Trump fears Giuliani, other lawyers in Biden vote challenge are ‘fools that are making him look bad’

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
This whole shit show is just one big joke. It will be over shortly.
No no no, dear Donnie they're helping your legacy.

Lots of people are talking about that very thing. Your legacy. It matters a lot. Trust me. They're talking about it right now. all over.......

He's been doing that himself steadily since his 2016 campaign, he's making himself look like a damn fool
Trump is gonna need scapegoats for his massive post election clown show. Giuliani and Powell will be perfect if Trump can slither out of the fact that he picked 'em.

He's been doing that himself steadily since his 2016 campaign, he's making himself look like a damn fool
Trump is gonna need scapegoats for his massive post election clown show. Giuliani and Powell will be perfect if Trump can slither out of the fact that he picked 'em.

Trump is a flipping idiot. And hands down, the worst so-called "businessman" freakin ever. He could have accepted defeat, bowed out gracefully, and spent the rest of his life COUNTING MONEY that he could have collected from all over the world, for whatever purpose. Now, he just looks like a damn fool, and nobody is going to invest two cents with his stupid ass, except for maybe the morons that cling to him so desperately, and most of them ain't go two dimes to rub together. He is a flippin idiot.

He's been doing that himself steadily since his 2016 campaign, he's making himself look like a damn fool

Trump has complained to White House aides and outside allies about how Giuliani and Powell conducted themselves at that event, NBC reported.
Names? Of course not. They are anonymous sources.

But when asked why Trump doesn’t fire Giuliani and other attorneys who remain on the team, a person familiar with the president’s thinking gave a profane shoulder shrug of an answer.
“Who the f--- knows?” that person said to NBC News.
Another anonymous source. Anonymous sources from fake news outlets (NBC) are absolutely worthless.
He just figured out Rudy is making him look bad? I thought Trump was a self promoting stable genius!

THIS is a stable genius. Trump not so much.
Well, he certainly made the top 10 list of Con Artists.

Seriously? You fools are still being taken by Obama, the guy who promised to end the dumb wars and started 7 new ones. The guy who promised to close Guantanamo, and signed the NDAA taking away our habeas corpus rights. Promised universal healthcare- gave us Romneycare and a boondoggle to Wall Street,. Used the enormous power of our CIA and FBI to spy on his political opponents
(not just Trump, Bernie
) Should I go on ?
Well, he certainly made the top 10 list of Con Artists.

Seriously? You fools are still being taken by Obama, the guy who promised to end the dumb wars and started 7 new ones. The guy who promised to close Guantanamo, and signed the NDAA taking away our habeas corpus rights. Promised universal healthcare- gave us Romneycare and a boondoggle to Wall Street,. Used the enormous power of our CIA and FBI to spy on his political opponents
(not just Trump, Bernie View attachment 420780) Should I go on ?

But you WILL go on and on and on.

Closing Gitmo was blocked by the Republicans in the Senate. You bring it up? You own it.

Romneycare is working just fine in Mass. It doesn't have every crackpot Republican screaming to have it disassembled. You lose on that one as well. Hell, we all lose on that one due to you crackpots trying to kill it when you can't get a replacement presented and the courts won't allow you to get rid of it until you do. You own this one as well.

Speaking of Boondoggles in Wall Street, the money that was supposed to go to small businesses found it's way to big Corporate Businesses and Wall Street has never been healthier. Another one you own.

Obama was investigating a corrupt Traitor. If EVER there was one you owned, it is this one. I won't bother going into the hows and why's but the jury is still out on this one. Notice, Barr is very, very quiet right now. He's in serious trouble that his "Boss" is no longer able to protect his corrupt ass. And when Barr falls, so does a lot of others. You think the house was rough, check out the incoming AG and company if Biden keeps his promise of non interference. There are going to be a few Senators on the hot seat as well.

The Orange Deity was given a damn solid country and he broke it. And he's not done yet.

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