Trump Exposes Democrat Controlled Health Department For Fake Virus Report


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

Trump already had to fire one so-called inspector general watchdog in the past week, I think it is time to fire another so-called inspector general watchdog this week.....this virus has exposed the Deep State democrat operatives in the CDC and now in the Department of Health...

"The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services inspector general surveyed 323 hospitals from March 23-27 and concluded they had insufficient capacity to handle the surge of coronavirus patients. " <<-- Clearly a lie.....

"Trump implied the inspector general was politically motivated and, in a tweet, asked why she had not spoken to admirals, generals, the vice president or others in charge "before doing her report", adding "Another Fake Dossier"

Trump may have underestimated the amount of control and power the incompetent dumbo Obama had over people in his current administration....I don't know who this broad Ann Maxwell is -- but she should be getting fired this week....

Trump already had to fire one so-called inspector general watchdog in the past week, I think it is time to fire another so-called inspector general watchdog this week.....this virus has exposed the Deep State democrat operatives in the CDC and now in the Department of Health...

"The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services inspector general surveyed 323 hospitals from March 23-27 and concluded they had insufficient capacity to handle the surge of coronavirus patients. " <<-- Clearly a lie.....

"Trump implied the inspector general was politically motivated and, in a tweet, asked why she had not spoken to admirals, generals, the vice president or others in charge "before doing her report", adding "Another Fake Dossier"

Trump may have underestimated the amount of control and power the incompetent dumbo Obama had over people in his current administration....I don't know who this broad Ann Maxwell is -- but she should be getting fired this week....
Yup because that's what you do in the United States. Whenever information is not in line with the chief executives spin firing is what you should do. That's not at all like they do in banana republics.
And now this!
And Trump replaces the stimulus General Inspector with a Trump crony.
He fires honest people and replaces them with sleaze balls who are fanatically loyal to Trump only.
The United States of America is being lead by a dictatorship who happens to be crooked and a huge danger to this country.
Have no fear, the traitorous Little Trumpsters are creaming in their pants!
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