ball caps. The people who attend his rallies and will get their friends and families to the voting booths to vote Republican

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Close race, here's why-electoral college will be the same with small exceptions. Suburban women hate Trump thanks to media as we saw in 2018. Illegals DO vote and if not controlled, will give election to Democrats.

LOL Women in general find Trump to be disgusting; illegals don't vote.

We will get a lengthy education about polls. How they once were accurate. And not any more.

We also learn about the Pennsylvania Washington County Fair.

Many wanted to register to vote or to change their registration to Republican. Many of the registrations and changes were twenty-somethings, which is telling. Many others wanted to sign up to work for the party.

If we had Trump signs available, we could have given out a thousand or more to people who wanted to put them in their yards that day. Some 400 people joined the party as active workers. There were two booths this year selling Trump merchandise. In total, this far exceeded what we saw several months before the 2016 election. Imagine what it will be at this time next year.

The parking lot was filled with pickup trucks and the people wore work boots, jeans, teeshirts, and ball caps. The people who attend his rallies and will get their friends and families to the voting booths to vote Republican

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Close race, here's why-electoral college will be the same with small exceptions. Suburban women hate Trump thanks to media as we saw in 2018. Illegals DO vote and if not controlled, will give election to Democrats.

Why do you Lefties always claim that suburban women hate President Trump?
What specifically has he done to cause it?
Give me some specifics.
Aren't these the women who raise families, often while holding down jobs? The women who now find themselves with a whole lot more options on seeking better jobs?

We will get a lengthy education about polls. How they once were accurate. And not any more.

We also learn about the Pennsylvania Washington County Fair.

Many wanted to register to vote or to change their registration to Republican. Many of the registrations and changes were twenty-somethings, which is telling. Many others wanted to sign up to work for the party.

If we had Trump signs available, we could have given out a thousand or more to people who wanted to put them in their yards that day. Some 400 people joined the party as active workers. There were two booths this year selling Trump merchandise. In total, this far exceeded what we saw several months before the 2016 election. Imagine what it will be at this time next year.

The parking lot was filled with pickup trucks and the people wore work boots, jeans, teeshirts, and ball caps. The people who attend his rallies and will get their friends and families to the voting booths to vote Republican

More @
Close race, here's why-electoral college will be the same with small exceptions. Suburban women hate Trump thanks to media as we saw in 2018. Illegals DO vote and if not controlled, will give election to Democrats.

LOL Women in general find Trump to be disgusting; illegals don't vote.

Take a look at the picture and tell me how many women show p for his rallys and cheer for him.

We will get a lengthy education about polls. How they once were accurate. And not any more.

We also learn about the Pennsylvania Washington County Fair.

Many wanted to register to vote or to change their registration to Republican. Many of the registrations and changes were twenty-somethings, which is telling. Many others wanted to sign up to work for the party.

If we had Trump signs available, we could have given out a thousand or more to people who wanted to put them in their yards that day. Some 400 people joined the party as active workers. There were two booths this year selling Trump merchandise. In total, this far exceeded what we saw several months before the 2016 election. Imagine what it will be at this time next year.

The parking lot was filled with pickup trucks and the people wore work boots, jeans, teeshirts, and ball caps. The people who attend his rallies and will get their friends and families to the voting booths to vote Republican

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Close race, here's why-electoral college will be the same with small exceptions. Suburban women hate Trump thanks to media as we saw in 2018. Illegals DO vote and if not controlled, will give election to Democrats.

LOL Women in general find Trump to be disgusting; illegals don't vote.

Take a look at the picture and tell me how many women show p for his rallys and cheer for him.

Anyone that close to POTUS have been closely vetted, and picked to benefit trump politically. Better to ask why aren't there people of color?

We will get a lengthy education about polls. How they once were accurate. And not any more.

We also learn about the Pennsylvania Washington County Fair.

Many wanted to register to vote or to change their registration to Republican. Many of the registrations and changes were twenty-somethings, which is telling. Many others wanted to sign up to work for the party.

If we had Trump signs available, we could have given out a thousand or more to people who wanted to put them in their yards that day. Some 400 people joined the party as active workers. There were two booths this year selling Trump merchandise. In total, this far exceeded what we saw several months before the 2016 election. Imagine what it will be at this time next year.

The parking lot was filled with pickup trucks and the people wore work boots, jeans, teeshirts, and ball caps. The people who attend his rallies and will get their friends and families to the voting booths to vote Republican

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Close race, here's why-electoral college will be the same with small exceptions. Suburban women hate Trump thanks to media as we saw in 2018. Illegals DO vote and if not controlled, will give election to Democrats.

LOL Women in general find Trump to be disgusting; illegals don't vote.

Take a look at the picture and tell me how many women show p for his rallys and cheer for him.

From my count 14 or 15 in that picture alone. At least in a Trump rally you can tell which ones are the women but in a demommie rally, not so much but you never have to count as high so that makes it a little easier.

We will get a lengthy education about polls. How they once were accurate. And not any more.

We also learn about the Pennsylvania Washington County Fair.

Many wanted to register to vote or to change their registration to Republican. Many of the registrations and changes were twenty-somethings, which is telling. Many others wanted to sign up to work for the party.

If we had Trump signs available, we could have given out a thousand or more to people who wanted to put them in their yards that day. Some 400 people joined the party as active workers. There were two booths this year selling Trump merchandise. In total, this far exceeded what we saw several months before the 2016 election. Imagine what it will be at this time next year.

The parking lot was filled with pickup trucks and the people wore work boots, jeans, teeshirts, and ball caps. The people who attend his rallies and will get their friends and families to the voting booths to vote Republican

More @
Close race, here's why-electoral college will be the same with small exceptions. Suburban women hate Trump thanks to media as we saw in 2018. Illegals DO vote and if not controlled, will give election to Democrats.

LOL Women in general find Trump to be disgusting; illegals don't vote.

Take a look at the picture and tell me how many women show p for his rallys and cheer for him.

And how many in that picture are there because they are paid to be there. When the Beatles first appeared on Ed Sullivan Show, those screaming "Teens", most of were paid. Rump and the Party of Rump learned from that.

We will get a lengthy education about polls. How they once were accurate. And not any more.

We also learn about the Pennsylvania Washington County Fair.

Many wanted to register to vote or to change their registration to Republican. Many of the registrations and changes were twenty-somethings, which is telling. Many others wanted to sign up to work for the party.

If we had Trump signs available, we could have given out a thousand or more to people who wanted to put them in their yards that day. Some 400 people joined the party as active workers. There were two booths this year selling Trump merchandise. In total, this far exceeded what we saw several months before the 2016 election. Imagine what it will be at this time next year.

The parking lot was filled with pickup trucks and the people wore work boots, jeans, teeshirts, and ball caps. The people who attend his rallies and will get their friends and families to the voting booths to vote Republican

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Close race, here's why-electoral college will be the same with small exceptions. Suburban women hate Trump thanks to media as we saw in 2018. Illegals DO vote and if not controlled, will give election to Democrats.
Point to any illegals actually voting

We will get a lengthy education about polls. How they once were accurate. And not any more.

We also learn about the Pennsylvania Washington County Fair.

Many wanted to register to vote or to change their registration to Republican. Many of the registrations and changes were twenty-somethings, which is telling. Many others wanted to sign up to work for the party.

If we had Trump signs available, we could have given out a thousand or more to people who wanted to put them in their yards that day. Some 400 people joined the party as active workers. There were two booths this year selling Trump merchandise. In total, this far exceeded what we saw several months before the 2016 election. Imagine what it will be at this time next year.

The parking lot was filled with pickup trucks and the people wore work boots, jeans, teeshirts, and ball caps. The people who attend his rallies and will get their friends and families to the voting booths to vote Republican

More @
Close race, here's why-electoral college will be the same with small exceptions. Suburban women hate Trump thanks to media as we saw in 2018. Illegals DO vote and if not controlled, will give election to Democrats.
Point to any illegals actually voting

I doubt he can but I can find a whole bunch of illegal activity in the 2018 election that was caught done by the Republicans. But the hijinx didn't get by. The States are very good at stopping fraudulent voting practices. This is jut Rump and the Party of Rump trying to make excuses so they can justify going off on a very violent path if he loses.

We will get a lengthy education about polls. How they once were accurate. And not any more.

We also learn about the Pennsylvania Washington County Fair.

Many wanted to register to vote or to change their registration to Republican. Many of the registrations and changes were twenty-somethings, which is telling. Many others wanted to sign up to work for the party.

If we had Trump signs available, we could have given out a thousand or more to people who wanted to put them in their yards that day. Some 400 people joined the party as active workers. There were two booths this year selling Trump merchandise. In total, this far exceeded what we saw several months before the 2016 election. Imagine what it will be at this time next year.

The parking lot was filled with pickup trucks and the people wore work boots, jeans, teeshirts, and ball caps. The people who attend his rallies and will get their friends and families to the voting booths to vote Republican

More @
Close race, here's why-electoral college will be the same with small exceptions. Suburban women hate Trump thanks to media as we saw in 2018. Illegals DO vote and if not controlled, will give election to Democrats.

LOL Women in general find Trump to be disgusting; illegals don't vote.

Take a look at the picture and tell me how many women show p for his rallys and cheer for him.

And how many in that picture are there because they are paid to be there. When the Beatles first appeared on Ed Sullivan Show, those screaming "Teens", most of were paid. Rump and the Party of Rump learned from that.
Illegals do vote-don't be naive-they cheat like they snuck in and they multiply like cockroaches.

We will get a lengthy education about polls. How they once were accurate. And not any more.

We also learn about the Pennsylvania Washington County Fair.

Many wanted to register to vote or to change their registration to Republican. Many of the registrations and changes were twenty-somethings, which is telling. Many others wanted to sign up to work for the party.

If we had Trump signs available, we could have given out a thousand or more to people who wanted to put them in their yards that day. Some 400 people joined the party as active workers. There were two booths this year selling Trump merchandise. In total, this far exceeded what we saw several months before the 2016 election. Imagine what it will be at this time next year.

The parking lot was filled with pickup trucks and the people wore work boots, jeans, teeshirts, and ball caps. The people who attend his rallies and will get their friends and families to the voting booths to vote Republican

More @
Close race, here's why-electoral college will be the same with small exceptions. Suburban women hate Trump thanks to media as we saw in 2018. Illegals DO vote and if not controlled, will give election to Democrats.

LOL Women in general find Trump to be disgusting; illegals don't vote.
First part correct, second part WRONG!

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